Mondo Jazz

This is a jazz world! …all the international jazz you always wanted to hear and nobody ever played for you! Mondo Jazz is dedicated to the proposition that jazz is a language that originated in the US but is now spoken all over the world in various, at times very strong, accents and dialects, which make it a rich resource for rewarding sonic explorations. Needless to say there will be plenty of US jazz on my program, in an attempt to show the continuity that exists between the US and the international jazz scenes.

Joy, Joy and More Joy [Mondo Jazz Ep. 14]
More dopamine-enhancing jazz.
117 min
Joy + Interview with Amir ElSaffar [Mondo Jazz ...
Joy, something that all need more of, especially on days like these with such lousy weather.
123 min
Noirish [Mondo Jazz Ep. 12]
More music that could work well as soundtrack of an imaginary film noir
118 min
Film Noir, a Jazz Investigation (Part 1); Inter...
In search of clues about the key components of Jazz for Noir films
114 min
2018 New Releases and upcoming concerts [Mondo ...
2018 album previews; Swiss, Finnish, and French approaches to jazz.
119 min
2018 Winter Jazz Festival Preview & some 2017 H...
We continue to preview the Winter Jazz Festival lineup
119 min
2018 Winter Jazz Festival Preview & some 2017 H...
The first episode of 2018. A great opportunity to look back at some of the great releases of 2017
119 min
The Gift of Music (Part 2) [Mondo Jazz Ep. 7]
The holiday season continues and so does the music gift-giving.
119 min
The Gift of Music (Part 1) [Mondo Jazz Ep. 6]
Holidays are the season of gift-giving. And music makes the perfect gift.
119 min
On the Road, Fellini & All That Jazz [Mondo Jaz...
The Road. A place that inspires music and inspires to listen to music.
118 min
Orange&Blue [and a glance at NYC's Downtown Jaz...
Interview with The Microscopic Septet, The Jazz Passengers, and the Kamikaze Ground Crew
115 min
Traveling (Part 2) [Mondo Jazz, Ep. 3]
Jazz and Travel, what a natural fit!
114 min
Traveling (Part 1) [Mondo Jazz, Ep. 2]
Jazz and Travel, what a natural fit!
117 min
Walking [Mondo Jazz, Ep. 1]
It’s the first episode, the first steps. So let’s start this show with some music about walking
116 min