At Work with The Ready

Rodney Evans and Sam Spurlin have helped teams around the world adopt more modern ways of working and on At Work with The Ready they’re sharing the inside scoop with you, too. Whether you’re struggling with a carousel of ineffective meetings, annual strategy sessions that go nowhere, or decision-making churn that never ceases, they’ve seen it all and are here to help. In each episode, they'll break down common workplace challenges and show you the moves—both big and small—to start making real, lasting change. (Formerly “Brave New Work” with Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans)

Brave New Work 19. The Secrets for Better One-O...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore why typical one-on-ones are horrible, and how we can make them better.
57 min
Brave New Work 18. The Impact of Reinventing Or...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore the influence Reinventing Organizations had on The Ready and the world of organizational design.
50 min
Brave New Work 17. What We Can Learn About Org ...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans talk about what the emergence of COVID-19 means for work and how future of work practices can help prepare us for moments like these.
35 min
Brave New Work 16. Embracing Uncertainty: Navig...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans talk about how to not let fear of what might go wrong in the future have a stranglehold over your progress and decision making.
58 min
Brave New Work 15. Unauthorized Change: How to ...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans talk about how to break rules at work to bypass red tape and make real changes...without risking your job.
49 min
Brave New Work 14. Inside The Ready's Hiring Pr...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore hiring systems that reduce bias and are more people positive for applicants.
62 min
Brave New Work 13. The Future of Feedback with ...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans dig into how to embrace a feedback culture in your workplace, and how to get more comfortable giving and receiving it.
68 min
Brave New Work 12. Ask Us Anything No. 1: Talen...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans field questions from the audience for the first time.
31 min
Brave New Work 11. The Journey To Self-Managing...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans discuss what the first days and weeks are like for teams that start the path towards self management.
49 min
Brave New Work 10. Retros: The Most Important M...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore real-deal retrospectives and what our teams are missing out on by not having them.
61 min
Brave New Work 9. Skip the Plan and Learn by Do...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans talk about why we spend so much time planning for "perfect" and how we should just actually just start things and learn as you go.
41 min
Brave New Work 8. Leading Through Transformatio...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore how it's possible to be a leader while also moving away from traditional leadership structures.
50 min
Brave New Work 7. How to Have Productive Disagr...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore what if we were actually good at disagreeing with people.
46 min
Brave New Work 6. Defaulting to Transparency wi...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans talk about why companies so bad at transparency and what does embracing it look like?
47 min
Brave New Work 5. Egos and Identities in the Wo...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore whether our egos and identities are keeping us from making real change in the workplace.
47 min
Brave New Work 4. Let's Have Fewer, Better Meet...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans chat with Dan Kim about how to keep our calendars free of meetings and what the few we keep should look like.
45 min
Brave New Work 3. The Right (and Wrong) Ways to...
Aaron and Rodney throw out the old playbook to find a better way to communicate changes in an organization.
36 min
Brave New Work 2. Rethinking Our Working Agreem...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore foundational agreements to any team and what it means when we break them.
43 min
Brave New Work 1. Introducing Brave New Work wi...
Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans kick off their new podcast and share what's coming in Season 1.
18 min
It's Time for Brave New Work
Aaron and Rodney bust onto the podcast scene to investigate how traditional work is broken and how to make it better.
2 min