Spiritual Psychic with Sara Wiseman

Are you an intuitive, empath, sensitive or seeker who wants to learn more? We offer an incredibly deep dive into the study of spiritual intuition, and are a supportive, inclusive community for kindred souls. Whether you're new to this work or have been doing it for many lifetimes, you are most welcome here! Join Sara, as we explore all aspects of psychic development, spiritual awakening, soul growth and channeled messages from the Divine.

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
The secret to manifesting
Learn why law of attraction has evolved, and the old way of attracting something to you has evolved into something much more powerful.
6 min
Everything will be okay
Learn why anxiety is a misbelief or a misunderstanding, and that when you understand yourself as infinite soul, fear dissipates.
6 min
Let go from a grudge
Learn why when we are angry it is because we feel separate, and when we look at the root we can shift our understanding.
6 min
Joy is a gift
Learn why a moment of joy is a gift from the Universe, and why these gifts bring meaning to our lives.
6 min
Allow grief
Learn why we all have wounds, and when we allow ourselves to grieve we are able to heal.
6 min
Waves of emotion
Learn why emotions continually are arriving as either building or receding waves, and why it is useful for us to know where we are on the wave.
7 min
Let go to let in
Learn why letting go creates room for what is manifesting into your reality, and this is a normal part of the cycle of releasing and moving toward.
6 min
Rest is required
Learn why rest is part of the energetic cycle of activity and respite, and why being is as important as doing.
7 min
Rest is required
Learn why rest is part of the energetic cycle of activity and respite, and why being is as important as doing.
7 min
Layers and levels
Learn why when we accept that we are multi dimensional beings, we find that we are able to travel in multiple dimensions.
6 min
Flow always flow
Learn why we are always in a state of movement or change, even when this seems to be going very slowly.
6 min
Nothing needs fixing.
Learn why we are not here to fix each other—even when we are certain we know what is best for someone, each soul must find their own way.
6 min
Pride is hollow.
Learn why we do not accomplish or succeed on our own—our success is always created by a Universe leading us to our destiny.
6 min
Live in surrender
Learn why allowing the Universe to guide us is a much more powerful choice than trying to control things from our ego.
6 min
Chaos means change
Learn why when we notice chaos around us, this is a sign that change has come—nothing will be the same.
7 min
Trust your vision
Learn why the visions we receive in meditations and dreams offer pure guidance, and our best option is to trust these visions.
7 min
The two-pronged path
Learn why sometimes we are led to a choice is neutral—no decision is better than another—and this is a good sign.
6 min
The power of saying no
Learn why the fast way to flow is to disengage from what’s not our true calling.
6 min
Body wisdom
Learn why the body advises us on the true emotional, energetic and spiritual nature of all things.
7 min
All decisions are right decisions
Learn why even “bad” or wrong decisions lead us to the exact soul lessons we need.
7 min
Return to center
Learn why polarized thinking gets us stuck, and finding center helps us flow.
6 min
Follow your own map
Learn how to make sure you’re following your true calling.
6 min
Can we really predict the future?
Learn why visioning what’s ahead helps us stay on our soul path.
7 min
Is anger an important emotion?
Learn why anger is a feeling that arrives from ego, and how to work around it.
6 min
Is the Universe trying to get your attention?
Learn why the Universe is always leading us, and how to learn to read the signs.
8 min