Being Human with Steve Cuss

From Christianity Today, Being Human with Steve Cuss is Christian counseling in podcast form. Steve Cuss, a former trauma and hospice chaplain, pastor, and leadership coach, guides listeners with a gospel-informed journey of discovery into the world of emotional health: everything from anxiety and reactivity, to triangulation, overfunctioning, and the Enneagram.

Mental Health
Ep 171: Jessie Cruickshank
Jessie Cruickshank’s new book is Ordinary DIscipleshipship - an incredible and fresh approach to the way we change and help others change.  I loved this interview where Jessie digs into attachment theory, the way God wired our brains for change, the ...
44 min
Ep 170: Nick and Christine Caine
Nick and Christine Caine are two of the most phenomenal people I know. Christine is an evangelist, gifted preacher and author. She and Nick lead Equip and Empower, an organization dedicated to helping women thrive in faith and leadership. They also l...
53 min
Ep 169: Brave Practice and Testing Assumptions
If you'd like to get more intentional about working on these, you can join Capable Life either by yourself or with a group of peers. Some entire teams are joining together to work through these tools together.  For more info on our Unlocking Faith ...
31 min
Ep 168: Steve Solo McCabe and Sin
For more resources as well as tickets to the upcoming Unlocking Faith conference, visit  
20 min
Ep 167: Sean Nemecek
Sean Nemecek is a pastor, coach at and author of the MUST READ new book The Weary Leader’s Guide To Burnout.  Sean chats his own harrowing journey into and out of burnout. He helps us measure our healthy relationships and also...
47 min
Ep 166: Restrain and Reflect
How do we learn to restrain our impulses long enough to reflect on them with God so we can deliberatively respond rather than react? Today we share tips on that, we announce the new conference and an Aussie speaking tour.  Info and Tickets for the ...
21 min
Ep 165: Justin Rosolino
Justin Rosolino is the Magnolia Community Engagement Coordinator, serving in the non profit arm of Magnolia, the home decor juggernaut founded by Chip and Joanna Gaines.  Justin is a guitarist, classicist and former educator which explains why he n...
54 min
Ep 164: Ike Miller
Ike Miller is a pastor, scholar, church planter and author who is releasing a fascinating book called Good Baggage to help us understand the implication of our childhood on our well being. Ike and I chat about upbringing, childhood vows and more. And...
40 min
Ep 163: Mike Cosper
Mike Cosper is a musician, pastor, creative and podcaster, most recently known for the juggernaut podcast The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. Mike serves as a Senior Director at Christianity Today and recently hosted two beautiful interviews with Bono an...
49 min
Ep 162: Tara Beth Leach
Tara Beth Leach is a pastor, preacher and author. She brings a rare combination of candor, thoughtfulness, depth and succinctness. Tara Beth talks us through grieving as a leader, unique challenges of being a female pastor, the life of an Enneagram 6...
44 min
Ep 161: Steps For Transformation and an excitin...
"People grow when they are in a quest or when they are in a crisis' so says the wonderful Dr Scot McKnight.  Our church has built a philosophy of discipleship and change around this profound idea. Today I share our steps to transformation, whether ...
39 min
Ep 160: Season Finale with Lisa Cuss.
Lisa, 'The Friendly Neighborhood Therapist' joins Steve to chat about power dynamics, manipulation vs gas lighting. Steve and Lisa also talk about upcoming intensives and when you know you could benefit from one.To learn more about intensives, pur...
31 min
Ep 159: The Unreliable Narrator
Movie writers and show runners sometimes employ an 'unreliable narrator' - often a character in the show who is confused, or intentionally deceiving the audience. Shows like The Sting, The Prestige, Home Land, True Detective and more employee this te...
25 min
Ep: 158: Armageddon!
Chronic anxiety has a gospel and if you don't stay on its treadmill, it tells you that Armageddon will happen. This is why we stay stuck - we assume we have to keep doing what we're doing so disaster won't strike. But Chronic anxiety is unreliable. ...
22 min
Episode 157 Lobster Traps. Trilogy Part 1.
A solo episode where Steve shares some of his current metaphors and tools on managing anxiety. This one - anxiety is like a lobster trap. You can leave anytime you want. Visit to order the new Calm, Aware, Present Journal, add on ...
35 min
Ep. 156: Jay Kim
**For journals, online community or to inquire about Steve serving your organization, visit** This week Steve chats with Jay Kim, a thoughtful and wise young pastor who chats through analog Christianity, challenges of transition ...
53 min
Ep. 155: Minding The Gap and Differentiation Ca...
** For a journal, video series or to join our Capable Life self paced learning journey, visit ** I'm writing a new book! For feedback, or to share your own gaps, email Also, shout out to Don Pape at Pap...
38 min
Ep 154: 8 Concepts of Bowen Theory Part 2
** For a journal, video series or to join our Capable Life self paced learning journey, visit **Murray Bowen, founder of Family Systems Theory developed 8 concepts to guide and explain how we think and act. Understanding and putti...
45 min
Episode 153 - Lucy Peppiatt
Lucy Peppiatt is the Principal of Westminster Theological Centre in the UK where she teaches classes in systematic theology and spiritual formation. She is the author of volumes on discipleship, women in the NT, and the imago Dei and has a particular...
33 min
Ep. 152: DJ Chuang
DJ Chuang works as a freelance strategy consultant with over 20 years of experience in developing digital strategies and effective team processes for businesses, nonprofits and churches, accomplishing a reputation for pioneering innovations, developi...
47 min
Ep. 151: Sharon Hodde Miller
Sharon Hodde Miller is a speaker, author, church planter, co pastor and scholar whose recent book The Cost Of Control is a must read. Sharon diagnoses our control issues, but then sifts them through modern challenges like smart phones and body image....
46 min
Episode 149: 8 Concepts of Bowen Theory Part 1
**To join Capable Life before the price increase, sign up for our free communications masterclass or buy a journal, visit Murray Bowen, founder of Family Systems Theory developed 8 concepts to guide and explain how we think ...
48 min
Ep148:Gilmore Girls and Systems Theory
Steve is delighted to be joined by his 15 year old daughter, Kaylee. Kaylee is a foremost expert on the TV show Gilmore Girls AND she has sat through enough of Steve’s workshops (and, frankly, dinner conversations) that she is able to diagnose the an...
61 min
Episode 147 - Dr. Anne Pattel-Gray
Dr Anne Pattel-Gray was the first Indiginous Australian to receive a PhD in Theology and she has used her personal experience and training to speak prophetically into unjust and evil racist systems. Anne has achieved many firsts in her life, and she ...
61 min
Episode 146: The Nature Of Power and Chronic An...
After a quick update and a candle lighting, Steve digs into the nature of power by comparing the Roman Pax Romana to the Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of our chronic anxiety and inner critic.  To learn more about the free Communication Style maste...
34 min