He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.
Summary:The Russian collusion hoax has been exposed. In this episode I address the release of the flawed FISA warrant application and I address how it exposes the Russian collusion hoax. News Picks:Debunking the myth that Republicans are “extremists.” This Byron York piece addresses the false attacks on the explosive Devin Nunes’ memo. Why is the media ignoring this major Clinton scandal? This Washington Examiner piece addresses a critical question; Why is Mueller handing off his investigations? This alleged Russian connected woman met with an Obama administration Treasury official. Was the dossier info in the FISA warrant “salacious and unverified”? Comey thinks so. This is an older piece. Here is the entire FISA warrant. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
64 min
Ep. 767 The Mueller Probe Is an Abomination
Summary:In this episode I discuss the latest abomination of justice by the hyper-partisan Mueller special counsel probe. News Picks:The Mueller probe has lost all credibility. This Washington Examiner piece covers the latest abomination by the probe. Left-wing Salon exposes the Podesta Group. This piece in The Hill covers disturbing tweets sent out by an FBI agent about Trump. This PJ Media piece addresses explosive new information about a Bernie Sanders staffer and his questionable connections. The Democrats have lost their minds on the economy. The media thinks it's smarter than Trump. But why? Why did Senators Scott and Rubio tank this Trump nominee for the Ninth Circuit? Thank you for your incredible support of the family of this heroic Secret Service agent. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
64 min
Ep. 766 Why the Media Keeps Losing to Trump
Summary:In this episode I explain why the liberal media continues to lose to President Trump in the public relations battle. I also address the scandalous media suppression of the latest Clinton scandal. News Picks:In this Daily Caller piece FBI Director Wray bursts the media narrative about who our biggest intelligence foe is. This Investors Business Daily piece covers the scandalous revelation that a foreign entity may have Hillary’s emails. This Washington Examiner piece exposes John Brennan for the liar that he is. God bless the soul of Secret Service agent Nole Remagen. This Yahoo piece addresses the exploding economic crisis in Venezuela. Wait. What did George Soros just say? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
58 min
Ep. 765 What Is the Anti-Trump Crowd Hiding?
Summary:In this episode I address the continued controversy over the DNC server. I also discuss the suspicious actions of the Mueller probe with regard to the “hacking” narrative. Finally, I debunk myths about Scandinavian socialism. News Picks:Debunking myths about Scandinavian “socialism,” Part 3. Who are the mystery recipients of immunity in the Mueller witch hunt? Is Lisa Page giving up the goods? Democrats are engaged in a desperate scheme to obstruct the investigation into Spygate until after the midterm elections. The United States lost a hero this week. Please consider donating to the family of this American patriot. https://www.gofundme.com/remagen-family
Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
58 min
Ep. 764 Another Day, Another Outrage Campaign
Summary:In this episode I address the over-the-top Democrat-Media outrage campaign over the Trump-Putin meeting. I also address and debunk comments by socialist Democrat Ocasio-Cortez. News Picks:Does Scandinavian “socialism” work? Nope. The media lost its mind over the Trump-Putin meeting. Socialist Ocasio-Cortez screws up again. A solid analysis of Trump’s Russian approach. These two charts easily debunk Ocasio-Cortez’s silly statements about capitalism. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 763 The Democrats Are Panicking
Summary:In this episode I address the real purpose of the Mueller indictment of the Russian intelligence operatives. I also discuss the Russian summit and the corresponding liberal spin behind it. News Picks:Does “socialism” work? Here’s Part 2 The information in the Mueller indictment sounds suspiciously familiar. What happened to the other Russians Mueller indicted? Despite the Trump tax cuts, income tax revenue continues to go up. The Peter Strzok testimony did the FBI and the DOJ no favors. Did the press help the Russians distribute propaganda? Here’s a transcript of Barack Obama’s press conference where he downplays the significance of the Russia “hack.” Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 762 Yesterday’s Bombshell Hearing
Summary: In this episode I address the explosive takeaways from yesterday’s Spygate hearing on Capitol Hill. News Picks:Here are some key takeaways from Peter Strzok’s testimony of Capitol Hill. Read this piece about the outrageous comments from a Democrat lawmaker about Strzok. This piece is proof that the existence of the Trump team investigation was leaked to the press. This liberal running for governor in Michigan can’t even explain his own proposals. Incredible revelations about the infiltration of Hillary’s illicit email system. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
67 min
Ep. 761 Justice Isn’t Blind Any More
Summary:In this episode I address the troubling actions of FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who has failed to comply with a congressional subpoena. I also address the incredible “secret sauce” business recipe for an investment firm and a new report on school security from the Secret Service. News Picks:Does Scandinavian “socialism” work? Debunking liberal lies about Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh. What is Rod Rosenstein doing getting involved in the Supreme Court nomination? This is a must-read Secret Service report on school security. Here’s the “secret sauce” for business success. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep 760 What Liberals Aren't Telling You About S...
