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Health & Fitness
How to manage Hemorrhagic Stroke - Intracerebra...
"...stroke is characterized by having poor blood flow to part of the brain leading to cell death they are grossly divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic with around 15 to 20 percent of Strokes being hemorrhagic a hemorrhagic stroke results from the rupture of a blood vessel leading to bleeding compared ischemic stroke that have a sudden occlusion of a blood vessel within hemorrhagic Strokes there are two main types intracerebral meaning bleeding within the brain itself which can be intraparenchymal Hemorrhage weather is bleeding within the brain tissue or an intraventricular Hemorrhage where there is bleeding within the ventricular system of the brain around one intracerebral hemorrhage into the ventricles intracerebral Hemorrhage is most commonly caused by hypertension and age-related cerebral amyloid angiopathy which is where deposition of Lloyd Peter peptide in the vessels leads to a weaker vessel structure which is then therefore more likely to bleed the other main type is a subarachnoid with the bleed occurs between the arachnoid Mater and the Pia Mater subarachnoid hemorrhages can be due to trauma or can be spontaneous in 85% of cases in taneous subarachnoid hemorrhage is caused by rupture of a cerebral aneurysm with the most common locations being the anterior communicating artery in 35 percent of cases internal carotid artery in 30% and middle cerebral artery in 22% in 30% of cases there are multiple aneurysms the remaining maybe caused by rupture of an arteriovenous malformation coagulopathy or extension of an intraparenchymal bleed note that both of these types of hemorrhagic I considered intracranial bleeds however other types of intracranial bleeds such as epidural and subdural hemorrhages are not considered hemorrhagic stroke we take this few seconds off to inform you are valued loyal listener about the best health and fitness podcast shows from the Nez pod Studios join us as we give you the best of the best health and wellness updates you can rely on for the treatment of chronic classic functional medicine Back to Basics health tips and special updates from the best doctors in the United States of America check out this health and wellness podcast shows explore Health talk healthy lifestyle matters excellent Health digest healthy and free daily and last but not least weekly health and fitness Corner also check out nasty Boise see the truest story never told Fiction podcast for that real life on the go experience with the 27 year old Golden boy..."
8 min
Hepatorenal Syndrome Pathophysiology
"Hepatorenal syndrome is a life-threatening condition characterized by rapidly Progressive kidney failure that is seen in people with Advanced liver disease the prognosis is very Bleak and is usually fatal without the transplant there are two types type 1 has a median survival of two weeks and features a rapidly increasing creatinine level type 1 happens commonly in taneous bacterial peritonitis type 2 is a slightly more moderate form with a median survival of 10 weeks and a steadier creatinine here patients typically have a site that is resistant to DirectX approximately 18% of cirrhotic patients who have ascites will develop hepatorenal syndrome within one year so what exactly that makes this condition so bad the Hallmark is a renal basic constriction in the setting of vasodilation in splanchnic breasts those are the intestines spleen liver and pancreas the main branches of the aorta that make it up at the Celiac artery as well as the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries the underfill theory is that as liver disease progresses and portal hypertension follows possibly also generating ascites there is a splash so dilation because of release of vasodilatory mediators like nitric oxide and prostaglandins this vasodilation leads to more blood being directed into the splanchnic vessels which ends up draining into the portal circulation which causes the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney to activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system leading to vasoconstriction and in particular in the kidneys but the splanchnic vasculature is resistant to vasoconstriction due to the production of local vasodilators like nitric oxide and so remains vasodilate it the cycle leading to this vicious cycle of the renal vasoconstriction and splanchnic vasodilation ultimately leading to renal failure the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone is thought to be an important step in the formation of ascites in patients with cirrhosis to the extent that ascites and hepatorenal syndrome may be considered a splanchnic vasodilation determined the resistance of ascites to diuretics as is seen in type 2 hepatorenal syndrome as well as the onset of kidney vasoconstriction that leads to the initial onset of hepatorenal syndrome it is important to remember that having a cirrhotic patient with an AK I does not mean that the patient has HRS they may have the Aki for other reasons and so hepatorenal..."
