Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey

Truth and facts are what viewers can expect from ‘Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey.’ On the show, Dr. Richey delivers a heavy dose of fact-based truth with all his signature passion and insight. Every day Dr. Richey comments on the top news stories about criminal justice, social justice, policy and racism and welcomes a Conservative into 'The Bullpen' for a fiery debate.

The Bullpen: Socialism vs. Capitalism
Alexander Salter enters The BULLPEN with Dr. Richey to debate Socialism vs. Capitalism and which system is more practical and just.Debate Guest: Alexander Salter
18 min
I Can't Breathe
One of Ahmaud Arbery’s killers wants to ban a photo of a confederate vanity plate. A California sheriff acknowledges he was a dues-paying Oath Keepers member. An Anti-Masker tells teachers and staff they should be executed. A ‘Karen’ cuts a drive thru ...
50 min
The Bullpen: U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis
Ash Wright returns to The BULLPEN to debate the crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border. Debate Guest: Ash Wright
17 min
Rapping While Black
Georgia Christian Academy parents outrage over student using racial slur. A Philly cop antagonizes and arrests a Black man recording video for safety. Some Missouri school students walked in protest over bullying. A ‘Karen’ at a Red Sox game spits on a...
50 min
The Bullpen: Left Vs. Right, A Path to Citizenship
Daniel Di Martino, an economics PhD student at Columbia University, returns to The BULLPEN to debate Dr. Richey on immigration.Debate Guest: Daniel Di Martino
18 min
Hide 'N Seak with Sinema
A health report shows half of police killings left unreported, Black Americans most at risk. A man cleaning his gun accidentally discharged and shot neighbor dead. A California teen shot by a security guard to be taken off life support. A ‘Karen’ haras...
50 min
The Bullpen: Freedoms and The Constitution
Rick Green enters the Bullpen with Dr. Richey and debates the 2nd amendment, freedom of speech and constitutional jurisdiction. Debate Guest: Rick Green
22 min
Diabetes Made Me Do It
A data hack outs active duty NYPD officers as Oath Keeper members. Anti-Karens confront racist ‘Karen’ on a bus. A Texas christian school president jailed for a disturbing crime. A ‘Karen’ trashes a fast food restaurant and blames it on her diabetes. A...
50 min
The Bullpen: Is Cancel Culture Hurting Society?
Joshua Shin debates Dr. Richey on the effects of "Cancel Culture" on society.Debate Guest: Joshua Shin
19 min
Play MAGA Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Some narcotics officers have been arrested for drug trafficking. A Canadian MAGA pastor was arrested immediately after coming home from a US tour. A Massachusetts high school football game ends after a brawl over racial slurs. Throwback Karen: insanely...
49 min
The Bullpen: Are Booster Shots Necessary?
Jen Sidorova debates Dr. Richey on booster shots and vaccine mandates.Debate Guest: Jen Sidorova
22 min
Jolly Ol' Karens
Right-winger accuses teens of being 'communists' for wearing masks at school. A ‘Karen’ racially profiles a Latino man after following him home. Some drunk UK ‘Karens’ fight police officers trying to arrest them and much more.Co-host: Dina...
50 min
The Bullpen: CRT? Think of the Children!
Sam Sorbo debates Dr. Richey on CRT and Vaccine, Mask mandates in schools.Debate Guest: Sam Sorbo
24 min
Pink Slip Delivered First Class
A Fedex driver won’t deliver to homes with BLM, Biden signs and gets fired. Police gunfire was responsible for a child's death. An Anti-Masker mom would rather see ‘school in ashes’ than see children ‘suffocate’ and much more.Co-host: Adrienne ...
50 min
The Bullpen: Atlanta District Wants A Divorce O...
Bill White discusses with Dr. Richey about Buckhead City wanting to file for divorce from Atlanta to create their own police force.Debate Guest: Bill White
16 min
Michael Moore Is Indisputable
A White sorority girl makes a presentation on ‘ugly’ features using Black men. A school bus driver was fatally stabbed in front of students. A Detroit cop who sucker punched an unarmed man is facing criminal charges and much more.Guest: Michael Moore
50 min
If It Wasn't For Those Meddling Socialists
Marjorie Taylor Greene used a Scooby-doo Meme during a Green New Deal speech. A White cop allows a police dog to repeatedly attack Black suspect. Karen Double Dose and much more.Co-host: Wosny Lambre
50 min
The XL Bullpen: Charlie Kirk Vs. Dr. Richey
In a special XL edition of the BULLPEN, Dr. Richey debates Charlie Kirk over mask and vaccine mandates on Turning Point USA.Debate Guest: Charlie Kirk
101 min
The Bullpen: Which Policies Are Best For Econom...
Stan Veuger joins Dr. Richey in discussing the liberal vs. conservative policies in relation to the economy recovering from the pandemic. Debate Guest: Stan Veuger
20 min
Vaccine with a Side of Croutons
Turner Thursday! Nina Turner joins the show again to break down stories like: A Dallas firefighter kicked a mentally disable man in the face. Michael Flynn says ‘deep state’ wants to spike your salads with COVID vaccine and much more.Co-host: Sen. N...
50 min
The Bullpen: Who's More Fiscally Responsible? R...
Albert Eisenberg enters The BULLPEN and discusses the topic of general economic policies between the right and left.Debate Guest: Albert Eisenberg
21 min
Keep Your Spit To Yourself
A gas station attendant was shot and killed for asking a customer to wear a mask. A jaguar-driving professor yelled N-word & spat at Black mother and child. A racist spits on a Black man’s face and much more.Co-host: David Shuster
50 min
The Bullpen: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
Kristan Hawkins joins The BULLPEN to debate with Dr. Richey on abortions laws following the recent Supreme Court ruling on reproductive rights.Debate Guest: Kristan Hawkins
25 min
No Karen, You're Not Rosa Parks
A staff member at a school showed up to work in Blackface, saying she was dressed as Rosa Parks and protesting a vaccine mandate for teachers. A US border patrol agent caught abusing Haitian asylum seekers and much more.Co-host: Adrienne Lawrence
50 min
The Bullpen: Mask and Vaccine Mandates
Jacob Rich returns to The BULLPEN to debate Dr. Richey on the topic of mask and vaccine mandates.Debate Guest: Jacob Rich
26 min