All Ears English Podcast

Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn American English? Come hang out with Lindsay and Michelle from Boston and New York City and have fun while you improve your English listening skills! We are an English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast for intermediate to advanced English learners around the world. We will show you how to use everyday English vocabulary and natural idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs and how to make small talk in American English. We will also give you special tips on American culture, customs, etiquette, and how to speak with Americans as well as conversation and commentary on study tips, business English, life in America and Boston and New York, how to apply to university in the US, dating, travel, food and more. You'll get TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC help also from The Examiner of Excellence, Jessica Beck. This podcast is for adult students who are professionals and university students as well as ESL teachers. Join the community to learn to speak American English like a native! Connection NOT Perfection!

Language Learning
AEE Bonus! Want More IELTS Episodes?
Get more IELTS episodes at IELTS Energy from All Ears English
4 min
AEE 276: 3 Tips to Read Your Way to Advanced En...
Do you use reading to advance your English? Find out with our guest and get some great reading strategies.
15 min
AEE 275: How to Naturally Interrupt Someone in ...
Do you know how to interrupt others in English? Find out today with some real examples from Lindsay and Michelle.
17 min
AEE 274: Why It's Hard to Date in a Big America...
Why is dating in a big American city so difficult? Learn about dating in urban American culture in today's episode.
16 min
AEE IELTS: Is the IELTS for Me? Find Out Today!
What is the IELTS English exam? Who takes it, and why? Find out what you need to know about IELTS today!
13 min
AEE 273: 3 Ways to Become Fluent in English Eve...
How can you achieve English fluency where you live? Get 3 tips from someone who has already done it!
14 min
AEE 272: How to Use "By" and "Until" in English
Do you know the difference between "by" and "until"?
13 min
AEE IELTS: How Does Being a Drama King/Queen He...
Here is a trick for the IELTS speaking section! Be a drama king/queen by using intonation to increase your score. Find out how today.
13 min
AEE IELTS: Don't Make THIS Cultural Mistake on ...
Are you in danger of making a cultural mistake in writing task 2 of the IELTS exam?
12 min
AEE 269: How to Use the Arts to Become Fluent i...
Can the arts take your English to a higher level?
15 min
AEE 268: How to Match a Title with a Person in ...
How do you address people in English?
13 min
AEE IELTS: What Happens on IELTS Exam Day?
What should you bring to your IELTS exam?
14 min
AEE IELTS: American or British English? Does It...
Should you study and practice using American English for the IELTS? Find out why it doesn't matter in today's episode.
8 min
AEE IELTS: Why Does the Examiner Stop Me on the...
Why does the IELTS examiner stop you in the speaking test? In today's episode you'll find out exactly what is happening in this situation and how to handle it.
10 min
AEE 266: 1 Scientifically Tested Trick to Becom...
You are an independent English learner. Do you need a new way to motivate yourself? Find out about one scientifically tested technique today.
10 min
AEE 265: 8 English Prepositions to Express Your...
Prepositions are you biggest challenge. Today you'll learn 8 common verb + preposition combinations while we talk about love and dating with Lindsay and Michelle.
16 min
AEE IELTS: How to Buy Time on the Speaking Test...
Did the IELTS examiner ask you a difficult question and your mind went blank? Today find out 6 easy phrases that you can use to get extra time to think in this situation.
14 min
AEE IELTS: How to Dress for Success on the IELT...
What should you wear for the IELTS exam? Get tips from Lindsay and Jessica and how to dress for success on IELTS exam day!
11 min
AEE 263: Why Ignorance is Bliss When It Comes t...
Can ignorance help you learn English? Find out why and how to use ignorance as an asset when you learn English
12 min
AEE IELTS: How to Connect, NOT Perfect on the I...
Does our AEE slogan, Connection NOT Perfection still work when it comes to the IELTS exam? Find out how to connect with the examiner in today's episode
12 min
AEE 262: Don't Let the Rules Rule Your Life
Are you stuck on the rules of English? How to move past them and start speaking naturally
13 min
AEE IELTS: How to Impress the Examiner with 5 E...
Do you need a quick and easy way to push your score from a 6 to a 7 on the IELTS exam? Use these English phrasal verbs to get the edge you are looking for.
17 min
AEE 260: The United States of Paranoia
Are Americans paranoid?
13 min
AEE IELTS: Think You Need to Speak Fast on the ...
If you think you need to speak fast to get a high score on the IELTS speaking section then you are wrong! Find out how to use intonation to get a higher score.
12 min
AEE 259: Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew ...
How many English vocabulary words should you learn at a time? Find out in today's episode.
11 min