6 min
Diarrhea Causes, Organic vs Functional Diarrhea...
"diarrhea is defined as having stools that occur more than three times a day and a looser than usual specifically 200 grams 24 hours is considered diagnostic but as you can imagine trying to measure the weight of stools in everyone referring to diarrhea would be a mess literally so first off the call divide them into acute and chronic causes for start acute diarrhea is defined as lasting less than four weeks and is often caused by infections that they usually eat a viral or toxin-mediated typically they will resolve spontaneously I see cases lasting more than four weeks need to be divided into either organic or functional causes and the difference between them is that organic causes can be detected or Quantified through testing while functional causes cannot samples of organic causes include celiacs disease inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease we can also have bacterial and parasitic infections pain and of course intestinal neoplasms on the other hand functional causes of chronic diarrhea include irritable bowel syndrome lactose intolerance food alcohol how then can we begin to narrow down the causes when we encounter a patient with diarrhea let's first tackle how to distinguish functional from organic diarrhea firstly the duration of secondly the volume of organic diarrhea is usually larger than in functional next we look for the presence or absence of blood functional will never have blood while organic often does we can also ask about the naming organic doesn't have any specific pattern but may wake the patient up at night well functional is usually in the morning and will not wake the patient up this is also closely tied to stress where organic diarrhea doesn't have much Association to stress but functional diarrhea often coincides with we take this few seconds our valued loyal listener about the best health and fitness podcast shows from the Nez pod Studios join us as we give you the best of the best health and wellness updates you can rely on for the treatment of chronic classic functional medicine Back to Basics health tips and special updates from the best doctors in the United States of America check out this health and wellness podcast shows explore Health talk weekly healthy lifestyle matters excellent Health digest healthy and free daily and last but not least weekly Health and Fitness also check out nasty boy CC the truest story never told Fiction podcast for that real-life on-the-go experience with the 27 year old Golden Boy Who made our guest he tells us about his story as it happens in real time and in real life it's nasty boy CC the truest story never told go get a load of that happiness because happiness is healthy as we know it join us every week as we continue to provide you the best of health and fitness Wellness updates from around the globe enjoy the show"
6 min
Nephritic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms that result from damage to the kidneys and is often confused with nephritic syndrome in fatigue syndrome there is a substantial amount of protein being lost through the kidneys in the urine defined as more than 3.5 grams per day this leads to hypoalbuminemia a low level of albumin in the blood as albumin is the most abundant protein normally in the blood these two are defining features in nephrotic syndrome nephritic syndrome is different in that there is less proteinuria but also the presence of hematuria and red blood cell or white blood cell casts in the urine hypertension and oliguria which is a reduced urine output typically between 80 and 400 ml per day the unit of the kidney is the nephron and normally in the glomerulus of the Nephron there is a specialized membrane that forms the filter made up of a fenestrated endothelium the Maryland basement membrane and the foot processes of podocytes which are cells that wrap around the capillary giving this additional filtration layer all together these structures normally act as a filter and prevent large molecules from passing through into the Bowman's capsule and renal tubules they have a net negative charge which may mean that they can repel other negatively charged molecules albumin is negatively charged in the fatigue syndrome there is sufficient injury to these structures to change the permeability and allow albumin and other molecules to pass into the urine leading to hypoalbuminemia the signs and symptoms linked to hypoalbuminemia which includes peripheral edema and fluid overload particularly in children this can be evident as facial swelling but can also occur in adults particularly around the eyes fluid overload can mean weight gain peripheral edema and even the development of ascites or pleural effusion which can manifest as shortness of breath known as this near the reduction in the blood levels of albumin causes the oncotic pressure of the blood 24 meaning fluid will more readily leak into the surrounding tissues causing edema this is sensed as hypovolemia because less fluid is in the vessels which then triggers the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system causing retention of salt and water this is known as the underfill hypothesis while another is the
11 min
Acute kidney injury
