Spiritual Psychic with Sara Wiseman

Are you an intuitive, empath, sensitive or seeker who wants to learn more? We offer an incredibly deep dive into the study of spiritual intuition, and are a supportive, inclusive community for kindred souls. Whether you're new to this work or have been doing it for many lifetimes, you are most welcome here! Join Sara, as we explore all aspects of psychic development, spiritual awakening, soul growth and channeled messages from the Divine.

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
How does intentional compassion help us?
Learn why when we choose compassion as the radical answer, we are shifted instantly and our reality is also shifted.
7 min
How does intentional releasing help us?
Learn why when we release pain and suffering, we are able to live at a much higher level instantly.
7 min
How is every little thing your answer?
Learn why all the signs and synchronicities are important, not just the ones we notice when we are in the midst of psychic gathering.
8 min
What does it mean to read anything?
Learn why when we let go of distractions and Misbeliefs, we can begin to observe everything with direct knowing, and read it in that way.
7 min
What is the benefit of rest and stillness?
Learn how when we intentionally choose to drop out of everything and be still, we are able to receive guidance more clearly from the Universe.
6 min
How do peak experiences change us?
Learn why having peak experiences shift us dramatically and quickly, because they give us a glimpse of a new reality.
6 min
Is sex sacred?
Learn why intimacy is one of the most powerful ways we can share consciousness with another person.
6 min
What is the relationship between music and cons...
Learn why music is a language that we understand not just as sound or vibration, but as emotion—and this creates shifts in us.
6 min
What is the relationship between nature and con...
Learn why nature has a unique way of shifting us into greater awareness, and it happens nearly instantaneously.
6 min
What does meditation do, anyway?
Learn why any kind of meditation—even a simple practice—will help you become instantly more awake and aware.
5 min
How does becoming aware create more awareness?
Learn why even a small amount of opening to the Universe is like the key in the lock—the door swings fully open.
5 min
How do the events that happen in our lives guid...
Learn why the events we experience are not random in any way, but are nudges from a benevolent Universe.
6 min
How do our feelings inform us?
Learn why our emotions are not irrational or unreliable, but are clear indicators of our heart’s truth.
7 min
How do psychic messages serve us?
Learn why the Universe is very direct at sending us telepathic messages or messages in language, when we are open to them.
5 min
How do psychic visions serve us?
Learn why it’s very easy to learn to see guiding visions in our mind’s eye, and this information can help us in our lives.
6 min
What is the false psychic path?
Learn why psychic tricks can lead to fame, power and wealth, but that isn’t the point of them at all.
6 min
What are our psychic windows?
Learn why we have the ability to open ourselves psychically and spiritually at any time, and all we have to do is ask.
6 min
What does vibration tell us?
Learn why we think we have to be a in a false state of positivity all the time, but in reality, peacefulness and expansion are more sustaining.
6 min
How we can communicate with the Universe?
Learn why it’s common for us to talk to the Universe—but the key is to understand the that Universe answers back.
10 min
What does having direct connection mean?
Learn why you cannot be separate from God, because you are God yourself—and how this understanding changes you.
5 min
Can we connect with the Universe on our own?
Learn why there is no middleman required to have direct connection with the Guides or the Angels—with any aspect of the Universe.
6 min
How are spirituality and intuition related?
Learn why becoming spiritual makes you intuitive, and becoming intuitive opens your spiritual understanding.
5 min
What does it mean to live from your soul?
Learn why the soul is the only correct leader of you and your life, and why this makes all the difference in your everyday life.
6 min
What does it mean to walk the Mystery?
Learn why we are not meant to have a pre-ordained map of what is next, but rather to seek the flow of the Universe.
6 min
How does failure help us grow?
Learn why failure isn’t a bad thing at all, but rather a marker of who we are in a moment of time—and a great revealer of our soul lessons.
8 min