Glioblastoma aka GBM

Glioblastoma aka GBM is a podcast by the Glioblastoma Research Organization that highlights the stories of our community, from Glioblastoma Warriors, to caregivers, medical advisors, and more. Glioblastoma aka GBM is hosted by Amber Barbach, who founded the Glioblastoma Research Organization in 2018, after her father was diagnosed with and passed away from Glioblastoma.

This podcast is an exploration of stories and personal experiences, and is not meant to be taken as medical advice of any kind. If you have questions, always consult with your own medical providers and healthcare team. You are warmly invited to connect with the team at the Glioblastoma Research Organization, and share your own stories and experiences. For more information, please visit

Health & Fitness
Personal Journals
Ancient Viruses and Modern Tumors: Unlocking Gl...
Dr. Ashish Shah discusses his revolutionary research on how ancient viral DNA influences glioblastoma progression and potential new treatments targeting these genetic remnants.
33 min
Dr. Betsy Grunch aka LadySpineDoc
Dr. Betsy Grunch discusses her innovative approaches in neurosurgery and how she uses social media to educate the public on complex medical topics.
43 min
IMVAX Advances: Pioneering Glioblastoma Trials
John Furey of IMVAX discusses the groundbreaking phase 2b trial of IGV-001 and its potential to transform glioblastoma treatment.
30 min
Adventures of the Mind with Rod Nordland
Rod Nordland shares his glioblastoma journey, his literary reflections in "Waiting for the Monsoon," and his advocacy for disability, with insights from his partner, Leila.
55 min
Grief 101
Holly Gainsboro shares her transformative journey through grief and offers guidance for those navigating the emotional landscape of glioblastoma-related loss.
48 min
The Ladies of Lenox Hill Neurosurgery
Tamika Wong and Dr. Morana Vojnic from Lenox Hill Hospital discuss the latest in glioblastoma treatments and clinical trials, emphasizing the importance of hope in patient care.
51 min
The Longest Glioblastoma Survivor in the USA
He was given 4-6 months to live at 10 years old, he’s now over 30. Hear from David Fitting, the USA’s longest Glioblastoma survivor.
38 min
Power and Precision with Plus Therapeutics
Dr. Marc Hedrick of Plus Therapeutics discusses innovative targeted radiotherapeutics and the ReSPECT GBM clinical trial for recurrent glioblastoma.
35 min
Trailblazing the Neuro Frontier
Dr. Sheri Dewan unveils the complexities of neurosurgery and her global impact in healthcare, exploring the intricacies with a trailblazing perspective.
44 min
The World's Only Neuroplastic Neurosurgeon
Dr. Nati Ben-Shalom discusses innovative neuroplastic and reconstructive surgery techniques that improve brain tumor treatments and patient quality of life.
31 min
Strength in Vulnerability
Jordy Glassner shares her dual journey as a therapist and glioblastoma patient, revealing how her professional insights shape her personal battle with resilience and hope.
43 min
The Power of Purpose with Mike Posner
Kick off Season 3 of the Glioblastoma AKA GBM Podcast with Mike Posner, discussing his father's journey with brain cancer.
38 min
Mini Series: Life Hacks & Unboxing Memories
Amber explores hospice and palliative care, caregiver strategies, end-of-life considerations, sleep therapy, and the emotional process of unboxing a loved one's belongings in the latest episode of the Glioblastoma AKA GBM Mini Series.
33 min
Mini Series: New Year Debrief
No agenda this week as we recap our 2024 plans, and dating. Are you joining us for the 75 MEDIUM?
23 min
Mini Series: Caregiver Resources
Get your notepad ready - we're running through IMPORTANT caregiver resources for those currently on the GBM journey.
19 min
Mini Series: Being the Best Advocate
Let's talk advocacy.
18 min
Mini Series: How Are You Doing?
Join us on the second episode of the mini series as we chat about how to express how we're feeling, and replying to the question "how are you doing?".
16 min
Mini Series: Managing the Holidays
Join us on the first episode of the mini series as we chat about managing the holidays.
18 min
Mini Series - Intro
Launching 11.30.23 👀
3 min
Queen Mother
On the finale of Season 2 of Glioblastoma aka GBM, Elissa Barbach, Amber's mom, shares her perspective and story with glioblastoma.
51 min
From Down Under to Duke
Director of the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke, David M. Ashley, PhD, FRACP, MBBS (Hons), joins us to chat about the world-famous Poliovirus therapy for Glioblastoma and how the trial is making its comeback later this year.
39 min
The Science Behind Brain Tumors
GBMRO Medical Advisory Board member Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Ph.D joins us on this episode to talk about the science behind brain tumors & much more.
33 min
I ♥ You 2 the ☾ and Back
Gray for Glioblastoma Society founder Kate Snedeker joins us on this episode to discuss her dads journey with glioblastoma, and what led her to start a nonprofit at 21 years old.
43 min
Caregivers Need Support Too
Sadaf Chaudry is a mover and shaker, advocating for caregiver support and being the best mother she can be after losing her husband, Rehan Aslam, back in 2022.
50 min
A Parents' Love
Yasmin & Khuram Liaquat join us to share the story of their daughter Amani and her journey with glioblastoma. @fight4amani
66 min