Summary: In this episode I address troubling new revelations surfacing regarding the scandalous investigation into the Trump team. I also discuss and debunk liberal myths about socialism and address a development in the immigration crisis. News Picks:Does socialism work in Scandinavia? No. Did the FBI get bamboozled by a shady information-laundering operation? An update on the Mike Flynn case. Are the Democrats going to lose seats in the upcoming midterms? As I predicted, President Trump’s executive order on immigration is challenged. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 759 The Real Reason Behind the Democrat Mel...
Summary:In this episode I address the meltdown in the Democrat Party over the selection of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. I also address the continued underestimation of Donald Trump by D.C. swamp rats. News Picks:Texas tops the list for pro-business states. Brett Kavanaugh and Metadata. These six senators are critical to the confirmation of Kavanaugh. More Democrat hypocrisy regarding the Supreme Court. Tucker Carlson dismantles this liberal professor in a debate about socialism. A solid article about inflation. Democrats are scrambling to save unions. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep. 758 The Liberal Rage Campaign Continues
Summary:In this episode I address the futile liberal rage campaign against Trump. I also discuss the Left’s new strategy to derail Trump’s Supreme Court pick. Finally I address the superiority of free markets over socialism. News Picks:Mueller will not present any evidence of collusion in the Manafort trial despite being appointed to investigate collusion. Why is Paul Manafort in solitary confinement? Wisconsin was a dry run for the Democrats. The Left never stopped being nasty. Liberals are trying to tie Mueller’s probe to the Supreme Court pick. More millionaires flee California after their tax hike. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 757 A Bombshell New Report on Spygate Drops
Summary:Do not miss this episode. I break down a bombshell new report in The Hill about the Obama administration’s spying operation on the Trump team. News Picks:Liberal myth-busting: Did Obama’s stimulus work? This explosive piece details new information about the Spygate scandal. Proof that the Democrats are the real obstructionists on court appointments. The Mueller witch hunt is expanding. Are the Democrats planning to get even? Immigration is the top issue for voters. Devin Nunes’ bold move. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 756 An Abomination of Justice
Summary:In this episode I address another troubling turn of events in the Mueller probe and the outrageous plea deal given in the Capitol Hill IT scandal. I also discuss the radical left turn of the Democrats and the folly of socialism. News Picks.Another Mueller probe target with extensive ties to the Clintons. Who is behind the hit job on Jim Jordan? This piece describes the unprecedented obstruction by Senate Democrats. This plea deal will infuriate you. Another pro-business bill for the Republicans is working its way through the process. Bernie Sanders knows government-run health care is too expensive. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
57 min
Independence Day Rough Cuts
Summary:In this episode I discuss some of the tips I learned in the Secret Service for preparedness, along with some fitness tips. News Picks:This is the best workout I’ve ever tried. Are Democrats pushing for a shotgun ban now? Post-apocalyptic movies are all the rage. This pro-life film is under attack. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
46 min
Ep. 755 Do Socialists Know What Socialism Is?
Summary:In this episode I address some common misconceptions about socialism. I also address the continued Antifa violence and the explosive information coming out about the House IT scandal. News Picks:Political liberty and economic liberty cannot be separated. ANTIFA continues its violent streak. NeverTrump is over. Venezuela is running out of clean water. Mike Flynn will be in court next week. This is the biggest scandal you’re not hearing about. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 754 Socialism Is for Imbeciles
Summary:In this episode I address the myth of “Democratic Socialism” and the useful idiots who propagate it. I also discuss some explosive new connections in the Spygate scandal. News Picks:Today’s edition of liberal myth-busting: Is there really a “Muslim ban”? Some key insights from Rod Rosenstein’s testimony on the Hill. What’s going on with the investigation into the investigators? Big time narrative-buster: Trump’s approval among Hispanics is up ten points. Did the FBI ignore evidence that it was being lied to? Obama is back in the game. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
58 min
Ep. 753 The Real Story Behind the Witch Hunt
Summary:In this episode I address another bizarre twist in the Mueller probe that has escaped wide media scrutiny. I also address the troubling actions of Rod Rosenstein and the reasons that some blue states are celebrating Donald Trump. News Picks:Here’s another bizarre twist in the Mueller probe. Here’s what is really at stake with this Supreme Court vacancy. The economy is motoring along. Mueller’s investigation isn’t as strong as we’ve been lead to believe. Why was this Democrat-connected lobbyist visiting Julian Assange? Is Twitter responding to conservatives? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
63 min
Ep. 752 Expect the Democrats to Double Down on ...
