Now For Tomorrow with Deepak Chopra

We are living in unprecedented times, when fear must be countered with love and distress with healing. Now for Tomorrow is a podcast to show you how that's possible. To show actions you can do now to make tomorrow better. Each step offers an action to take today to make tomorrow better for yourself, those you love, and the world.  Hosted by Deepak Chopra, each episode contains a short prompt for reflection and contemplation rooted around actions that you can take immediately after listening.

Health & Fitness
Mental Health
Introducing: Roughhousing, Part 1: Hell Week
Roughhousing is a groundbreaking new narrative podcast exploring hazing in high school sports today.
21 min
How to Bounce Back Better Than Ever
Everyone’s life has failures, disappointments, and setbacks. What makes a difference is the ability to bounce back from the bad things that come everyone’s way.
7 min
Finding Your Compassionate Heart
"When you are sustained by love and feel compassion for others, your become part of a constant give-and-take, what a physiologist would call a feedback loop, that goes from your heart to every cell in your body and from you to everyone you encounter. "
5 min
Deep Listening
All of us listen with only half our attention, or even none at all.
5 min
Stand, Stretch, and Move
Without guilt you can bring a great benefit to your body by the simple, repeated action of standing up, moving around, and stretching.
5 min
Creating a Purpose
Take a moment to expand your reason for being here, in other words, your purpose.
6 min
Expressing Gratitude
Take a moment to expand your heart through expressing gratitude.
5 min
Handling Your Worries
Take a moment to talk about the best way to handle your worries.
5 min
Charlemagne the God on Leaning Into Uncertainty
Today we welcome a guest: radio and television host and author Charlamagne the God. Charlamagne has wisdom to share with us on how now is the time to lean into uncertainty and experience the freedom of not knowing.
9 min
Overcoming Fear
Sigmund Freud said that anxiety is like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave. You are forced to adapt to its presence. Can you get this unwelcome guest to leave? Yes, you can.
6 min
Dr. Michael Gervais on Morning Mindset Routines
Today we welcome a guest: Doctor Michael Gervais. Dr. Gervais will show us how to establish a morning mindset routine.
6 min
Coping with Stress
We use the word “stress” all the time, but people don’t really know how to deal with it, so they stop trying.
9 min
Finding Self-Empowerment When You Feel Powerless
We think of power as a matter of struggle, competition, and overcoming obstacles. But there’s deeper power in just the opposite.
6 min
Improve Your Sleep
We think of power as a matter of struggle, competition, and overcoming obstacles. But there’s deeper power in just the opposite.
5 min
Lewis Howes on Evenings Routines
Today we welcome a guest: Lewis Howes of the School of Greatness podcast.
5 min
The Quickest Way to Make Your Life Better
It’s commonly understood that what you aren’t aware of, you cannot change.
7 min
One Thing Every Relationship Must Have
An ideal relationship is loving and healing.
5 min
How to Settle Your Mind
The ideal state of the mind is alert and yet restful and reflective. Your mind naturally returns to this state if you let it.
5 min
Bring Lightness to Your Body
Today, take a moment to nurture your body by replacing “heaviness” with “lightness.”
4 min
Raising Your Spiritual IQ
Today take a moment to nurture your spirit by focusing on your spiritual I.Q.
6 min
Finding Forgiveness
Forgiveness is all about releasing yourself from the past so that you can live in the present.
7 min
Getting Good at Noticing
We don’t think very much about our ability to notice things.
6 min
Every Relationship Needs Communication
The one thing that bonds a strong relationship is communication. The deeper the communication, the more intimate and free a relationship is, allowing for it to grow stronger over the years.
5 min
Charlamagne tha God on Leaning Into Uncertainy
Today we welcome a guest: radio and television host and author Charlamagne the God. Charlamagne has wisdom to share with us on how now is the time to lean into uncertainty and experience the freedom of not knowing.
9 min
Dr. Michael Gervais on Morning Mindset Routines
Today we welcome a guest: Doctor Michael Gervais. Dr. Gervais will show us how to establish a morning mindset routine.
6 min