Simply Write w/ Polly Campbell

Have you always dreamed of writing? Of becoming a published author?

Then you are in the right place, because in this podcast Simply Write, veteran magazine writer and author, Polly Campbell offers the kind of practical, behind-the-screens information and inspiration that will help you shape a writing career.

We'll go deep into writing technique, mindset, markets, pitches, and the other details you'll need to publish your work and we will talk to bestselling authors about how they get their work done and published and how you can do it too.

Join us every Monday when we talk about the craft of writing and the quirks of creating a writer's life.

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How To
Language Learning
272. Healthy Writer, Better Writing
30 min
271. Laura Heffernan Talks the Must-Haves in Co...
26 min
270. Pick a Niche, Publish More
With a writing speciality you'll have more time to write and publish.
29 min
269, Author Tara Laskowski Shares Her Publishin...
She cut 50,000 words, cried and then started again when she realized the original story wasn't working.
31 min
268. Writing Big Emotions
Feelings connect us to characters, but you've got to do more than tell us what they are feeling.
34 min
267. Author, Teacher Rachael Herron Explains Ho...
Ninety-nine percent of the time acclaimed writer Herron says she feels like a fraud while writing, but, she says means you are doing the work.
34 min
266. What Does Professional Mean for Writers?
Raise the standards and elevate your career.
30 min
265. Author Danielle Centoni Talks Food Writin...
Become an expert in your niche to get writing opportunities
36 min
264. Going Deep into the Work
Blocks of uninterrupted writing time are good for us and the work.
31 min
263. Best-Selling Author Amy Stewart Explains H...
Character and tension are important in both forms.
32 min
262. How to Build an Author's Platform
Yep, platforms are still important, but we don't have to make the process so hard.
30 min
260. Writing and Publishing Short Pieces
Short pieces are a good way to compile clips, and make money. Use these techniques to write better shorts.
25 min
259. Ghostwriting with Marcia Layton Turner
This writing niche can be another revenue stream for writers who can take on someone else's tone and voice.
36 min
258. Deliberate Thinking is Important To Good W...
Writing happens in the heart, head, and then, on the page.
33 min
REPLAY 137. Bust Writer's Block
Here's how to make progress on the hard writing days.
28 min
103. The Power of Writing Rituals & Routines -...
Prime your brain to more productive and creative
26 min
257. Agent Amy Collins on What Writers Need to ...
Comp titles must be in your pitch and Collins has a foolproof way to find them.
29 min
256. End of the Year Writer Wrap-Up
These planning and business reminders can help you finish the year strong and prepare your writing business for New Year success.
34 min
255. Strategies to Keep Writing During Busy Times
It's easy to lose focus with so many distractions this time of year, but these tips can help you make progress.
26 min
254. Attorney, Author Sonia Frontera Explains W...
Merge your expertise with your writing passion.
26 min
253. Writer's Envy is Real. Here's How to Manag...
Envious of another writer's success? You are not alone, afterall, writers are people too. Here's how to use those big feelings.
31 min
152. Author Kathy Ramsperger Talks How Journali...
Morning pages and other journaling forms can help writers find new material, solve writing problems, and gain clarity
36 min
151. Break in With Service Articles
:Learn the elements your articles need to get published.
30 min
150. Author Susan Johnston Taylor Talks Writing...
Following your curiosity into diverse writing markets pays dividends.
31 min
149. Writing Through Heartbreak
Writing is a job. Here's how we can manage the most difficult distractions and hit deadline.
30 min