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Health & Fitness
Immune System - Health QaA Weekly
"...and today we're going to talk about a concept that has time so I think been controversial I think at times been considered theoretical when I first got into functional medicine years ago is actually a prominent Conrad of the immune system and because what we started to realize was in chronic pain we have a chronic pain practice for those of you who haven't watched us before and we treat just about anything that won't go away and we've combined two disciplines functional neurology and functional medicine to address fibromyalgia and periphery often chronic fatigue and chronic got problems chronic thyroid problems and dizziness vertigo balance things that won't go away people get things they go away B they don't go away you need to know why and the immune system was an obvious first place to start I think for those in the field at that time that there must be something with the immune that's causing the problem there's a concept called th1 th2 shifts th1 th2 balance I've drawn the little seesaw picture of it and I think a thousand times and try and explain to people and and and I think it's I don't I think dr. Gates is going to explain to me today whether it's getting more credibility or just something that you're using more because you see it's a valuable tool because it is affecting people frequently will talk about that Gates does all the treatment now and he's always researching and frequently will tell talk to me about how this was a th this was a shift during pregnancy this is the mystical why do I get pregnant and then I feel good and then all sudden I don't after I deliver the child it's this is the if you have allergies you have a shift more towards one side than the other so and certain autoimmune problems have a certain quality..."
16 min
Puds -Health QaA Weekly With Dr. Gates
" we're going to talk about pots and why it is becoming more common prevalent rights becoming more prevalent so we are seeing more pots aren't we're seeing more pots and I had noticed that we were seeing more pots we were giving more pots diagnosis pots postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome we get a zillion people okay exaggeration we so many people that come in here with heart palpitations and I bend over and I get lightheaded and by the time people most people get here with those symptoms they've usually been evaluated for like trans ischemic attacks and and and pretty much give it a clean bill
9 min
Trailer Puds - Health QaA Weekly
" we're going to talk about pots and why it is becoming more common prevalent rights becoming more prevalent so we are seeing more pots aren't we're seeing more pots and I had noticed that we were seeing more pots we were giving more pots diagnosis pots postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome we get a zillion people okay exaggeration we so many people that come in here with heart palpitations and I bend over and I get lightheaded and by the time people most people get here with those symptoms they've usually been evaluated for like trans ischemic attacks and and and pretty much give it a clean bill..."
2 min
Fish Oil - Health QaA Weekly
"...and depending on how this goes we may end up doing in the first two weeks I don't know but we'll definitely do it today so I'm just going to get cut right to the chase here this seems to be a stress-related group of questions so is there a link between long-term stress of about five years and hyperthyroidism / Graves disease tell you what I'll just read this and and I'll keep my stuff out of this now I think we should turn back and forth but with Graves disease the literature does state that stress can precipitate the condition some people dispute that in the literature but overall it's pretty well accepted this stress does cause Graves disease stress is not as much identified as a trigger for Hashimoto's yet but we're anticipating that that's going to change because we hear it all the time or person goes through major stressor and then they develop Hashimoto's so just realize this is an evolving situation we don't have all the answers even here in...things are changing all the time but I just read an article this morning...and they were talking about stress as it pertains to hyperthyroidism so yes without a doubt without
35 min
Multiple Sclerosis - Health Faqs Weekly
" you want me to just go down let's go down the so we haven't we have a long list we're not going to get through all of them we're going to spend about 15 or 20 minutes going over over these questions and we'll see how far along we get so the first one and these are quotes right off of the right off of the websites and from you so first one is a question about multiple sclerosis what is your thought on stress and multiple sclerosis so what I would say is that with most odd immune diseases what we find is that stress can be an exacerbating Factor when you look at the literature that holds true for many different conditions when it comes to Ms lots of times you'll read will stress may not be a major factor or Diet isn't a major factor but we would say in our clinical experience we disagree substantially any time an individual is under chronic stress just looking at the basic physiology of it
15 min
Inner Tremors And Fibromyalgia - Health FAQs W...