a sudden deterioration in the function of the kidneys is known as an acute kidney injury sometimes also called acute renal failure to measure this reduction in kidney function glomerular filtration rate or GFR is normally used which is a measurement of how well the kidneys are filtering the blood the functional unit of the kidney that actually does this is the Nephron made up of the glomerulus which is a modified capillary and as blood passes through it the waste is filtered into the Bowman's capsule GFR is the volume filtered through the glomerulus into the Bowman's capsule and through the Nephron in a given unit of time the filtrate passes along through the proximal convoluted tubule Loop of henle distal convoluted tubule and the distal collecting duct undergoing secretion and reabsorptionas it travels ultimately it forms urine and collects into the renal pelvis and passes into the bladder through the ureter to directly measure this process is difficult we instead use creatinine clearance to estimate the GFR creatinine is a normal breakdown product of creatine released from muscle tissue and this is freely filtered by the glomerulus and is not reabsorbed so fits the kind of substance we need however creatinine is secreted into the filtrate by the peritubular capillaries so it does tend to overestimate the GFR slightly the cockcroft and Gault formula is a famous formula used to estimate the creatinine clearance and therefore GF are taking into account age Mass gender and the serum creatinine as it travels ultimately it forms urine and collects into the renal pelvis and passes into the bladder through the ureter to directly measure this process is difficult we instead use creatinine clearance to estimate the GFR creatinine is a normal breakdown product of creatine released from muscle tissue and this is freely filtered by the glomerulus and is not reabsorbed so fits the kind of substance we need however creatinine is secreted into the filtrate by the peritubular capillaries so it does tend to overestimate the GFR slightly the cockcroft and Gault formula is a famous formula used to estimate the creatinine clearance and therefore GF are taking into account age Mass gender and the serum creatinine
11 min
Polycystic kidney disease
polycystic kidney disease is a condition characterized by the development of multiple cysts within the renal tubules of the kidney and is the most common hereditary renal disease the normal functional unit of the kidney is the nephron made up of a glomerulus and Bowman's capsule proximal convoluted tubule Loop of henle distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct blood filters through the glomerulus forming filtrate which then passes through the tubules undergoing see and reabsorption eventually forming urine and passing into the ureter and bladder overall there are around 1 million of these nephrons in each kid in polycystic kidney disease these tubules develop into cysts which become filled with fluid and can range in size from being microscopic to several centimeters in size the process can start even in utero meaning in the womb as the tubules become cysts they cannot carry the normal filtering function therefore the number of functioning nephrons begins to decrease this is worsened by the fact that as the cysts grow they compress nearby nephrons also making them dysfunctional initially this may not be seen to have any clinical impact as the remaining number of nephrons may increase there to maintain the glomerular filtration rate but as the disease progresses and more nephrons are affected the remaining ones cannot make up the difference overall renal function then deteriorates eventually reaching end-stage renal disease by definition the presence of structural injury makes polycystic kidney disease a form of chronic kidney disease with end-stage renal disease being defined as needing renal replacement therapy like dialysis or transplant or a GF far below 15 ml per minute there are two main types of polycystic kidney disease both caused by genetics the first is autosomal dominant with two main types one coming from mutations in P KD 1 on a chromosome 16 which codes for the protein polycystic in this is affected in around 85% of cases and is involved in cell to cell or cell Matrix interaction cell cycle regulation and calcium transport the second coming from mutations in PKD to on chromosome for coding for Polly system to which codes for
9 min
Chronic kidney disease
patients are 5 to 10 times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than end-stage renal disease the risk of stroke has been found to increase as the GFR lowers around seven percent for every 10 ml per minute lost this may also be the result of CKD contributing to hypertension as well as being caused by it this can be due to activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and can also be because as the disease progresses the kidney is less able to excrete leading to retention and subsequent fluid overload signs of fluid overload could be dismissed near due to pulmonary edema or a fusion and peripheral edema or ascites anemia is also common which contributes to disappear and can come from a reduction in erythropoietin from the
15 min
Nephritic Syndrome With Pathology
.nephritic syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms that result from glomerulonephritis which is inflammation of the kidney specifically the glomerulus this could be remembered because it means inflammation rather than being a disease itself nephritic syndrome is the manifestation of an underlying disease that causes the inflammation and there are many of these causes it is easily confused with nephrotic syndrome which instead is a collection of signs and symptoms resulting from a high amount of protein being lost through the kidneys in the urine this leads to hypoalbuminemia meaning low levels of albumin in the blood these are the two defining features in nephrotic syndrome there is some overlap but nephritic syndrome is different in that the degree of proteinuria is lower and there is the dozens of hematuria meaning blood in the urine which could be microscopic or macroscopic red blood cell casts in the urine sterile / urea which is the presence of white blood cells without evidence of bacteria hypertension and oliguria which is a reduced urine output typically between 80 and 400 ml per day the functional unit of the kidney is the Nephron which includes the glomerulus and modified capillary surrounding this there are multiple layers which together form a filter these include a fenestrated endothelium the glomerular basement membrane and the foot processes of podocytes which are cells that wrap around the capillary in most cases of nephritic syndrome there is a trigger causing inflammation in this area
15 min
Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow (Lateral & Medi...
