The Naked Marriage with Dave & Ashley...

A podcast dedicated to undressing the truth about sex, intimacy and lifelong love. The concerns and questions most couples have in marriage often go unspoken, until now. Hosts Dave and Ashley Willis bring wisdom, vulnerability, and humor to even the toughest marriage topics. Together, they reach millions of couples through their social media, books, videos, articles, and XO live events. They have four sons and live in Evans, GA.

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Loving Your Spouse When It's Hard to Like Them
A healthy marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when it's difficult to like each other. In this episode, Dave and Ashley share ways to build intimacy and connection in your marriage even when you're feeling disconnected or distant from each other.
25 min
Using Your Cell Phone to Help Your Marriage
Most of us spend more time than we should on screens, and cell phones can be a huge distraction in marriage, but they can also be a tool to help stay connected with your spouse. In this episode, Dave and Ashley discuss ways to create healthy habits with technology plus some creative and fun ideas on how to use your phone to flirt with your spouse.
30 min
How to Be Patient With Each Other
The Bible teaches "Love is patient," but it's often a lack of patience in a marriage that causes the relationship to unravel. In this episode, Dave and Ashley share practical tips on how to display love in marriage by being more patient with each other.
28 min
Summer Quickies: God's Plan for Your Sex Life
God's design for marriage, sex and answering "What is off limits in the bedroom for a married couple?"
11 min
Summer Quickies: When Health Issues Impact Your...
Overcoming health challenges, sex, and answering "How can we keep a healthy sex life when health issues are impacting our marriage?"
11 min
Summer Quickies: Habits of Sexually Satisfied C...
This episode is all about the healthy habits of couples who have and keep a thriving sex life and answering the common question "How can we develop the right habits to have a great sex life?
10 min
Summer Quickies: Great Sex with Busy Lives
Prioritizing your sex life, busy, business, and answering "How can we prioritize our sex life when we're busy all day and tired at night"?
9 min
Summer Quickies: Sex as a Reward or Punishment
Using sex as "leverage" and answering "How can we view sex as a gift without any "scorekeeping"?
8 min
Summer Quickies: Sex after Kids
Changing sex, different seasons, and answering "How can we prioritize our sex life when we're busy parenting?
12 min
Summer Quickies: Affair-Proof Marriage
Monogamy and answering "How can we affair-proof our marriage"?
10 min
Summer Quickies: Sexual Baggage
Overcoming sexual baggage and answering "How do I deal with insecurities related to my spouse's sexual past"?
11 min
Summer Quickies: Orgasms
Climax - "How can we both experience great orgasms consistently"?
10 min
Bonus: Real Marriage Podcast Sneak Peek
Subscribe to Real Marriage with Mark & Grace Driscoll: out Dave and Ashley's NEW book here - us on Social:Facebook: @strongermarriagesInstagram: @daveandashleywillisTwitter: @davewillisA podcast dedicated to undressing the truth about sex, intimacy and lifelong love. The concerns and questions most couples have in marriage often go unspoken, until now. Hosts Dave and Ashley Willis bring wisdom, vulnerability, and humor to even the toughest marriage topics. Together they have built a strong following, reaching millions of married couples through their blogs, books, and videos. They have four young sons and live near Dallas, TX.
11 min
Summer Quickies: Foreplay
Foreplay - "How can I get my spouse in the mood"?
9 min
Summer Quickies: How Men and Women are Different
This is the second episode in our "Sexy Summer Quickies" series. Over the course of 12 episodes, Dave and Ashley are answering the 12 most common questions about sex in marriage in short (approximately ten-minutes each) episodes. This episode is all about common gender differences in marriage and answering the common question "How are men's sexual needs and women's sexual needs different"?
11 min
Summer Quickies: How Often Should We Make Love?
This is the first episode in our "Sexy Summer Quickies" series. Over the course of 12 episodes, Dave and Ashley are answering the 12 most common questions about sex in marriage in short (approximately ten-minutes each) episodes. This episode is all about sexual frequency in marriage and answering the common question "How often should a married couple have sex"?
9 min
A God-Centered Marriage
In this interview with Luis and Kristen Roman, Dave and Ashley discuss the Roman's new book (Un Matrimonio Divino) and talk about how to bring God into every aspect of married life. The Roman's are Pastors, Podcasters, Speakers and Writers for which is MarriageToday's hub for marriage resources available in Spanish.
43 min
Healthy Hobbies
Hobbies can be a healthy outlet to strengthen your marriage or an imbalanced obsession which can harm the marriage. Dave and Ashley have a conversation about the benefits of healthy habits and the warning signs that certain hobbies are creating imbalance and friction in the marriage.
27 min
Love and Money
Money is a leading cause of stress in most marriages. Learning to communicate about finances in a healhty way can be a vital skill in preserving healthy finances and a healthy relationship with your spouse. In this episode, Dave and Ashley interview Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn talking about groundbreaking research from their new book, "Thriving in Love and Money."
45 min
Marriage Pitfalls
There are many "pitfalls" that can trip up a married couple. Dave and Ashley address some of the most common warning signs of unhealthy pitfalls plus ways to safeguard your marriage from these negative habits and mindsets. The Q&A segment at the end of the episode addresses a question on what to do when one spouse has no motivation to focus on physical health and the frustrations and sexual disconnect it can create in the marriage.
35 min
Overcoming Past Sexual Abuse
Some of the deepest scars and biggest hurdles an individual (and a married couple) could ever face relate to the wounds of past sexual abuse. In this episode, we hear the harrowing and heroic story of sexual abuse survivor Alyssa Gordon and her supportive husband, Tyler. Dave and Ashley's interview with Tyler and Alyssa can help bring healing and hope to anyone who has been impacted by the trauma of past or current abuse.
39 min
Monogamy vs. Multiple Partners
In an age of ongoing sexual revolution, many people believe that the very idea of lifelong monogamy is outdated and impractical. Some even point to examples of polygamy and polyamory in the Bible as justification for these alternative lifestyles. Dave and Ashley tackle these issues with research, real-life anecdotes, Biblical perspective, and Jesus' own definition of marriage.
34 min
Discouragement, Disappointment and Depression
We've all experienced moments (or even prolonged seasons) of discouragement. Sometimes these long seasons of disappointment can morph into a full-blown depression, a mid-life crisis or a myriad of other issues. Dave and Ashley share some personal experiences and Biblical perspective on how to navigate your marriage in a healthy way when either you or your spouse is facing ongoing discouragement.
31 min
Rekindling Romance
Was there ever a season in your marriage when you felt closer to your spouse than you feel right now? If so, what changed? In this episode, Dave and Ashley will unpack the reasons why many couples subtly drift apart and they'll share practical ways to rekindle romance, passion, and intimacy in every part of the marriage.
32 min
The F5 Marriage Tornado
Many couples stay "stuck" in a perpetual cycle of conflict and frustration. Dave and Ashley refer to this cycle as "The F5 Marriage Tornado" and in this episode, they unpack why this unhealthy cycle exists and how to permanently escape it and replace it with healthy communication and peace in the home.
30 min