...""...first question is do you ever see patients who experience inner Tremors can you address what this might be all about and I would say yes we can address what this is all about we see a lot of patients with a variety of some Tremors and inner tremors are something that have a specific medical understanding for us yeah and the internal Tremors can be a number of things you could be anxiety it could be an autoimmune response your thyroid it could be hyperthyroidism it could be something like a pheochromocytoma which is where your adrenal gland has a tumor on it and makes to me adrenal hormones so all of those are possibilities for the internal Tremors we frequently see it with autoimmune thyroid disease but we see a lot of so that so that's kind of our take on anxiety a lot of anxiety those are two things I would go to those two things first I don't know yeah okay but yes can you have fibromyalgia this is a great question because it's kind of fiber understanding of fibromyalgia can you have fibromyalgia not have irritable bowel syndrome and not hurt when someone hugs you or touches you..."
21 min
Heavy Metals And Autoimmune Diseases - Health F...
...So today we're going to talk about an unavoidably controversial subject and that is does heavy metals cause autoimmune disease and it's it's and the reason I say that is I do all the intakes here and so I hear the patient's histories and hear what they've been through and Europe told we had a lot of patients that come in here who've been through a ton of heavy metal stuff I had time to get here and nothing happened I have heard the stories of the person's got Mercury out of their mouth and they got better and I've also seen it way more people coming in here with your logical reactions from heavy metals and and and everything in between so so it's its primary tool for some Physicians there's just been a lot of research over along a road I think of at least five or six or eight or nine years please I know like Jesus but he even was already exciting research on the...that it wasn't good for everybody dr. Crosby and who wrote a book on the brain and so so it's when I say it's kind of controversial the people who hang onto it still seemed to cling to it me as a primary factor now there are also collations that you can get online Galatians in the mail and I'm not sure that you know that's a good thing to do without some sort of background information as to what you're getting into maybe even an understanding of what can happen if you have certain abnormalities that a lot of autoimmune patients have like a bad blood-brain barrier bad got very bad lung barrier any way that I can get something to study art study he's going to talk about some of the new studies and so I think that we've seen here we don't see a lot of heavy metal problems here and we do primarily chronic pain we do line disease we do fibromyalgia propriety we do all kinds of...
11 min
Adrenal Receptors - Health FAQs Weekly the end you have indicated through your research and response to care that you've been treating it as an autoimmune problem for quite a while now I've been three or four or five have I for at least four I'm thinking the one specific case back to back then so at least for so so share with us the data the new data on further on the fact that it's probably an autoimmune attack against the with certain aspects of your adrenal gland yeah exactly so the original studies came out the Mayo Clinic where they attacking the adrenal receptor basically there were these adrenal receptor antibodies sometimes there were immune cells to your autonomic nervous and so that's your the system that creates your fight and flight response in your rest and digest if you go to San dot you need a fight response to get blood up to your brain because otherwise all the blood...
9 min
Microbiome And Thyroid - Health FAQs Weekly
... So today we're going to talk about the microbiome and thyroid and so this is a subject that has been dear to our hearts for at least eight years you've been here and before then you know that was a part of where it started to go back in my mentors days dr. cross and who I believe was the first person that really got how much thyroid affected everything so anyway the point is that when we first started doing these videos years ago a lot of people complain that we talk too much about the gut so we're going to talk about the God again today and new data on the guy and the microbiome and how it's so interesting now from why do you talk about the gut and how stupid are you how could the gut affect anything and how could diet affect autoimmunity and how could it be how could eating a right diet ever helped me and we were we were doing this in...most days and it was kind of interesting now it's kind of like people come in and educate me on the diet and it's kind of fun so diet and thyroid thyroid is like the canary in the coal mine the thyroid is connected to everything and everything seems to be connected to the the diet and and the microbiome and when people come in here for their thyroid which people still do we get a lot of people coming here for their thyroid the first thing I have to try to help them to understand it's not about your thyroid it's about everything else and one of the big everything else is is the microbiome that we were been talking about forever so so now we're going to talk a little bit more about the microbiome more nuances over the past couple of years it's come out that that microbiome is a lot to do with autoimmunity different types of autoimmunity rheumatoid arthritis for sure probably did other different types of autoimmune diseases...