" elbow and golfer's elbow a to similar conditions causing pain in the elbow and a medically know is lateral and medial epicondylitis respectively this means inflammation of the epicondyles which are bony protuberance has on the distal of the humerus the elbow is made up of the humerus articulated with the radius and ulna and allows for flexion and extension of the forearm however there are muscles that attach to the epicondyles that allow for wrist hand and finger movements like grasping and twisting and repetitive use of these muscles is thought to lead to micro attendance generating pain for this reason the conditions are known as enter Sapa these-- which means attachment point disease in act more recently it has been recommended that the conditions be referred to as tendinosis or epicondyle Alger rather than epicondylitis as histologically there is usually granulation tissue and a lack of traditional inflammatory cells suggesting that degeneration of the tendon maybe more an inflammation in the pathogenesis Motions like using handheld tools or even drawing are associated with the conditions and the names are slight misnomers is playing tennis can give you golfer's elbow and vice versa over all the movements causing the conditions do not necessarily need to be sports-related in some cases they can be triggered by a sudden contraction possibly from trauma elbow pain is the primary symptom in each lateral like this is 7 to 10 times more common and the pain is on the lateral or outer part of the elbow usually on the dominant hand it is generally worsened by extension of the wrist or fingers as the muscles responsible for these movements attached to the lateral epicondyle collectively known as the extensor tendons in particular the extensor carpi radialis brevis is commonly affected in lateral epicondylitis there is typically worsening of the pain with wrist extension against resistance when the is extended known as cozens test medial epicondylitis is less common but features pain on the medial or inner of the elbow it comes from tendinosis of the flexor and pronate attendance which originate from the medial epicondyle in particular the carpi radialis and the pronator teres and most commonly affected the pain is usually reproduced when the wrist is flexed and pronated against resistance well the is flexed called the reverse cozens test overall it is usually a gradual onset of pain that progressively get worse and can persist at night it also tends to be worsened by use of the forearm such as grasping and the pain may also be elicited by palpating several millimeters distal to the air condyles which corresponds with the location of the tendons people may also experience weaker grip strength the diagnosis is largely meaning no specific test or Imaging is required to make a diagnosis however Imaging like x-ray may be done to rule out arthritis of the elbow..."
7 min
Osgood Schlatter Disease (Tibial Tubercle Apoph...
"...Osgood-Schlatters disease also known as tibial tubercle apophysitis is a condition characterized by the anterior knee due to inflammation of the apophysis and apophysis is a normal developmental protuberance from a bone that provides an insertion site for tendons in this case the patellar tendon on to the tibial tubercle it primarily affects children and adolescents because by adulthood the apophysis will fuse with the rest of the tibia it is weaker than 10 and so is prone to injury Osgood-Schlatters disease is a stress or traction injury that occurs due to repetitive Force being applied through the strong patellar tendon on to the tibial tubercle typically from movements involving leg extension such as running or jumping but also during growth spurts the force can lead to small avulsion fractures of the tibial tubercle apophysis generating and pain and in rare cases a complete avulsion of the tibial tubercle knee pain is the most common symptom which is on the anterior portion of the knee just below the patella in most cases it is unilateral but both sides are affected in around 30 percent of cases in general it has an Insidious gradual onset with no trauma and may initially be episodic but go on to become continuous the tibial tubercle itself can be tender to touch and may have some Associated enlargement which can be felt as a prominent lump males in particular are up to seven times more likely to be affected..."
