All Ears English Podcast

Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn American English? Come hang out with Lindsay and Michelle from Boston and New York City and have fun while you improve your English listening skills! We are an English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast for intermediate to advanced English learners around the world. We will show you how to use everyday English vocabulary and natural idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs and how to make small talk in American English. We will also give you special tips on American culture, customs, etiquette, and how to speak with Americans as well as conversation and commentary on study tips, business English, life in America and Boston and New York, how to apply to university in the US, dating, travel, food and more. You'll get TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC help also from The Examiner of Excellence, Jessica Beck. This podcast is for adult students who are professionals and university students as well as ESL teachers. Join the community to learn to speak American English like a native! Connection NOT Perfection!

Language Learning
AEE 345: Why Life is Like Photography
Sometimes life throws us hard times. Find out what to do.
13 min
AEE 344: Why Bite-sized Chunks Are the Key to S...
Today Vanessa will show us how to push our English level higher by learning in bite-sized chunks
13 min
AEE 340: The Most Interesting Vocabulary-learni...
Anki will end your problems with vocabulary- find out more about it today
13 min
AEE 339: How to Casually Schedule Plans in English
Learn how to be casual and natural when you make plans in English
12 min
AEE 336: How to Get Ready for the Cambridge Adv...
Get insider tips from our guest on how to pass the Cambridge Advanced Exams
15 min
AEE 334: 4 Scottish English Expressions to Spea...
Meet an English teacher from Scotland and learn some local Scottish English phrases today!
12 min
AEE 333: Michael from Happy English Podcasts Sh...
Thinking about studying English abroad? Here's how to decide if you should study in the city or the countryside
16 min
AEE 332: Shayna from Espresso English Podcast S...
Today Shayna from Espresso English will give you the tools you need to push your English to the advanced level
18 min
AEE 330: Why Simple Is Beautiful for Your Engli...
Find out how to simplify your English learning and your life
14 min
AEE Bonus! What Special Skills Do You Want to B...
Get a chance to win 15 minutes on Skype with Lindsay- fill out our survey
9 min
AEE 329: 3 Smart Tips for a Newcomer in the Uni...
Today's guest will show you what to do if you have just arrived in the US
14 min
AEE 328: Why Delayed Gratification Shouldn't Sc...
Learn about why delayed gratification doesn't have to be a bad thing in this English conversation
14 min
AEE 326: Jennifer Tarle from Tarle Speech and L...
Get 3 instant ways to improve your American English vowel sounds
15 min
AEE 325: How to Unlock Your Dream Life
Get tips on how to create a life that you are dreaming about!
14 min
AEE 323: How to Introduce a Strong Opinion in E...
Learn how to be heard and respected when you speak your mind with these 4 words
19 min
AEE 320: Why You Need Momentum and Motivation f...
Learn about Michelle's adventure learning Spanish and find out what went wrong
15 min
AEE 319: "Almost" Versus "Most" in English Made...
Stop making this English mistake with "most" and "almost" today
11 min
AEE Bonus 10 Million Downloads for Connection N...
3 min
AEE 318: Four Things You Should Say to Your Mom...
Get 4 things that you should say to your mom!
12 min
AEE 317: One English Phrasal Verb That Could Ch...
Today you'll learn one key English phrasal verb that could change the way you live
9 min
AEE 316: Are You Obsessed with English Learning...
Today Lindsay and Michelle will debate about focus, obsession, achievement and "tunnel vision" when it comes to language learning
11 min
AEE 315: 5 Steps to Leaving the Perfect Voicema...
Today you'll get the formula for leaving a great voicemail in English to get a call back
15 min
AEE 314: One Key Way to Sound More Natural When...
Find out how to be super natural when you talk about what you want in English today
8 min
AEE 313: What Makes YOU Come Alive?
Today let's talk about how to live a better life by asking ourselves one key question every day
11 min
AEE 308: Use These English Acronyms At Your Own...
Do you send text messages in English? Do you use acronyms? If so, listen to today's epsiode
15 min