14 min
Azhiemers and Sleep - Health FAQs Weekly
"...So today we're going to talk about Alzheimer's and sleep and more or less the basic concept of what we're going to talk about is Alzheimer's cause sleep problems or do sleep problems cause Alzheimer's kind of we're going to have kind of a chicken or the egg type of a discussion here today and we just saying that dr. Gates depending on someone asked this yesterday and asked me to retrieve a lot of Alzheimer's and according to that one classification system that has like seven stages so probably 90% of our patients be classified as having some stage of Alzheimer's we treat a lot of stress and stress hormones tend to hit something called your hippocampus and you're going to find out a little bit about the hippocampus that I and stress hits that hippocampus and the hippocampus...cause of sleep problems and so there are so there are the cycles that hit the hippocampus of different things and the hippocampus is where your short-term memory is and it's where I think it's pretty upon the Alzheimer's begins so so we see a lot of people with early I forget walking in the rooms I I can't I can't find my so remember where I put my lost my train of thought and I'm starting to get short-term memory loss my working marriage something like that which may not be called full-blown Alzheimers at that point I would buy that classification system here on so we see a lot of people with this and it doesn't mean that you're going to go there either and so when we say Norris every patient they we're not saying 90% have Alzheimers caressing doctor suffer the same fate as far as the classification act so you have to look at it it's like if you have is act exactly as you said if you walk into a room you don't know you're there you're like stage one yeah..."
10 min
Berberine - Health FAQs Weekly
"...I am a certified functional medicine practitioner dr. Gates, I am a board-certified chiropractic neurologist and say that from now on because I always mess it up and together we have chronic pain I say it every week kind of just evolve kind of developed on its own frankly in the efforts are actually in the efforts of me to get better from my issues but ultimately with the help of some very very talented people and we've been doing it for a while and we it's pretty much all we do now so we share we're sharing with you what we know because a lot of most people everybody comes in here with these ideas from the Internet or from their research no offense to those of you who do your research but research on the Internet is fraught with landmines I would put I think that would be an understatement but because doctors would agree with that almost got it was in today's day and age going with that yeah so so so anyway so we're going to talk about "berberine" what we want to do is put it in a context because it can be a pretty amazing adjunct to what we do some really good success with them but lately I have been seeing pamphlets going out to the nation on various things one of them was on gluten one was a for those of you have Celiac for those of you who are Gluten Sensitive it was a pamphlet to said take this supplement you can eat pizza for the rest of your life I'm trying to assimilate my disastrous that must have been for a lot of people but they probably sold a lot of their product but one right now I'm seeing a lot of is burglary products that have significant success in clinical populations are frequently taken to Market by some unfortunately some..."
30 min
Health FAQs With Dr. Gates- Stress And High Blo...
"...apparently, we already have enough questions for the next several months but one of the questions was related to stress and hypertension and blood and it was kind of a question that seemed to require a little bit more of coverage than just answering it in that format so to my stress and hypertension there's some we see every day all day long it's a big part of what we see I think it's kind of took like okay stress and hypertension yeah but when you're in something all day it seems so obvious and so normal and everything and then you when you get a question like that you realize that that that there's a lot of folks out there wondering about the connections and what the mechanisms are and so on and so forth so I think the question was more specifically about the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone...row and renin-angiotensin system or something along those nature so I know how stress affects and how stress affects it so they must have been trolling through the internet or something like that about stress right and how to get rid of it right when it's a troll guys throwing has a different country I'm not an error that guy did we do this right every week every week we sit here I don't know Facebook I don't know I don't know Twitter I don't know internet and I don't know what trolling means so now I know it's something I probably have to learn what it means okay all right so relative to stress and the renin-angiotensin system so basically we have systems in our kidney that help to know if you're bleeding out and those systems and Essence will raise blood pressure in the event that like you severed an artery and that's kind of the way renal physiology works and control blood pressure that's how everybody learns..."
