Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans

Welcome to the Tipping Point Podcast, launched by Pastor Jimmy Evans to answer your questions about biblical prophecy and the end times. Each week we release new content based on current world events. Jimmy Evans and other Bible teachers guide viewers through Scripture, helping believers find hope, peace, and encouragement.


This podcast draws on decades of pastoral study, experience, and biblical expertise to answer these questions:

- What does the Bible say will happen in the last days?

- What does the Bible say about the present moment?

- Are prophetic events happening now?

- How do current events tie into end times prophecy?

- How can I prepare for the future?

Religion & Spirituality
End Times Deception
With all the deception happening in the world today, how can we know that we won't be deceived?
17 min
Until Jesus Returns
Today I share what we as Christians can do as we wait for the return of Jesus.
19 min
God vs. Government
Dr. Mark Hitchcock joins me today to talk about what is happening in the Middle East and Russia and how it relates to the end times. I also share how we can deal with government infringing on our religious beliefs.
21 min
Preparing For the Return of Jesus
Today I share six simple words to prepare you for the return of Jesus.
24 min
Are You Ready for Jesus to Return?
This week I share how you can absolutely know that you are prepared for Jesus' return.
23 min
When Will the Rapture Occur?
This week I share why the Feast of Trumpets is connected to the Rapture of the Church and why all believers need to be ready for this moment in prophetic history.
21 min
The Rapture vs. The Second Coming
Today I show you how the rapture differs from the second coming of Jesus.
25 min
The Rapture of the Church
Today I explain what the rapture of the church is and why it is important for all believers.
21 min
5 Reasons Why Jesus Must Return
Today I share the five reasons from scripture that Jesus must return.
21 min
The End of the World
Today I share the three main events that will take place at the end of the world. I also answer your questions about sexism in the Bible and what happens to the physical bodies of organ donors during the rapture.
18 min
The Tribulation Temple
This week I share about the tribulation temple that has to be rebuilt before the middle of the tribulation.
23 min
End Times Heroes
This week I share who I believe will be the main heroes from Israel during the tribulation.
20 min
Tribulation Trumpets: Torture, Woes & Satan's R...
Today I reveal why it's important for believers to understand the tribulation trumpets that will occur.
21 min
Wormwood Hits the Earth
Today I share details about the asteroid that is headed towards the earth and also answer your questions about UFOs.
16 min
The Mark of the Beast Revealed
Today I share what the mark of the beast is and how to identify it during the end times.
19 min
The Antichrist Revealed
Today I'm sharing ten facts that every person needs to know about the Antichrist.
22 min
Israel's Covenant with the Antichrist
Israel has made a covenant with death and it begins the tribulation. I tell you what this means for the end times timeline. I also share how Iran is making plans to escalate the war with Israel.
19 min
End Times Timeline: The Gog-Magog War
Today I'm sharing about the Gog and Magog War and the prophetic timeline of events between now and the end of times. Also, I will be talking about how Iran and Turkey are fanning the flames of all-out war and answering your questions.
20 min
The Prophetic Future of Israel
Today I'm sharing about the prophetic timeline of events between now and the end of time that centers around Israel. I also answer your questions about the Gog and Magog War, the Biden Administration's position on Israel, and if believers in heaven will be able to see what is happening in hell.
17 min
Israel in the End Times
This month is the 73rd anniversary of the rebirth of Israel as a nation and it is very significant for the times we are living in. I also share how new legislation is being passed to protect human rights in regards to technological advancements.
19 min
Standing for God in the End Times
This week I share the difference between religion and a personal relationship with Jesus. I also answer questions about sexism in the Bible and the curse of Adam and Eve.
19 min
Sexual Secrets in the End Times
Satan has a secret about sex but God tells us how to unlock that secret and live free from it. I also share about the first human-monkey hybrid developed by scientists and what that means for the end times timeline.
19 min
Warning for the End Times
Today I share a very important end times warning from Jesus and the latest details on Iran's nuclear facility. Plus, I'm answering your questions about the return of Elijah, if Monster energy drinks are satanic and how to teach your children about the end times.
18 min
Sexual Warfare
This week I share about spiritual warfare but more specifically about sexual warfare and how satan attacks people sexually and how we can overcome him. I am also talking about the Biden administration's troubling decisions on Israel, answering questions about the mark of the beast, the rapture, and if the watchers helped Noah build Ark.
18 min
Satan's Secret Weapon
The devil is stealthy and is causing destructive warfare against us. But God has given us authority over the devil. Today I'm talking about the devil's secret strategy to defeat us. I also share why the new Nike "Satan Shoes" are demonic and what we can learn from recent UFO sightings.
18 min