Mondo Jazz

This is a jazz world! …all the international jazz you always wanted to hear and nobody ever played for you! Mondo Jazz is dedicated to the proposition that jazz is a language that originated in the US but is now spoken all over the world in various, at times very strong, accents and dialects, which make it a rich resource for rewarding sonic explorations. Needless to say there will be plenty of US jazz on my program, in an attempt to show the continuity that exists between the US and the international jazz scenes.

Tomeka Reid, Ghost Horse, Gerald Cleaver, David...
An exciting perusal of a pile of great new releases and re-relases building jazz bridges between North America and Europe
127 min
Ginger Baker + Youn Sun Nah, Brahja, Junius Pau...
A remembrance of Ginger Baker, and a stash of exciting new releases
125 min
Do the Jazz Shuffle [Mondo Jazz Ep. 87]
This week we have have decided to do the jazz shuffle, and by shuffle we don't mean the jazz rhythm, but the randomized play.
120 min
Jaimie Branch, Kris Davis, Kneebody, The Bad Pl...
September, what a month! The summer is over... But that's also when record labels start churning out some of their best releases...
130 min
The (Jazz) Police [Mondo Jazz Ep. 85]
September 2019 marked the 40th anniversary of "Message in a Bottle", an auspicious opportunity to look back at the seminal work of The Police.
142 min
Michael Mwenso, Uri Caine, Nérija, Tenor Triage...
Two hours of genre-defying, global, music, with a special focus on socially engaged projects.
119 min
Dave Holland, Louis Moholo, Ben Van Gelder, Emm...
A great episode with new, upcoming and reissued gems.
119 min
All-Female Bands Are a Riot! [Mondo Jazz Ep. 82]
Twenty-four bands or projects with not a single man in sight, actually in hearing...
136 min
On Miles' (not so) Silent Way [Mondo Jazz Ep. 81]
This week we celebrate the musical trail blazed by "In a Silent Way" by focusing on musicians that have embraced Miles' electric legacy.
169 min
Jazz on the Moon [Mondo Jazz Ep. 80]
Two hours of jazz inspired by the moon and the desire to cross big divides.
131 min
Michael Leonhart, Enrico Rava, Joe Lovano, Fran...
This week we delve into another stash of really exciting new releases.
136 min
20 Bands You Didn't Know You Can't Live Without...
There is a treasure-trove of jazz gems away from the usual labels, venues, websites... one has just to look around and search for it.
122 min
Jenny Scheinman & Allison Miller, Vincent Peira...
Another week replete with beautiful new releases, and re-releases, from the etheral to the political, both catchy and heart-brakingly gorgeous.
127 min
Paul Bley, Yazz Ahmed, Gianluigi Trovesi, Matth...
Accordion players, saxophists, clarinet and trombone players as well as compelling singers are at the heart of this week's focus on new releases.
119 min
Brandee Younger, Alexi Tuomarila, Fabian Almaza...
From tributes to past masters to new perspectives, from acoustic to electronic.
118 min
Asian-American Jazz & Improv [Mondo Jazz Ep. 74]
Jazz is an art form permeable since its very inception to musical traditions from other continents.
156 min
Björk: Jazz Muse & Hyperballadeer [Mondo Jazz E...
In these two hours we'll check out some of the most intriguing jazz renditions of Björk's work.
144 min
Matt Mitchell Linda May Han Oh Dave Douglas Raj...
From bass players leading cutting edge bands, to ensembles with strings; from electronica-infused projects to tributes to Sun Ra, Count Basie and Oliver Nelson.
126 min
M(ancini)&M(orricone)s for Jazzheads [Mondo Jaz...
This week we focus on the music of two of the most influential composers of film and TV scores of all times.
125 min
Sax Strike - The Sound of Jazz without Saxophon...
What happens to the shape and texture of jazz when you subtract the sax from the equation?
118 min
Kneebody's Perfect [Mondo Jazz Ep. 69]
In less than two decades Kneebody has established itself as reference band of forward-looking musicians.
142 min
Brad Mehldau, Sarah Tandy, Billy Mohler, Wayne ...
A catching-up session with gorgeous new and upcoming releases, featuring tons of fascinating debut albums.
123 min
Jazz Crescendos Galore! [Mondo Jazz Ep. 67]
Two hours of jazz featuring only compositions that start softly and then build up and build up sometimes slowly some times fast, but always inexorably.
139 min
Moaning, Whistling, Sighing and Other Jazz Soun...
This week we explore the jazz side of moaning, sighing, whistling, groaning, humming, grunting, etc.
146 min
Art Ensemble of Chicago, Marilyn Mazur, Echoes ...
New releases keep coming at an exciting place and Mondo Jazz obliges.
157 min