5 min
Shoulder Dislocation (Glenohumeral Joint Disloc...
...arm in an anterior dislocation due to the posterolateral portion of the humeral head being compressed against the anterior part of the glenoid labrum they can be compression fractures on the humerus known as Hill Sachs lesions they are closely linked with bankart lesions which is a rupture in the glenoid labrum these can also be accompanied by avulsion fractures which are then termed bony bankart lesions the arm is typically held in external rotation with some abduction and all movements are painful there is a loss of the normal Contour of the deltoid and the acromion can be particularly prominent posterior dislocation 's make up only two to four percent of all shoulder dislocations and occur due to the head of the humerus being forced posteriorly while...
9 min
Ankle Fractures
that fits that hole in this case the space formed by the tibia and fibula and the projection which is the Dome of the talus bone ligaments helped provide more stabilization there is the medial or deltoid ligament coming from the medial malleolus which branches into four ligaments and is mostly involved in preventing / e-version while the lateral ligament comes from the lateral malleolus and is made up of three ligaments with the main function of preventing over inversion of the foot in 70% of cases there is an isolated fracture of either the medial or lateral malleolus if both the fractured this is termed a bye the fracture seen in twenty percent of cases and if the posterior malleolus is also fractured this is called a try malleolus fracture but this is only the case in fewer than
9 min
Stress Response - Health FAQs with Dr Gates
for those of you who have not tuned in to us we run essentially a chronic pain practice board Gates is board certified functional neurologist I'm a board-certified functional medicine practitioner we melded those two disciplines into a model of care to address a substantial portion of chronic conditions chronic Jesus and and although we cure few we're able to help most get under some some control quite considerable control and be able to manage their case and the properly selected and the properly cite the patient the reason we cure for you is because pretty much everybody walks in here ends up having an autoimmune problem and they also usually walk in here under a chronic stress with a chronic stress response usually we caught a sympathetic dominance or fight flight system is engaged and it doesn't tend to let go these things can lead to anxiety
9 min
Hashimoto and Plastics - Health FAQs with Dr Gates
.so we're going to talk about Hashimoto and Plastics today Hashimoto's is a subject that we've been long associated with frankly probably for most people are associated with and we're taking quite a bit of use for even diagnosing people at and so and getting heat on it and the point from that is that Hashimoto is the understanding of what's going on with Hashimoto's is the number of things it's related to the things that can create a Hashimoto's isn't it is an immune attack on your thyroid primarily and so you're always looking for the things that are creating the immune attack and and and it can be a multitude of things and I was just mentioning to dr. Gates we're talking about Plastics that I remember reading about that at like 10 years ago but wondering is actually something that has something to do with it because back then it was I was everything was Metals was right it was it was is there anything you could think of the alternative groups were putting out as yet avoid all of this which is basically everything in life it seemed like but it turns out that Plastics do create a negative effect on the condition of Hashimoto's and so we're going to discuss that this probably fairly briefly it's not a long topic I would assume and so and if it's not brief then that's fine too so so Plastics as the famous gentleman in the Dustin Hoffman movie from many years ago The Graduate said to Dustin Hoffman when he had him in his graduate courses okay so I'm 65 days going to be people more my age The Graduate it was the famous line for the decade
8 min
Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity - Health FAQs Weekly
"I never heard a group okay and so the bottom line is that he was talking about that a long time ago it's been around a while when I started to see the Improvement in my page consistently I thought wow this is what I want to do for a living and I had no clue 0 no clue at all that I was going to become conversant in gut problems I did that was going to become in thyroid problems there's going to have to become conversant and hormonal issues but the biggest thing is I had no clue art practice with developed into a man it's almost virtually 100% so this immune issue the autoimmune issue and the Celiac and the non-celiac gluten sensitivity all really go together I know mites I hope we haven't thrown out too much I hope we have a like confused you on this matter if we have confused on this matter because it's a complex matter and if just get that to you then relative to these chronic problems than that's good but we go back to the beginning of this and the bottom line is is there is such a thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity we see it everyday it is hugely important for you to understand that if you are eating eating glue is creating incentives and you amount of what the tests say you get off of it and you need to stay off of it the tests are convoluted I am certain that what we are telling you is going to be proven not only is it's been proven in the but in future testing the testing I think is in evolution I think they will be better like the test that you just got talking about the dma believe Mom feels that is a better test is pretty cost-effective it's not real expensive so I think we're going to see this thing calm down as time goes on I don't think the gluten free market is going to go away that'll that'll sink"
40 min
Health FAQS Weekly - Non-celiac Gluten Sensitiv...
