Dear Young Married Couple

Marriage Counselors, Adam King, MA, and Karissa King, MA, talk with couples, pastors, and therapists about strengthening your marriage as a busy couple. From communication and finances to parenting, building trust, and cultivating godly desire and intimacy in the bedroom, this podcast equips you with tools to deepen your connection and create a thriving marriage.

Society & Culture
Religion & Spirituality
It's NOT About the MONEY w/ Shaunti Feldhahn, A...
77% of couples can’t talk about money well. Tune into this episode to hear Shaunti Feldhahn (author and researcher) talk about why this is and how to fix it in your marriage!   Shaunti’s Resources: Thriving in Love and Money For Women Only For Men Only w...
57 min
ASK Episode w/ A+K: Getting OUT vs. Getting THR...
In today's episode, an anonymous listener asks a question about feeling stunted in growth where she and her husband are now and whether or not they should move.   While we talk about prayer in this episode, we place special emphasis on how prayer is some...
16 min
4 Scripts to Have a DEEP Conversation with Your...
If you're married to a man, then you've probably tried various approaches to get him to have a deeper conversation with you. The problem is, most of us have likely attempted this in not-so-helpful ways. In this episode, Laura Doyle shares 4 very practica...
43 min
Are you an entrepreneur or minister? If so, you don't want to miss the advice and tools that Adam and Karissa share for your marriage in this episode.   Come join us for our $1 DATE NIGHT on Friday, June 25th @ 5pm PST. We'll cover all things "money" and...
25 min
What if MARRIAGE Wasn't Meant to Make You HAPPY...
Dr. Gary Thomas presents revelatory soundbites that are just a preview to the rich theology that you find in his book "Sacred Marriage". If you're looking to be challenged as a Christian, listen to this episode.   Contact Gary Thomas: FB: Author Gary Tho...
51 min
What's the MEANING of MONEY in Your MARRIAGE?
$1 DATE NIGHT:   “Jesus deals so much with money in the Bible... We know for a fact that Jesus spent a lot of time talking about money. 16 out of the 38 parables that Jesus gives are about money and p...
13 min
5 Lessons Learned in the FIRST YEAR of Marriage...
Dav and Bethany have been married for 2.5 years and they reflect in this episode about 5 lessons they learned during the first year as a married couple.   You can contact Dav and Bethany through Girl Defined: @girldefined Check out th...
74 min
How to Say "I'M SORRY."
Tune in to hear A+K discuss the essential steps for how to apologize to your spouse for the "everyday" stuff.   When trust has been broken or there are deeper wounds, use the steps in this PDF/video series: https://dearyoungmarriedcouple.us18.list-manage...
16 min
Miguel Gallegos grew up as an aspiring shot-caller for a prominent gang in the Sacramento area. He soon found himself in prison, which was considered an accomplishment by his gang family. That all changed when he found God one day. Now, he's a therapist,...
73 min
Healing the WOUNDS from an ABSENT FATHER w/ Dr....
Dr. Douglas Carpenter experienced an emotionally absent father growing up and he shares the impact that it made on him in today's episode. His career and calling are now all about helping people impacted by the same. He's an author, speaker, and psycholo...
54 min
A Challenge to 'GOOD' Couples w/ Rev. Donny Willis
Are you a 'good' couple? In today's episode, Rev. Donny Willis issues a challenge to you and shares so many nuggets of wisdom to help you move from your comfortable place of 'good' to something so much BUTTER. (P.S. He's "The Butter Man" from the Macy's ...
64 min
Rebuilding SEXUAL INTIMACY After PORN (A+K on t...
Today we released a podcast episode that was originally aired on the "Husband Material Men" podcast, where CEO, Drew Boa, interviews us on rebuilding Sexual Intimacy after pornography use.   Some of Drew Boa's Resources: Redeemed Sexuality by Drew Boa (b...
34 min
Rebuilding EMOTIONAL INTIMACY After PORN (A+K o...
Today we released a podcast episode that was originally aired on the "Husband Material Men" podcast, where CEO, Drew Boa, interviews us on our 5 Steps To Take When Trust Has Been Broken. Here's a link to the free PDF with these steps.   Some of Drew Boa'...
64 min
Choosing GROWTH in CRISIS w/ Seth and Melanie S...
"We were in the hardest part of our marriage when Seth was in graduate school becoming a therapist, we had 1-year-old and I had just given birth to our second son two weeks before. Two kids in 15 months was already a lot. Then, Seth came up to me one day...
53 min
Going DEEPER at DATE NIGHT - 3 Fun Ideas
It's Friday, which means some of you are doing DATE NIGHT! Here are a few tips from us about going DEEPER at DATE NIGHT! We also share a few practical resources to help you get creative and find novelty in your date night and sex life: Use "DYMC" until 4...
17 min
God's PLAN for your MONEY w/ Hunter and Brookel...
"Don’t just pray for blessing. Pray for the capacity for blessing." - One of our favorite quotes from Hunter and Brookelyn during this power-packed episode. Hunter and Brookelyn are a kingdom-minded, successful, young married couple that we had the privi...
59 min
The Great SEX RESCUE w/ Sheila Gregoire and Reb...
Does your sex life need a rescue? Today, we have Sheila Wray Gregoire back on the podcast, author of The Good Girl's Guide to Great Sex. She is joined by her daughter and co-author of the The Great Sex Rescue, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, and they share ...
46 min
Taking RISKS Together as a Married Couple w/ Mi...
This episode was recorded from the Island of Roatan, Honduras. Missionaries Steven and Rachel Jones decided to follow the call of God and make the move from California to Roatan to become missionaries after just a few years of marriage. Listen in to hear...
66 min
DESIRE: Reflections from a Single Christian Wom...
“The biggest misstep that we've taken is that we’ve flattened this robust, multi-dimensional, layered, nuanced experience of our sexuality into a one-dimensional act of sex. We’ve flattened this experience into a set do's and don'ts.⁠ ♥️⁠ It’s much easie...
48 min
3 DANGERS of Being Sexually Closed (The CHURCH,...
The issue of shame, not just about pornography, but shame around sexuality in general, is probably the #1 issue we see in our counseling office. Some are coming into counseling because of sexual issues or they’re coming in for other reasons and, as we di...
34 min
The FORMULA for Falling in Love and STAYING in ...
In this episode, Kimberly Beam-Holmes, founder of PIES University and CEO of Marriage Helper, shares the 4-step formula for falling in love and staying in love: Attraction Acceptance Attachment Aspiration She also shares important aspects of attraction ...
50 min
What You Didn't Know about the FIVE LOVE LANGUA...
We can only hope that you will be as blessed as we were by this interview we had with the New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Gary Chapman. Dr. Chapman is best known for his book "The Five Love Languages", but many of you were curious about things th...
36 min
Marriage and HISPANIC Culture w/ Adriel and Mag...
🎉 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Coming to an Amazon near you in February: FUNDAMENTOS Baraja de cartas 🎉♥You guys! We can't tell you how excited we are for this project to come to fruition. So many of you have asked about the DYMC card decks being available in Spani...
74 min
3 BLENDED FAMILY Pitfalls that Can Destroy a Ma...
3 Blended Family Pitfalls that Can Destroy a Marriage: Putting your children before your spouse Reactive instead of proactive communication Thinking you’re alone in the storm Cynthia shares practical solutions for each of these challenges in this episode...
56 min
"But when you turn off your emotions to the people you love, all it does is create distance. Especially us, as men. We tend to turn off all emotion, even when we don’t need to. That used to be me, but it all changed after I found myself on Ground Zero as...
46 min