The Career Musician

Learn the secrets of the music industry and how to build a lasting career!

Music Interviews
Performing Arts
#4: Bernie Boyle | Legendary Tour Manager
Legendary tour manager, Bernie Boyle (The Beatles, Michael Jackson) shares his experiences managing tours for some of the world's most famous artists.
24 min
#3: Joel Stevenett | Drummer to the Stars
Joel Stevenett goes into detail, sharing tips and tricks about what it takes to be a successful career musician, drummer and self promoter.
42 min
#2: Tyrone Mattner & Gareth Katzew | Healthy Ro...
NOMAD interviews event security and close protection bodyguards who share secrets for maintaining a healthy lifestyle working in show business.
32 min
#1: Kenny Babyface Edmonds Band | Rules of the ...
NOMAD interviews members of the Kenny Babyface Edmonds band and crew about essential "rules of the road," along with details on the finer points of being a touring musician.
29 min