Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey

Truth and facts are what viewers can expect from ‘Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey.’ On the show, Dr. Richey delivers a heavy dose of fact-based truth with all his signature passion and insight. Every day Dr. Richey comments on the top news stories about criminal justice, social justice, policy and racism and welcomes a Conservative into 'The Bullpen' for a fiery debate.

Cawthorn: You Call That a Knife?
A Rosa Parks book is banned in a Pennsylvania district and students are fighting back. A Black police chief faces intense criticism for pushing to reform his police department. Cawthorn brings a knife to a school and much more.Co-host: Wosny Lambre
50 min
The Bullpen: Are School Mask Mandates Effective?
Shelley Wynter returns to the the BULLPEN to debate mask mandates in school systems, the COVID vaccine and Ivermectin.Debate Guest: Shelley Wynter
21 min
Anti-Vaxxers, Covid-Deniers and Bears, Oh My!
A Covid-Denier convinces a sick man to leave hospital in Ireland. Anti-masker male ‘Karen’ yells at workers at an Apple store. A healthcare worker is fired for not being vaccinated but refuses to leave the workplace and much moreCo-host: Jackson White
50 min
Down Goes Elder
Dave Spencer and Dr. Richey debate and analyze the aftermath of the California Recall election.Debate Guest: Dave Spencer
22 min
Nina Turner is Indisputable
A prison guard commits a racist assault on a bank manager who asked him to wear a mask. The Aurora police found a pattern of racial bias after investigation. Roger Stone is served papers during a radio interview and much more.Co-host: Sen. Nina Turner
50 min
Are Biden's Vaccine Mandates Practical?
Dr. Richey debates with Brad Polumbo on Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate and rather or not its practical for businesses able to comply with it.Debate Guest: Brad Polumbo
16 min
Liar Tucker Pants on Fire
Tucker Carlson admits to sometimes lying on his show. Philadelphia will pay $2 million to Black woman beaten by officers during a protest. Dr. Fauci had to debunk Nicki Minaj's tweet on CNN and much more.Co-host: Dr. Jonathan Metzl
50 min
The Bullpen: Nobody is a Victim of CRT w/ Chris...
Christian Watson, conservative podcast host, enters The Bullpen to discuss critical race theory with Dr. Rashad RicheyHost: Dr. Rashad RicheyDebate Guest: Christian Watson
26 min
Afghanistan Withdrawal
Dr. Richey and Dr. Lieberman debate Biden’s handling of Afghanistan.Debate Guest: Dr. Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H.
23 min
Elder Defends Zimmerman
Commentary on Joe Biden's new covid protocol. Larry Elder defends murder of Trayvon Martin during an interview with Piers Morgan. Two Florida middle schoolers accused of plotting ‘another Columbine’ and much more.
50 min
Welcome to Indisputable
Truth and facts are what viewers can expect from ‘Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey.’ On the show Dr. Richey delivers a heavy dose of fact-based truth with all his signature passion and insight. Every day Dr. Richey comments on the top news stories a...
1 min