Let's Get Civical

Let’s Get Civical is part civics class and part comedy show. Join Lizzie Stewart and Arden Walentowski as they unpack and repack those political and government structures that have driven us to the cry for help we’re in today. This stuff is confusing and we’ve made it our mission to break it down so we all understand what the FDR is going on. It’s like being in American Government class with your BFFs! But no exams. We promise! Lizzie is an NYC based comedian who performs regularly all over the city and headlines all of her family functions as the "one from New York". Arden is a politics and civics buff who’s worked on local, state, and national campaigns.

News Commentary
Justice Clarence Thomas - SCOTUS Biopic!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden continue their CliffsNotes journey of introductions of Supreme Court Justices as they talk about Justice Clarence Thomas! Join them as they discuss the very few times he’s spoken from the bench, why he feels that Justices shouldn’t ask questions, and talk about the (many) pivotal cases he’s heard during his time on SCOTUS. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
44 min
The Whip - Where’s Darryl?!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden are joined by comedian and host of “I'm Listening : A Frasier Podcast” Anita Flores to talk about the job of the Whip! Join them as they talk about the history of the job, just how many are there, and just what exactly a Whip does
58 min
Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg - The Indivisible...
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden are joined by Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg from the Indivisible Project! Join them as Ezra and Leah talk about their new book We Are Indivisible: A Blueprint for Democracy After Trump, what’s it’s like to ignite a grassroots movement, and important things to remember about the 2020 elections! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
42 min
Diplomats 101- Motivated Individuals Only!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden are joined by comedian Katie Compa to talk about the ins and outs of being a U.S. Diplomat! Join them as they break down the various positions that are under the umbrella of a Diplomat, famous diplomats in our history, and what the correct pronunciation of envoy is! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
54 min
Visiting the Supreme Court!
In this mini episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden are joined by More Banana producer Cait Moldenhauer to talk about their experience visiting the Supreme Court of the United States! Join them as they talk about what it was like to wait in line to hear oral arguments, what it was like to see the Justices in action, and all the tips and tricks to know when planning your own trip to SCOTUS! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
22 min
Muftiah McCartin - Office of the House Parliame...
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden interview interview Muftiah McCartin who spent almost 30 years in the Office of the House Parliamentarian. Join them as they talk about what exactly a parliamentarian does, how the office works, and why scrapbooking takes on an entirely different meaning! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
45 min
Visiting the U.S. Capitol!
In this mini episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden talk about their experience visiting the U.S. Capitol! Join them as they recount their tour of the Capitol, discuss what it was like to visit the gallery of the House of Representatives, and relive the moment they stumbled across Nancy Pelosi! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
23 min
Interview with Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41) ...
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden interview Congressman Mark Takano from California’s 41st district. Join them as they talk about the Fair Labor Standards Act, holding out hope for Texas, and the Congressman's proposed Restoring Overtime Pay Act! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
32 min
U.S. Currency - E pluribus unum!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden cash in on the many fun facts about our currency! Join them as they unpack the history of our currency, how all of our money is made, and all the very impressive ways our government makes sure we can’t counterfeit it!
55 min
Justice Sonia Sotomayor - SCOTUS Biopic!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden continue their journey of informal introductions of Supreme Court Justices by taking a look at the Mother of Dragons, Sonia Sotomayor! Join them as they unpack how she saved Major League Baseball, her remarkable journey to the Supreme Court, and why we think trumpets should play when she walks into the room. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
47 min
Our Uniformed Forces - Don’t Be So Petty
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden tackle the collective uniformed forces of the United States. Join them as they talk about the military versus the armed forces, the ranks within the branches, and discover just what exactly a platoon is.
44 min
Articles of Confederation - Part 2- In Congress...
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden take on part 2 of their Articles of Confederation journey! Join them as the comb through each article, unpack their meaning, and discover how pirates plagued our young nation.
56 min
4 min
Articles of Confederation - Part 1 - Our Perpet...
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden embark on a two-part journey of the Articles of Confederation! Join them as they talk about who wrote the Articles, why they were written and how Maryland almost got left behind! And don’t forget to tune in next week for Part 2! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
52 min
Justice Neil Gorsuch- SCOTUS Biopic!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden continue their journey of informal introductions of Supreme Court Justices by taking a look at fly fisher, Neil Gorsuch! Join us as we unpack his journey to the Supreme Court, his most exciting case decisions, and the most irrelevant fun facts about Neil Gorsuch. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
50 min
Masterpiece Cakeshop VS Colorado Civil Rights C...
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden are joined by ex-nun and comedian Kelli Dunham to tackle the infamous Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court case! Join them as they go through the facts of the case, the arguments of each side, and how no one (not even the justices) can agree on any of it! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
57 min
The History of the US Capital- Nevermind the Ro...
55 min
The 21st Amendment- Drink Sensibly!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden welcome back Amanda Hunt, creator and star of Monica Lewinsky Sings Your Heart Out. Join them for part two of the prohibition amendments as they unpack the 21st Amendment and talk about why national sentiment toward prohibition changed, how the gangsters filled the alcohol void, and whether or not prohibition achieved its goals. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
52 min
Justice Elena Kagan- SCOTUS Biopic!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden continue their journey of informal introductions of Supreme Court Justices by taking a look at the VERY OVERQUALIFIED, Elena Kagan! Join us as we unpack her unusual journey to the Supreme Court, the significant cases she’s been apart of, and how she might be the quirkiest of all the Justices. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
46 min
The 18th Amendment- Hold My Beer!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden are joined by Amanda Hunt, creator and star of Monica Lewinsky Sings Your Heart Out. Join them as they unpack the 18th Amendment and as they talk about the origins of the infamous prohibition amendment, who the major players were, and why, in retrospect, America definitely needed to sober up. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
52 min
State of the Union - It Is Strong!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden talk about the State of the Union! Well, the annual message that has been delivered to the Congress since the beginning of the United States! Join Lizzie and Arden as they talk about the evolution of the State of the Union, famous speeches, and - of course- fun facts!
44 min
Chief Justice John Roberts - SCOTUS Biopic!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden bring you an informal introduction to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Join them as they talk about his early work as a clerk, the number of Presidents he’s served, and the important cases he’s had a hand in deciding.
48 min
International Relations - It’s Jan Astin!
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden talk about the topic of International Relations. Join them as they talk about the different ways to look at international norms and relations, why countries even want to have nuclear weapons, and why countries like to impress each other. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
54 min
The Office of the Vice President - The Spare Heir
In this episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden break down the Office of the Vice President of the United States. Join them as they talk about why this used to be the most undesirable position in DC, how they’re chosen, and how the position has changed over time. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
45 min
The Presidential Cabinet- The Sequel
In this mini episode of Let’s Get Civical, Lizzie and Arden do their first of what will probably be many updates on the Presidential Cabinet! Join them as they talk about who has stood the test of time, who we have lost, and how it’s unlike any presidential cabinet in history. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @letsgetcivical, @lizzie_the_rock_stewart, and @ardenjulianna. Or visit us at letsgetcivical.com for all the exciting updates!
26 min