Summary:In this episode I address the liberal meltdown over the Supreme Court vacancy announced yesterday with Anthony Kennedy's retirement. I also address the role of President Trump in elections and how it’s causing a media meltdown. News Picks:How does Mexico treat its illegal immigration population? President Trump can drain the swamp in the Republican primaries. This Supreme Court opening is devastating for the Democrats. Here are 6 rulings that could be overturned by a constitutionalist Supreme Court. Here are the political implications of the Anthony Kennedy retirement. These filibuster tweets by Democrats look pretty silly now. Mike Lee should be the Supreme Court pick. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 751 President Trump's Big Day
Summary:In this episode I address the big political wins for President Trump yesterday. I also address the decision from the Supreme Court about union dues and what it means to you. I also discuss the growing violence and aggression on the Left. News Picks:Elaine Chao gives it right back to aggressive leftist protestors. This may be the best political ad I’ve ever seen. Four big takeaways from last night’s huge electoral upset in a congressional race. The Democrats suffered a big loss at the Supreme Court yesterday. The media is largely fake news, and Americans are starting to realize it. This piece sums up liberals' misguided views on tax cuts. A big loss at the Supreme Court for organized labor. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 750 The Fix Is In
Summary:The latest twist in the Mueller probe is deeply troubling. The fix appears to be in. Also, I address the socialism scam. Socialism is a farce, and its advocates are complete frauds. News Picks:Maxine Waters knows she’s in deep trouble. What is Bob Mueller up to now? Read this piece from a left-leaning website about people involved in the Mueller probe. A solid piece about the Obama “fixer.” More single-payer horror stories. Is the next step organized violence from the Left? The seven preludes of the FBI Trump probe. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
57 min
Ep. 749 Liberal Aggression Is Getting Dangerous
Summary:In this episode, I address increasing liberal aggression and the reasons that Donald Trump is a threat to the media/Democrat establishment. I also address a fascinating theory about “income equality.” Finally, I discuss how Mexico treats illegal immigration. News Picks:Did you ever wonder how Mexico treats its illegal immigration problem? Maxine Waters is openly advocating for mob aggression. Obama’s former DHS secretary admits they detained children to deter illegal immigration. Why did the FBI ignore these explosive revelations in the Hillary email case? Did the FBI frame Gen. Mike Flynn? Bernie Sanders is getting very rich advocating for socialism. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 748 Why Are They Still Pushing Us?
Summary:In this episode I address the continued calls for violence from the radical Left and the potential consequences. I also discuss a brilliant analysis of the handling of the Clinton email investigation and how it may actually benefit President Trump. News Picks:Five things you need to know about separations at the border. This is a brilliant analysis of the consequences of the Clinton email investigation. America won’t go down without a fight. Peter Strzok loses his security clearance. Your tax bill is about to go up if you shop online. The media screws up, again. A warning sign for the economy? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 747 The Media Is Desperate to Hide this Story
Summary:In this episode I address President Trump’s immigration executive order and how he tactically played both the media and the Democrats with its wording. I also address the explosive revelations revealed in the congressional hearing on the Clinton email investigation and the Russia probe. News Picks:President Trump’s executive order was a stroke of genius. The Obama administration gave a stand-down order on Russian efforts to intrude on our election? Why was the Obama administration laundering information through the State Department? The State Department official involved in the Russia scandal has some interesting ties. The activist who confronted Trump’s DHS secretary is actually a government employee. More on President Trump’s executive order jiujitsu. Bombshell moments from day two of the inspector general’s testimony. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep. 746 We Are Living in Dangerous Times
Summary:In this episode I address the Left’s growing calls for violence and the avoidable, devastating consequences that will result. I also discuss the grotesque media hypocrisy in coverage of the immigration crisis. News Picks:Yes, Obama paid a 1.7 billion dollar ransom to Iran. The anti-Trump FBI agents have been unmasked. Look at these horrible photos of the Obama administration’s detention conditions. The fix was in on the Clinton email scandal. The Senate Democrats are frauds. They turned down an opportunity to fix the immigration crisis. The Obama administration made some similar statements about the detention of immigrant children. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 745 Don’t Let The Democrats Get Away With T...
Summary:In this episode I address the Democrats’ new story that they’re using to attack President Trump and to provide cover for Hillary. I also discuss the inside baseball reasons that the FBI management leaned left and the coming economic crisis surrounding the national debt. News Picks:Does California prove that liberal economics works? Democrat Senator Feinstein gets called out on her lies. The media hysteria continues on the immigration issue. Are we headed for a debt crisis? Jim Comey is in a world of trouble. The Southern Poverty Law Center loses big time. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.