10 min
Health FAQs With Dr. Gates- Chronic Pain
" we dug Gates is a board-certified functional neurologist I'm a functional medicine practitioner we've probably been in functional medicine since the Inception of its explosion if you will well way before its explosion and dr. Gates is affiliated with I would say the group of doctors that almost could say that they help to originate or maybe they did help originate bring rehab exercises and we've developed a pretty much a chronic pain practice okay I got a migraine that goes away I don't need you guys well I get migraines and they never go away I need and I could be fibromyalgia peripheral neuropathy or chronic fatigue or just a number of things so we've we are going to be answering questions from our listeners and the podcast from our viewers on we try to put together a representative compendium of questions that we think will be interesting to those of you who apparently view our products here if you want to call them that over over quite some time because it looks like a lot of these questions are from people who have given a lot of thought to their health the questions that we are seeing here some are very general some are very specific we don't see patients who particularly one particular question or one particular dietary 13 question relative to a supplement is going to make that much of a difference in their in their health that it doesn't that they don't show up here but certainly there are people who don't show up here dietary change has helped them or supplement changes help them and so we're going to address those those issues and we're going to dress those folks also so do you want me to just go down let's go down the so we have a we have a long list we're not going to get through all of them we're going to spend about 15 or 20 minutes going over over these..."
17 min
Health FAQs With Dr. Gates
" we dug Gates is a board-certified functional neurologist I'm a functional medicine practitioner we've probably been in functional medicine since the Inception of its explosion if you will well way before its explosion and dr. Gates is affiliated with I would say the group of doctors that almost could say that they help to originate or maybe they did help originate bring rehab exercises and we've developed a pretty much a chronic pain practice okay I got a migraine that goes away I don't need you guys well I get migraines and they never go away I need and I could be fibromyalgia peripheral neuropathy or chronic fatigue or just a number of things so we've we are going to be answering questions from our listeners and the podcast from our viewers on we try to put together a representative compendium of questions that we think will be interesting to those of you who apparently view our products here if you want to call them that over over quite some time because it looks like a lot of these questions are from people who have given a lot of thought to their health the questions that we are seeing here some are very general some are very specific we don't see patients who particularly one particular question or one particular dietary 13 question relative to a supplement is going to make that much of a difference in their in their health that it doesn't that they don't show up here but certainly there are people who don't show up here dietary change has helped them or supplement changes help them and so we're going to address those those issues and we're going to dress those folks also so do you want me to just go down let's go down the so we have a we have a long list we're not going to get through all of them we're going to spend about 15 or 20 minutes going over over these..."
3 min
Functional Medicine - Stress Pt2
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
18 min
Functional Medicine - Stress Pt1
20 min
Functional Medicine - Gluten
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
30 min
Functional Medicine - Oxygen
" we're going to get to back to we're going to get oxygen okay we're going to talk about following the fuel so the first thing of the basics of getting better is to follow the fuel now what is the fuel that makes our physiology work the two main fuels that make our you work
32 min
Functional Medicine - Supplements
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
37 min
Functional Medicine - Diet
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
40 min
Trailer| Functional Medicine - Diet
Join us Monday for a fresh new episode made to answer all your questions about diet and nutrition "...with all these Foods you go, you're all the ones that say you're not sensitive to in the next thing you're getting sick or just happened to me about five times blew up the whole program and food sensitivities are as big a part of what is the diet for me what diet should I eat for fibromyalgia what do I shave for irritable bowel syndrome as anything but they're not the only thing so let me walk you through what we've come up with..."
3 min
Functional Medicine - Obstacle To Cure
because I have a lot of autoimmunity a tooth extraction can set off autoimmunity I didn't feel like setting things off because I'm in pretty good shape at that time once I got the infection under control my my pain to go away
42 min
Functional Medicine - Patient's Exam 2
Classic functional medicine you can rely on anytime for treatment of chronic human health problems
15 min
Functional Medicine - Patient's Exam Pt 1
Classic functional medicine you can rely on anytime for treatment of chronic human health problems
20 min
Functional Medicine - Patient's History Pt2
Classic functional medicine you can rely on anytime for treatment of chronic human health problems
25 min