e the autoimmune issue and the Celiac and the non-celiac gluten sensitivity all really go together I know mites I hope we haven't thrown out too much I hope we have a confused you on this matter if we have confused this matter because it's a complex matter and if just get that to you then relative to these chronic problems than that's good but we go back to the beginning of this and the bottom line is there is such a thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity we see it every day it is hugely important for you to understand that if you are eating glue is creating incentives and your amount of what the tests say you get off of it and you need to stay off of it...
3 min
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder - P...
"...Bulls could be often overlooking details or making careless mistakes difficulty maintaining focus on tasks or during a conversation even when there's no obvious others are failing to follow instructions complete tasks organize tasks losing items and forgetfulness females tend to display more symptoms of inattention and distractibility then hyperactivity and impulsivity the hyperactive-impulsive features include trouble sitting still fidgeting talking constantly including others or even being unable to wait turns such as Inner Line as patients get older the symptoms become less evident poor handwriting and dyslexia have also been found to be more prevalent in patients with ADHD additionally emotional dysregulation..."
9 min
Azhiemers - Health FAQs Weekly Alzheimer's is kind of an interesting topic I still keep hearing nobody's found the cause of it yet I'm not sure there is a the cause relative to that and and and then our observation we do a lot of chronic pain that's what we do for those of you haven't seen us we combine functional medicine and functional neurology to create a paradigm to address kind of the cornerstones of physiology that seemed to be the core of what causes chronic conditions chronic pain in general and so if a person comes in here let's say with fibromyalgia it's pretty common that they're going to have brain fog and short term memory loss and and people come in here and there in PTSD there they're going to have short-term memory loss they're going to have they're going to have difficulty sleeping and things of that natur...going to bed but a substantial portion of our patients come in here with short-term memory loss and brain fog and and other things that you know have that Nuance of is this house hi so the Alzheimer's type of thing we have seen Alzheimer's patients but more often we see people who would seem to me to be in the process of going in that direction so it's of Interest to us to know what's going on and and so this is something that isn't that is it's enveloped in that core of conditions and and of problems chemical problems chemical Pathways neuronal pathways systemic problems that cause chronic problems chronic pain fibromyalgia preferably chronic fatigue dizziness vertigo balance a lot of these things it's interesting how they kind of overlap...
12 min
How To Calm Brain Fight Flights - Health FAQs W...
a presentation every week on different topics that we treat and we share with you research we share with you our results occasionally our failures and whatever we can do to help you get a better grip on your situation and sometimes even things that will help you this is our first of the month answering questions session and the questions this month we went over them last night are pretty good they show a lot of thought so we're going to start into these I'm just going to read the questions and then we'll answer them as it hits us as to who should answer them or so the first one what can we do to calm our fight or flight in our brains I grew up with horrific childhood abuse as well as a multitude...
22 min
Polycystic ovarian syndrome And Depression - He...
