Let's Get Civical

Let’s Get Civical is part civics class and part comedy show. Join Lizzie Stewart and Arden Walentowski as they unpack and repack those political and government structures that have driven us to the cry for help we’re in today. This stuff is confusing and we’ve made it our mission to break it down so we all understand what the FDR is going on. It’s like being in American Government class with your BFFs! But no exams. We promise! Lizzie is an NYC based comedian who performs regularly all over the city and headlines all of her family functions as the "one from New York". Arden is a politics and civics buff who’s worked on local, state, and national campaigns.

News Commentary
The Empire State Building - An NYC Icon!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden examine one of the modern architectural wonders of the world, The Empire State Building!
36 min
The Glass-Steagall Act - Bring it Back!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden continue their New Deal series by examining the infamous Glass-Steagall Act!
30 min
The Medal of Honor - For the Heroes!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden examine the history of the Medal of Honor!
32 min
Furman v Georgia - Abolish the Death Penalty!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden dive into the landmark SCOTUS case, Furman v Georgia!
36 min
The History of the Pride Flag - Always Evolving!
20 min
Miranda v. Arizona - Just Say It!
39 min
The Salem Witch Trials - All About Jealousy!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden examine the infamous Salem Witch Trials!
33 min
The Constitutional Convention - A Gut Reno!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden explore the iconic Constitutional Convention!
28 min
The History of the Draft - Calling All Young Men!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden dive into the infamous and divisive history of the military draft!
38 min
The History of the Brooklyn Bridge - Thank God ...
25 min
The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Where Did They Go?!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the mysterious disappearance of the Lost Colony of Roanoke!
29 min
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - The Boys Who Cr...
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the infamous Gulf of Tonkin Resolution!
38 min
The Donner Party - Don’t Test Mother Nature!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the disturbing events that occurred with the infamous Donner Party!
35 min
The United States Geological Survey - It’s More...
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the incredibly important agency, the US Geological Survey!
31 min
The Pacific Railway Act of 1862 - East Meets We...
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the groundbreaking Pacific Railway Act of 1862!
27 min
Roper v Simmons - Hello Eighth Amendment!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the landmark Supreme Court case, Roper v Simmons!
38 min
April Fool’s Day - Be Silly, Not Mean!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden examine the mysterious origins of April Fool’s Day!
26 min
The Exxon Valdez - Don’t Drink and Drive!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the disaster that was the Exxon Valdez oil spill!
40 min
The Equal Rights Amendment - This Protects You ...
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the rise and fall and rise again of the Equal Rights Amendment!
34 min
FDR’s Fireside Chats - My Friends!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden examine the infamous fireside chats of Franklin D. Roosevelt!
34 min
The Freedmen's Bureau - Necessary!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden dive into the history and legacy of the Freedmen’s Bureau!
44 min
Hustler Magazine, Inc v Falwell - A Unanimous D...
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden examine the landmark Supreme Court case, Hustler Magazine, Inc V Falwell!
40 min
The Centralia Mine Fire - Don’t Burn the Trash!
35 min
The French & Indian War - Bad Dress, Good Show!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden explore the often forgotten French & Indian War!
36 min
Medgar Evers - A Civil Rights Hero!
In this week’s episode, Lizzie and Arden discuss the prolific life and tragic death of civil rights icon, Medgar Evers!
26 min