Spare Time Bowling

The Spare/Time Bowling Show podcast is hosted by Steve "Sparky" Fifer, Dwight Albrecht, and Phil Brylow. This show is highly focused on the PBA Tour week to week with interviews from your favorite bowlers. A highly opinionated show that will have you wanting to listen to every single podcast 

World Bowling League? The LIV Of Bowling? | Spa...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of discuss the new World Bowling League that is being started in the future. Is it like LIV for the PGA tour? How does it succeed? Are they being realistic?
38 min
SPECIAL GUEST: Scott Wilbur - The President Of...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by the President of MOTIV bowling Scott Wilbur. The guys talk about how it all started, getting the balls distributed, landing PBA Bowlers and the key person involved, and the future of bowling ball technology.
43 min
Snickers Waco Wonders SHOCK THE WORLD To Win PB...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer recap the 2023 PBA League and Sparky has ideas of how to make it better for the PBA Tour going forward.
36 min
Special Guest: PBA Bowler AJ Johnson The Winner...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Bowler AJ Johnson who discusses his journey to the PBA Tour, the ups and downs of the tour, state of the PBA today vs a decade ago, and a look ahead to the PBA League
38 min
Pete Weber To Bowl U.S. Open In 2024? | Spare/T...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the path for Pete Weber to bowl in the 2024 US Open, the importance of him bowling in it, Bowling Heaven in Portlan Maine and the lack of parking for PBA League play, and AJ Johnson winning the Lucky Larsen tournament.
31 min
Which PBA League Rookie Will Be The Best This Y...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of disuss the upcoming PBA League at the end of September and discuss which rookie will be the best.
6 min
Parker Bohn III Leading The Way For The Next Ge...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the Parker Bohn III youth tournament he had over the weekend and that leads into an unexpected conversation about the next big thing for bowling around the country
42 min
PBA Tour Star Bowler Kyle Troup | Spare/Time Bo...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Tour bowler Kyle Troup joins the show to talk about his cruise coming up starting on New Years Eve featuring a bowling tournament on the ship, his year on tour, the upcoming PBA League play, and find out why Sparky say Kyle Troup is Beyonce.
33 min
Kyle Troup On Growing Popularity Of PBA Tour An...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Tour bowler Kyle Troup who discusses the growing popularity of the PBA Tour and himself
7 min
Time To Go Cruising With PBA Tour Bowler Kyle T...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Tour bowler Kyle Troup who talks about the cruise he will be a part of that fans can be a part of as well including bowling in a tournament on the cruise ship!
3 min
It's Good To Be Pete Weber | Spare/Time Bowling...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss three recent stories about bowling legend Pete Weber. You won't want to miss this!!
8 min
NEW PBA TV Rights Deal With Fox Sports | Spare/...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of discuss the new PBA tv rights deal with Fox Sports and future sponsorship deals
8 min
PBA And Fox Sports Have NEW 2 Year Deal | Spare...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the NEW Fox Sports TV deal with the PBA Tour deal, streaming, the lastest on Pete Weber, and have bowling bowls become too complicated
41 min
Are Bowling Balls Becoming Too Complicated? | S...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the complicated nature of bowling balls and how they are marketed to the average bowler
6 min
Who Makes The Betting Lines For PBA Bowling? | ...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST Steve Bulanda of to discuss gambling and the PBA Tour and who makes the lines.....but it can't be?!
1 min
Betting On The PBA Tour | Spare/Time Bowling Show
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST Steve Bulanda of to discuss gambling and the PBA Tour, who makes the lines and how tough is it to project
7 min
Special Guest Steve Bulanda on PBA Gambling | S...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST Steve Bulanda of to discuss gambling and the PBA Tour, who makes the lines, how tough is it to project, and the latest USBC drama
36 min
Fox TV Contract And PBA Player Bonus Money | Sp...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Hall of Famer Lennie Boresch, Jr and they discuss the Fox TV deal and it's impact on PBA Tour. Plus they discuss bonus money for PBA players now vs years ago.
7 min
Lennie Boresch Jr On LBC Tournament Win In Milw...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST Lennie Boresch Jr as he talks about his LBC win in Milwaukee that now gets to him to Portland, Main in September with a chance to win $60,000. Plus Lennie talks about his favorite places to bowl in the U.S.
6 min
PBA Hall Of Famer Lennie Boresch Jr. | Spare/Ti...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Hall of Famer Lennie Boresch Jr to discuss his year on the PBA50 Tour, bowling through physical issues, the future of bowling pro shops, bonus money for bowlers today vs years ago, and looking ahead to bowling in Portland, Maine for LBC tournament and $60,000 dollars!
41 min
How Does PBA Tour Take Next Step With Streaming...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of discuss the next steps for the PBA Tour to increase revenue and viewership with streaming service
8 min
Fox Bet Issues And Gambling On PBA Tour | Spare...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer discuss the downfall of Fox Bet and what could be next for the PBA Tour
10 min
Streaming And Gambling Questions For PBA Tour |...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer of discuss Fox Bet issues and what it means for PBA Tour, streaming questions and the future for PBA concerning it, and the hot bowling balls and equipment for this season.
44 min
Packy Hanrahan On Call To His Parents After Win...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Bowler Packy Hanrahan as they discuss his call to his parents after winning the PBA Kokomo Classic
1 min
Is The Money Good Enough To Attract Younger Bow...
Dwight Albrecht, Phil Brylow, and Steve "Sparky" Fifer are joined by SPECIAL GUEST PBA Bowler Packy Hanrahan as they discuss if the money has improved enough to attract more younger bowlers to chase their PBA dream
2 min