.on polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS and depression today much to my surprise doctor uh Justin for me we've never done one which is because we've done a lot of talk on PCOS and we see it a lot pretty common clinical picture that comes in here we see a lot of thyroids to correlate coordinate with a lot of Hashimoto's types problems so I'm not exactly sure where dr. Gates is going with this because we just talked about it but this is a subject that I happen to know that we're extremely conversant with and so I'll be anxious to hear if he comes up with anything new today it's good I'm not aware of and if not I may or may not chime in what's that so PCOS and depression well what's menopause but that's what people come in
17 min
Gut - Health FAQs Weekly
we spent a long time looking at these at these varying aspects that you've all probably been exposed to at this point in time and managed to get a what we feel is a pretty good understanding of how to go about these autoimmune problems because it turns out to pretty much every walks in here with just about anything they walk in with Aniston autoimmune problem and and if you have something that comes and won't go away and it came out of nowhere and won't go away for example people get migraines and then they go away and they never get them again okay the people walk in here the people get migraines they come in here you never go away and it's the same way with certain pains and it's the same way with certain gut problem and it's the same way with many of the conditions dizziness vertigo Bells fibromyalgia chronic fatigue those types of things so whatever reasons they don't go away maybe the maybe the biggest reason we last week we argued for the chronic stress response may be the biggest reason is autoimmunity and
24 min
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD - P...
"...Bulls could be often overlooking details or making careless mistakes difficulty maintaining focus on tasks or during a conversation even when there's no obvious others are failing to follow instructions complete tasks organize tasks losing items and forgetfulness females tend to display more symptoms of inattention and distractibility then hyperactivity and impulsivity the hyperactive-impulsive features include trouble sitting still fidgeting talking constantly including others or even being unable to wait turns such as Inner Line as patients get older the symptoms become less evident poor handwriting and dyslexia have also been found to be more prevalent in patients with ADHD additionally emotional dysregulation..."
9 min
Major Depressive Disorder - Psychology
"depression is a mental state of low mood there are several subtypes of depression but the major depressive disorder is the one that is usually intended it is expected to be the number one cause of disease burden worldwide by 2030 the term major depressive disorder was first used in the 1970s and the disorder was added to the diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorders known as the DSM in the in 80s today we have the DSM-5 which lays out nine criteria on which the diagnosis is based they include a low mood most of the day on most days and anhedonia which means a loss of pleasure or interest in previously enjoyable activities these two are considered core symptoms and one of them must be present for a diagnosis of major depressive disorder the other criteria include significant weight loss or weight gain insomnia or hypersomnia meaning not sleeping enough or sleeping too much fatigue or a loss of energy nearly every day psychomotor retardation which means ass going down of thoughts and physical movements that is noticed by others then there is inappropriate guilt or feeling worthless a reduction in the ability tea to concentrate and it recurrent thoughts of death a total of five or more over a period of at least two weeks leading to significant clinical distress or impaired functioning need to be present for the diagnosis and the symptoms cannot be the result of substance abuse or another condition major depressive disorder is thought..."
10 min
All Stress Related Health Conditions - Health ...
"...and depending on how this goes we may end up doing in the first two weeks I don't know but we'll definitely do it today so I'm just going to get cut right to the chase here this seems to be a stress-related group of questions so is there a link between long-term stress of about five years and hyperthyroidism / Graves disease tell you what I'll just read this and and I'll keep my stuff out of this now I think we should turn back and forth but with Graves disease the literature does state that stress can precipitate the condition some people dispute that in the literature but overall it's pretty well accepted this stress does cause Graves disease stress is not as much identified as a trigger for Hashimoto's yet but we're anticipating that that's going to change because we hear it all the time or person goes through major stressor and then they develop Hashimoto's so just realize this is an evolving situation we don't have all the answers even here in...things are changing all the time but I just read an article this morning...and they were talking about stress as it pertains to hyperthyroidism so yes without a doubt without
23 min
Health FAQs Weekly - Pernicious Anemia
we're going to address today is pernicious anemia autoimmune seem to me that that one could be pretty well easily fact figured out on the internet Canada cause severe pain and tummy issues you described I think pernicious anemia is autoimmune but I think it's a very interesting thing to maybe expand on a little bit I just things that might be connected to and so is it autoimmune and it caused severe pain and tummy issues through describe the tummy guy will answer that now so relative to pernicious anemia
16 min