Jen Gotch is OK...Sometimes

Hi. I’m Jen Gotch and this is my podcast. It’s kinda weird, and original, and funny and honest just like me. Each week I’m gonna get in your ear, tell you about my fears, my pain, my triumphs and hopefully in the process help you become more self aware, build your own emotional intelligence and more than anything else FEEL LESS ALONE. Please subscribe and leave a nice review with all the stars; my parents are checking them every day and I really don’t want to let them down.

Society & Culture
Personal Journals
Health & Fitness
Some News For You
I have some news just for you!
3 min
How To Be Your Best Self in 2019
Let’s think of this episode as "Jen’s helpful hints on how you can feel your best in 2019."
44 min
Meet The Parents
Hear the best of my parents, Dr. Jamie and The Amazing Saerina!
32 min
Inside Anxiety
Today I'm going to take you on a journey—a trip, or even a voyage. OK fine, we are actually going inside one of my anxiety attacks.
24 min
How To Be Resilient
Learn tools to become more resilient!
35 min
Travel Anxiety: A Helpful Update
In this episode, I'll recap the origins of my anxiety, some examples of how it rears its ugly head, and finally, how I managed to succeed in dealing with it—almost flawlessly—on a recent trip.
31 min
What I've Learned About Business, Part Two
I’ll share tips on management, hiring, and organization—and I'll tell you more about the importance of intention and transparency in your work
39 min
What I've Learned About Business, Part One
This episode will give business advice for those in the early stages/years of a startup or small business.
43 min
How To Find Joy
This is an episode about how to find joy and the difference between happiness and joy,
26 min
An Advice Column Of Sorts
I’m going to answer a bunch of your questions about all things work-related: career, business growth, pursuing your passions, and professional success alongside mental health struggles.
46 min
Books I Love That You Might Love Too (Chapter 1)
If you’re looking to enhance your personal growth, open your mind, or create more positive opportunities in your life, these books will be great tools for you.
40 min
How I Got Better (After Hitting My Lowest Low)
If you’re in a low place and need some guidance on how to find your way back to yourself, definitely give this episode a listen!
35 min
In Progress: An Imperfect Journey, Navigated
The best and brightest female entrepreneurs, creatives, and founders get really real with host Noor Tagouri when it comes to nurturing self-development and well-being in a bustling, always-on world. This podcast presented in partnership with TUMI.
0 min
Inside Depression, Part Two
On last week’s episode of JGOK, i took you inside my depression. This week i thought i would give you some more pointed information on depression - the different types, the symptoms and some ways to identify and work through the issue.
36 min
Inside Depression
This week, I wanted to share something a bit more intimate (if that's even possible) and take you inside my depression. And then, next week I'll follow up with a full, incredibly useful episode explaining everything I know about dealing with depression.
24 min
Conquering The Creative Block
Have you ever had a creative block? Yeah, me too—they are the worst. In this episode I offer solutions to get to the root of creative blocks, outline some reasons why we get them, and of course, offer some ways to get past them.
38 min
I Cry At Work
Welcome to an episode about having emotions in the workplace—also known as crying at work. As a C-level work crier, I wanted to share some of my most emotional experiences with you.
30 min
Let's Deal With This Anxiety
In this episode, I am going to talk about my good buddy, anxiety. I'll share some tips on how to manage it. If you’re suffering from anxiety (and 40 million of us are), this one's for you!
32 min
Are We Addicted To Social Media?
Alright, here it is, the "Everybody quit social media right now!" episode. Not really, but at the least, I want us all to become aware of how and when we use social media and identify what our intentions are when we use it.
45 min
All About Therapy
This episode is dedicated one of the topics I get the most requests for: THERAPY. In case you're not aware, therapy is a great way to invest in your mental health and personal development. And YOU are absolutely worth that investment!
30 min
Medication: Friend or Foe?
Going on medication for a mental health issue is a big step and a huge responsibility. I want to use this episode to give you insight and know-how to help get to the right medication faster (with your doc).
38 min
Building Ban.Do: The REAL Story
In this episode I’m going to tell you how my team and I built from the ground up—with no prior business knowledge. Maybe that’s not something to brag about, but it is actually done, more often than you think
39 min
Lost in Pasta: Adventures in EMOTIONAL Eating
As kids, we are given food to soothe us, reward us and celebrate happy occasions. So, of course, we use food as a drug. If you're struggling with bad eating habits and consider McD's fries a stronger, more satisfying high than cocaine, please listen.
39 min
How to Feel Better RIGHT NOW
You can suffer from mental illness and still maintain good mental health. That’s not to say that every day is going to be amazing; after all, we need bad days to recognize the good ones. There are a ton of things you can do to begin to feel better.
52 min
Travel Anxiety and My Fear of the Overhead Bin
So, this is an “in the moment” episode that i recorded at the beginning of April after having several bouts of severe travel anxiety. If the thought of travel excites you, but also simultaneously paralyzes you with fear, this one's for you.
34 min