Power Your Parenting: Moms With Teens

Colleen O'Grady, MA. is a speaker, trainer and author of the award-winning and best-selling book Dial Down the Drama: Reduce Conflict and Reconnect with Your Teenage Daughter---A Guide for Mothers Everywhere. Colleen shares her wisdom from twenty-five years of experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist which translates into over 50,000 hours of working with parents and teens. Colleen, known as the parent-teen relationship expert helps you raise the bar of what's possible for the teenage years. Colleen not only knows this professionally she has been a mom in the trenches with her own teenage daughter. You really can improve your relationship with your teen and dial up the joy, peace, and delight at home and work. Every episode is geared to uplift you, give you practical parenting tips that you can apply right away and keep you current on the latest in teen research and trends.

Kids & Family
#037 The Maturity Gap: Why This Frustrates Moms
...and not take things personally!
27 min
#036 Are You Too Hard or Too Soft on Your Teen?
When to Use the Wild Card of Grace
27 min
#035 How to Raise Creative Teens
26 min
#034 Help for Moms with Strong Willed Daughters
26 min
#033 How to Handle the Big Breakup Dial Down th...
Dial Down the “Love” Drama
24 min
#032 What is a Successful Mom?
Who Says?
24 min
#031 Journaling: Connect to Your Inner (Parenti...
Interview with Angela Caughlin
39 min
#030 How to Have the Hard Conversations with Yo...
28 min
#029 Are You a Worried Mom or a Reflective Mom
31 min
#028 Fifteen Minutes a Day Can Change Your Rela...
22 min
#027 How Teens Can Get Parents to Hear Them
Do your teens need better communication skills—especially when they are wanting something from you? In this podcast I interview Laura Lyles Reagan who is a family sociologist with more than 30 years of experience in practical youth development and pare...
28 min
#026 How to Beat Anxiety
Do you feel like you worry about your teen 24/7? Does your son and daughter seem to always be stressed? Ready to dial down the worry and the stress! In this episode I interview Jodi Aman, who has been a psychotherapist for over 20 years. Jodi...
33 min
#025 Embodied Mom: Support your teen in being “...
Has your daughter ever eaten a big bag of Cheetos and then fifteen minutes later run out of the room and screamed, “I’m so fat.” Monitoring teenage girls and their food choices can be tough for moms. You can tell your daughter is struggling with...
36 min
#024 Why You Need A Long-Term Perspective
Why do you need a long-term perspective when parenting a teenager? The answer comes from the final Chapter in my book, Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter. It’s important to remember that we were once teen...
19 min
#023 How to be Your Daughter’s Dream Maker
“How to be your daughter’s (or son’s) dream maker” is a complicated question.  Your daughter or son may not know what they want to be when they grow up. Your son is set to get a scholarship for baseball in college but he decides his...
21 min
#022 How to Recapture Your Life
Have you ever felt like everyone in your family is driving your life? I had one mom tell me, “I feel like I’m my daughter’s personal assistant. I wish I had one!” This episode is the practical “how to’s” on how to recapture your life which...
22 min
#021 What Your Teen Needs to Thrive
What does your son or daughter need to thrive? This is an important question for both you and your teen. The answer is sometimes personal to your own taste, but often it is applicable to all of us. This is especially true for teens. One...
22 min
#020 How to Discipline Your Teen
“You can’t tell me what to do!” Let’s face it disciplining a defiant teen is challenging. Because parents often feel powerless when it’s two hours past curfew,  we can be flooded with a whole array of emotions.
23 min
#019 How Good Moms Become Drama Mamas
How Good Moms Become Drama Mamas is the title of Chapter 8 in my book Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter. In the previous podcast (which comes from Chapter 7) I discuss why teens are hardwired for drama.
20 min
#018 Getting Ready for Finals With Neha Gupta
It’s easy to see why moms and teens can fight more during the month of May. Neha Gupta, Founder of Elite Private Tutors, gives us tips and tricks on surviving the month of May with our overwhelmed, stressed out teens with finals and how to...
35 min
#017 Why Your Teen Is Hardwired for Drama
22 min
#016 How to Like Your Daughter Again
21 min
#015 How to Reclaim Your "I Feel Good " Energy
19 min
#014 Why Your Clarity Matters
21 min
#013 Why Moms and Daughters Can’t Get it Right ...
23 min