Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans

Welcome to the Tipping Point Podcast, launched by Pastor Jimmy Evans to answer your questions about biblical prophecy and the end times. Each week we release new content based on current world events. Jimmy Evans and other Bible teachers guide viewers through Scripture, helping believers find hope, peace, and encouragement.


This podcast draws on decades of pastoral study, experience, and biblical expertise to answer these questions:

- What does the Bible say will happen in the last days?

- What does the Bible say about the present moment?

- Are prophetic events happening now?

- How do current events tie into end times prophecy?

- How can I prepare for the future?

Religion & Spirituality
Deception in the End Times
This week I share how every believer can stand against the onslaught of deception in our culture today. I also talk about the increasing tension between Iran and the United States and what that means in the end times.
18 min
Freedom From Bondage
This week I share my own story of how I got free from sin and bondage. When we learn the importance of meditating on the Bible, we learn how to stay strong against the enemy and how to be prepared for the day Jesus returns.
17 min
Battling Satan in the End Times
This week I share how to recognize the nature of the devil and how to live victorious as we wait for the return of Jesus.
19 min
Russia in Bible Prophecy
A major prophecy concerning Russia has already been fulfilled and another is unfolding before our eyes. I share about this and answer your questions in this week's episode.
16 min
The Revived Roman Empire
The Bible tells about what the revived Roman Empire will look like in the last days and how that relates to the Antichrist. I also share about Nebuchadnezzar's vision in the book of Daniel that depicts five world empires.
17 min
Is China in Bible Prophecy?
This week I show you whether China is mentioned in the prophetic events of the Bible. I'm also sharing about the dangers of woke activism within public education in America. Plus, I'm answering your questions.
16 min
Is America in Bible Prophecy?
When the tribulation begins, America will be present and a part of the unfolding world events. I share what I believe the state of America will be after the rapture. I'm also talking about the bombshell report released this week from the State Department about Iran's nuclear stockpile.
17 min
Should I Fear the End Times?
This week I'm talking about Jesus' prophesy that worldwide fear would be one of the major signs of His coming and how you can overcome it. I'm also sharing about the connection between abortion and antisemitism. Plus, I'll answer your questions including: "Do I have to be baptized to go in the Rapture?".
18 min
My Doomsday Prediction
On this Inauguration Day, I give my take on how we should respond to this occasion regardless of our political views. I also share about how we can prepare for Doomsday and how the division we are seeing in America today is ushering in the end times.
17 min
The Proof of Bible Prophecy
God has already told us what to expect in the end times through Bible prophecy. COVID-19 and the antichrist spirit are just the birth pains of what is to come. Learn about the imminent attack that Iran is planning on the United States and Israel and what we can do to prepare for it.
19 min
Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans - Trailer
Take a deep breath, and let Jimmy Evans show you the truth about what the Scriptures say about the times we are living in. Most of all, you'll learn how to have hope and peace in the midst of it all. Get ready for a brand-new podcast about current events based on the Tipping Point book. To get the book go to endtimes.com/book
1 min