The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

Fighting PR's (Unfairly) Negative Reputation
Business leaders need to change their thinking around the value of communications. There are a lot of erroneous perceptions (some of them pretty mean!) about PR, and we need to combat them! Gini Dietrich is talking about how on this episode of the Spin Sucks podcast.
8 min
This is not a PR Crisis
When organizations have public mishaps, it's often blamed on faulty PR - and the thinking goes that if you fix the communications problem, and a future free of damning press scrutiny awaits.
10 min
Your Employees Aren't an Afterthought
If 2020 taught us anything, it was that everyone has been re-examining the brands we buy from, for, invest in, work for and otherwise support. Issues of morale, engagement and culture are more important than other, and that means a new emphasis on internal communications.
8 min
Using Robots to Communicate?
How much can AI really do for us? There are tool and services available now that are offering some pretty impressive AI generated materials - but they're not quite ready to replace us yet.
8 min
What's Going On In the Communications Industry?
The JOTW Strategic Comms Strategy Survey has recently been released, which analyzes what is going on in the communications industry, and as you might suspect, there are some challenges that communicators are facing.
12 min
This is Not the Spokesperson You're Looking For
As much as we might like to trust who we meet, watch and read - there are people and companies out there using fake personas to handle their outward facing communications.
9 min
The Top Challenges Communicators Face
On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast Gini Dietrich breaks down the results from a recent survey conducted by MuckRack about the challenges that the PR industry is facing.
7 min
7 Ways to Succeed at Blogging
If you're starting a corporate blog, you need it to start producing results as quickly as possible, but that's no easy feat. Blogs can be one of the most challenging projects communicators take on.
8 min
Ragan Communications Benchmark Report 2021 Edit...
Our role has become more essential as we helped keep organizations focused and moving forward, and the Ragan Report Supports that finding.
9 min
Protecting Your IP and Your Relationships
As a communicator, you need to be able to stand up to yourself—on everything from boundaries and your personal time to protecting your ideas and intellectual property.
10 min
"Out of an Abundance of Caution..."
If the pandemic has taught us anything about business, it's that communications expertise is not just necessary, it's imperative. Gini Dietrich explains why in this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast episode.
9 min
What to do When You're Waffling
If you're waffling on a decision, or you feel like there are important reasons to say yes to something you're not wildly enthusiastic about, there are really good reasons to maintain your boundaries and priorities and say no.
8 min
Replay: How to do Your Own Professional Develop...
You can tell things are starting to get back to normal when your small child brings a run-of-the-mill cold home from school. So today, please enjoy this popular episode from 2019 about doing your own professional development, so you can stay up to date with what's happening in your industry. Gini Dietrich will be back next week with a new episode!
15 min
Navigating the Covid Fog
Things are getting better in the world, but the covid-fog doesn't seem to be lifting; people are still bone tired. Gini Dietrich is one of them, and on today's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, she's talking about strategies for dealing with it.
7 min
The Goldilocks New Business Strategy
On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich discusses the Goldilocks Principle when it comes to new business efforts.
8 min
Different Services, Different Price Points, Dif...
It's hard to scale a business offering just on thing at one price point, so in this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is sharing 8 different pricing models that you can use to diversify your offerings and serve a broader range of people.
13 min
Give Journalists What They Want
One Pitch released a survey of journalists because they thought that other reports didn't sufficiently address what journalists really want and the tactics for pitching them effectively. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich discusses what that new survey reveals.
8 min
Fighting Cognitive Biases in Your Communications
It is important for communicators to understand how our cognitive biases affect the messages we're sending to our different audiences. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about empathy and compassion in our communications.
9 min
Replay: Diversifying Your Revenue Sources
The last week has been Spring Break in Chicago, so instead of a new episode, Gini Dietrich is sharing the most popular show of 2019, all about the different ways you can make money on the side of your traditional salary as an employee or income as a business owner.
15 min
Not your Grandpa's Crisis Communications...
What's real, what needs attention, what is attention-getting, and how does one handle a crisis when it's made out of thin air? That's what Gini Dietrich explores on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
9 min
The State of Journalism In 2021
Journalism is one of the industries that has been thrown on its head because of COVID-19. In this episode of the Spin Sucks podcast, Gini Dietrich talks about the changes journalism professionals have seen, what they're doing about it, and what it means for you.
9 min
The Value in Communicating Your Values
One of the biggest changes in communications is the way companies are talking about their values, and what customers are beginning to expect from the brands they use.
16 min
Choose to Challenge Inequality
The theme of International Women's day this year is Women in Leadership - and that's a topic that can't be understimated in importance.
10 min
Tracking Down Elusive Communications Measurements
In the communications industry, we don't have a uniform way to measure what we do, which causes confusion about everything from what we should be measuring in the first place, to what kind of goals and objectives make the most sense to try and measure, and how to communicate it all to teams, leadership and boards.
12 min
What is shadowbanning and what do you do if it ...
What's more common than an outright ban on social media? A shadowban. Gini Dietrich is going to be sharing what that is, and what to do if it happens to you or one of your clients on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
8 min