Dear Young Married Couple

Marriage Counselors, Adam King, MA, and Karissa King, MA, talk with couples, pastors, and therapists about strengthening your marriage as a busy couple. From communication and finances to parenting, building trust, and cultivating godly desire and intimacy in the bedroom, this podcast equips you with tools to deepen your connection and create a thriving marriage.

Society & Culture
Religion & Spirituality
The Day I (Adam) almost Died and What I Learned...
In this episode, Adam and Karissa reflect back on October 8, 2007 - a date that Adam was 10 minutes from death and called Karissa while stuck in the cab of an old truck at the bottom of a 40-ft ravine (while his lung filled up with blood). Listen in to h...
32 min
A New Year's Resolution for My SEX LIFE? Say Wh...
Every year between 12/26 and 12/31, we sit down with intentionality and map out new habits for each area of our life and marriage - including our sex life! Hope you'll join us LIVE on 1/15/21 @ 5:30pm where we'll share a template for YOUR goal setting se...
22 min
Do these 5 THINGS to Stay CONNECTED This Week D...
Don't get so caught up with the holiday hurry that you miss out on sweet moments with each other. Try these 5 things to stay connected with your lover this week!   Stay in conversation with us on IG: @dearyoungmarriedcouple or on our website: www.dearyou...
15 min
QUANTITY vs. QUALITY: One Couple’s Journey to U...
In this episode, we interview Nick and Amy McKinlay, the creators of the Christian marriage app, @ultimateintimacyapp. This couple figured out how to attain and maintain ultimate intimacy, so they created an app for it so that they could help many more c...
50 min
4 LOVES: Storge. Philia. Eros. Agape. (Nerding ...
4 LOVES Crewneck Sweaters available here.  ♥️⁠ In English, we can love vegan tacos, our golden doodle, Christmas lights, Jeeps, our spouse, and God -- but we call it all "love". The Bible, however, uses FOUR different Greek concepts of love:⁠♥️⁠1. storge...
25 min
LOVE thy BODY w/ Nancy Pearcey, MA - Author, Ap...
In this interview, we interview Christian apologist Nancy Pearcey on her new book, Love Thy Body. Yes, the title is a little shocking to some, but it is, as she argues, the biblical point of view. The body is created by God and is good. Down through the ...
71 min
Going to SCHOOL as a Married Couple w/ Curtis H...
"If you’re hesitant in moving forward with your relationship because it might take away from your degree, then you might need to take a step back and think about several other things going on in your relationship.⁠ ♥️ When you make the decision to get ma...
53 min
The GOOD GIRL'S Guide to Great SEX w/ Sheila Wr...
“My biggest piece of advice for the wedding night: Don’t aim for intercourse, aim for arousal.⁠♥️⁠Christian women experience sexual pain at twice the rate of the general population… so this is OUR problem. I think a large part of that is due to the rushi...
38 min
No FRIENDS? Listen to this ASK Episode w/ A+K
We all need connection and we aren't designed to get that solely from our spouse, hence the reason we got asked this question.♥️⁠In this episode, we share some easy-to-learn tips for gaining friends and keeping them. ♥️⁠ Here's the link to How to Win Fri...
17 min
ASK A+K: "What if your spouse wasn't taught to ...
In today's episode, we featured another question from YOU! "How can a spouse learn to be more empathetic when they were not shown empathy growing up?" We have three answers for you, so listen in on this quick 10-minute episode! :)   Are you enjoying thes...
10 min
How to OUTGROW PORN w/ Drew Boa, MA, Author and...
"My generation was raised by pornography. When it comes to learning sexuality, porn was our parent. Porn was our substitute girlfriend. Porn was our Sex Ed teacher. More importantly, it became our pacifier.⁠" - Drew Boa, MA Drew Boa is passionate about h...
49 min
For BUSY Couples: How to Avoid BURNOUT w/ Pasto...
