Spare Time Bowling

The Spare/Time Bowling Show podcast is hosted by Steve "Sparky" Fifer, Dwight Albrecht, and Phil Brylow. This show is highly focused on the PBA Tour week to week with interviews from your favorite bowlers. A highly opinionated show that will have you wanting to listen to every single podcast 

Is PBA LBC Tournament A Threat to USBC? | Spare...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST Jeff Richgels of to discuss the new PBA LBC Tournament being held at Bowlero in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
2 min
The State Of Local Bowling | Spare/Time Bowling...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST bowling proprietor Dan Gnadt to discuss the three different bowling alleys he owns and operates
31 min
Different Ways To Increase Revenue For Bowling ...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST bowling proprietor Dan Gnadt to discuss increasing revenue outside of people bowling and the importance of a good food program
3 min
How Do You Attract Younger Bowlers? | Spare/Tim...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST bowling proprietor Dan Gnadt to discuss how Dan is attracting younger bowlers
2 min
How Hard Is Getting Financing For a Bowling Cen...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST bowling proprietor Dan Gnadt as he describes trying to get financing for his 1st of 3 bowling centers
1 min
Strikes Galore At PBA Super Slam | Spare/Time B...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the 2 day TV format for PBA Super Slam and match by match discussion of Sunday's matches,
41 min
"Nuke" Slays Another At PBA Super Slam | Spare/...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the rise of "Nuke" Kevin McCune as he slays another in Anthony Simonsen
4 min
Players Wearing Mics And The Impact Of It On PB...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the impact of players wearing mics on PBA Tour over the course of time
4 min
Strikes The Theme Of Weekend Starting In 1st Ma...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer talk about the high amount of strikes from the PBA Super Slam Cup matches and the history of the lanes being bowled on
1 min
A Star Is Born At PBA Players Championship? | S...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer recap the 2023 PBA Players Championship, Simonsen not happy with Tom Clark, Jacob Butturff lack of adjustments, and talk of Kevin McCune bieng a star
49 min
Did Jacob Butturff Make Enough Adjustments? | S...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the adjustments made by Jacob Butturff or lack there of during Sunday's Championship matches
5 min
Does Anthony Simonsen Being Mad At The PBA Even...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer talk about the Anthony Simonsen and Tom Clark having a conversation at the PBA Players Championship
3 min
The Five Percent Of Fans That SHOULD NOT MATTER...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the fans aren't happy with tv format from this weekend and the "post game" on Fox after McCune sweeps Butturff
3 min
PBA Players Championship 1st Weekend Recap | Sp...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss tv play by play announcers filling in for Rob Stone, race to 2 and roll offs and pocket 7-10 splits
38 min
Sparky's Idea On How To Replace PBA Play-By-Pla...
Steve "Sparky" Fifer tells Dwight Albrecht and Phil Brylow his idea of how to replace PBA play by play announcer Rob Stone when he is off the broadcast
2 min
The Race To Two, Roll Offs, And PBA TV contract...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss The Race to two format with roll-offs and the role of tv broadcasts
1 min
What's The Deal With The Pocket Seven Ten Split...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the soul crushing seven ten splits from over the weekend on the PBA televised shows
1 min
PBA Of Today vs PBA Of Yesterday | Spare/Time B...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the bowlers of today versus those of earlier times, PWBA and lack of exposure, and the future of string pin setters at bowling alleys.
41 min
Pin String Setters The Future Of Bowling? | Spa...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss strng pin setters and why the need for them might exist in bowling centers
1 min
Variables In Today's PBA Tour Versus Years Ago ...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the different variable in today's PBA Tour versus from decades ago
1 min
How Would Players From Past Compete In Today's ...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the players of yesterday and if how they would do in today's PBA Tour
1 min
What just happened at PBA's World Series of Bow...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer recap the World Series of Bowling. Topics include, 3 gutter balls and 2 fouls in the same game, talking yourself into being bad before you start, basketball shoes instead of bowling shoes, EJ Tackett gets over the hump and Anthony Simonsen helping Belmonte?
41 min
AJ Johnson vs Jacob Butruff fiasco of a match |...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the mess of a match between AJ Johnson and Jacob Butruff that featured 3 gutter balls and 2 foul violations.
5 min
Say NO to BJ!! | Spare/Time Bowling Show
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss sending PBA bowler B.J. Moore to do local tv interview in Milwaukee
5 min
PBA World Series of Bowling: USA vs World | Spa...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of recap the World Series of Bowling USA vs the World shows from the weekend and preview the animal pattern tv shows this week
41 min