Now For Tomorrow with Deepak Chopra

We are living in unprecedented times, when fear must be countered with love and distress with healing. Now for Tomorrow is a podcast to show you how that's possible. To show actions you can do now to make tomorrow better. Each step offers an action to take today to make tomorrow better for yourself, those you love, and the world.  Hosted by Deepak Chopra, each episode contains a short prompt for reflection and contemplation rooted around actions that you can take immediately after listening.

Health & Fitness
Mental Health
Finding Fulfillment
A peculiar thing about modern life is that people don’t make time to be happy, fulfilled, content, joyful, and at peace. There is to be a better way.
7 min
Reimagining Relationships
Today, take a moment to reimagine your relationships with those you have been spending a lot of time with during this crisis.
9 min
Coping with Stress
We use the word “stress” all the time, but people don’t really know how to deal with it, so they stop trying . In normal times we accept that modern life moves fast and brings pressure. In the present crisis, these conditions are exacerbated and affect many more people.
9 min
Overcoming Fear
Sigmund Freud said that anxiety is like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave. You are forced to adapt to its presence. Can you get this unwelcome guest to leave? Yes, you can.
6 min
Improving Your Sleep
Today, take a moment to look at something simple and surprisingly powerful: improving your sleep.
5 min
Finding Self-Empowerment When You Feel Powerless
We think of power as a matter of struggle, competition, and overcoming obstacles. But there’s deeper power in just the opposite.
6 min
Finding Forgiveness
Everyone has times in their lives when it is necessary to forgive or be forgiven, but in the current crisis the need has risen abruptly. Forgiveness is all about releasing yourself from the past so that you can live in the present.
7 min
Introducing Now for Tomorrow with Deepak Chopra
Introducing Now for Tomorrow with Deepak Chopra--a collection of actions you can do now during this time of disruption and crisis to make tomorrow better.
1 min