To all of the busy couples in our tribe: this one is for you! Pastor Yuri Sangueza and Dr. Cami Allard Sangueza, a Pastor-Psychologist couple in Norway, join us in a discussion about avoiding burnout in your marriage and it's chalk-full of excellent tips...
65 min
ASK A+K: How OFTEN should a married couple have...
This is a multifaceted question (and a question that we receive a lot here at DYMC), but we cover what the answer to this question ultimately comes down to in today’s ASK episode on the #DYMCpodcast.⁠   Are you enjoying these mini ASK episodes with your ...
7 min
ASK A+K: Premarital Sexual BOUNDARIES for Chris...
"In the premarital stage, what are some good boundaries to have sexually?" When we get this question, we like to use a model called "The Dating Ladder" to answer it. We got the idea from our friends over at Moral Revolution (they dubbed it "The Intimacy ...
14 min
ASK A+K: How do you know you've put God SECOND ...
One of you asked this question on our SpeakPipe, and we thought it was important to clarify a better question to ask. Listen in to hear the better question and let us know your thoughts by commenting below.   Record YOUR question for our next ask episode...
8 min
The Sexual STANDOFF w/ Dr. Morgan Cutlip
"Don’t wait to give until you get... It goes both ways: don’t wait to have sex with your partner until they’re doing all the things outside the bedroom. On the other hand, don’t wait to do things outside the bedroom until you’re getting the sex you want ...
36 min
Sexual AROUSAL and PAIN Disorders: Problems and...
"I worked with women when they’d come in for their annuals and I'd ask them, 'How is it going with your sex life?' Sometimes, they would tense up and wouldn't want to talk about it. Then, I started thinking to myself, 'Wow! Sexual dysfunction is far larg...
67 min
From Sexual DISCONNECTION to a HEALTHY Sex Life...
"We’re so open about sharing our story, as many times and as often as necessary, because if one more person can realize this happens, that this is a thing and that they can get out of it, then it’s so worth it." - Cole and Cait Zick, Directors of Moral R...
64 min
5 Tips to SIMPLIFY Your Life and Marriage w/ Sh...
If you're looking to destress your life/marriage and if you like having clear, practical steps, this podcast is for you!  It consists of 5 tips to simplify your life, explained thoroughly and practically by the lovely minimalist, Shelley Coon. We like to...
49 min
The SCIENCE of Happy Relationships w/ Drs. Don ...
How can we have empirical data to back up the claims we make or advice we give about something so subjective (like relationships)? Hear all about that in this episode as we interview Don and Carrie Cole, Licensed Professional Counselors and Directors of ...
62 min
ASK A+K: What role do SMELLS play in physical i...
We go deep "real quick" in this episode, answering these questions: What role do SMELLS play in physical intimacy? Is it normal to have sexual TEMPTATION as a married Christian man? How do I deal with a very ANGRY spouse? Come join us as we dive even fur...
25 min
How to PRIORITIZE your Marriage with an INFANT ...
Anthony and Kelli are a Student Pastor and Teacher/RN in Tennessee who have a 1-year-old baby girl. In this episode, they talk about how to keep your marriage alive with an infant. They discuss: Co-Sleeping and Sleep Training Date Nights Traveling befor...
48 min
Lessons Learned from the FIRST YEAR of Marriage...
"Having been married for only 3 weeks, we were just home from our honeymoon, unpacking, building our new life, and excited for our first home. We were on track. We were headed toward our goals. We were right on schedule. I was a nurse and Kevin had just ...
89 min
The SCHEDULING SEX Debate w/ Tony + Alisa DiLor...
"When we talk about scheduling sex, we’re not necessarily saying Tuesday at 9:07pm. Scheduling sex is looking at how frequently the two of you want to have sex and then saying, ‘Okay. What does it look like to start dividing up the week?’⁠" This episode ...
44 min
When PLAYING SAFE Means LIVING SMALL w/ Andrew ...
When you constantly live in your adaptive self so that you don't have to risk being rejected, you might be safer -- but you might also be limiting yourself big time.   Today, we had the honor of interviewing our mentor and coach, Andrew Bentley. In this ...
60 min