The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

News Commentary
Ep. 842 A Preview of What’s Ahead
Summary:In this episode I address the scandalous targeting of George Papadopoulos in the Russian “collusion” case. I also address some perfectly timed good news that should impact the midterm elections. Finally, I discuss the profound schism developing within the Democrat Party that could have a lasting impact.  News Picks:Please consider helping the family of this American patriot and friend of mine, who was taken from us too soon. Thank you for considering. Incredible jobs numbers in October indicate the economy is booming. The caravan has stalled because of a hardline stance by the Mexican government on buses. Explosive new video shows the Beto O’Rourke campaign engaged in extremely questionable activities. The Democrats' rich white progressive problem. Three things the Democrats will do if they win the midterms. Must-see video of President Trump stopping to thank exhausted hospital workers. Facebook is a scam. They’re discriminating against conservatives again. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 841 Did the Media Get Played Again?
Summary:In this episode I address Trump’s unparalleled gift for trolling the media and the Democrats. They play right into his hands. I also address troubling new undercover videos of the campaign of Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. Finally, I discuss the fascinating new report about the behind-the-scenes battle between Mueller and Trump.  News Picks:Shocking new video exposes the lies being told by the Andrew Gillum campaign. Is “right-wing” terror a more significant problem than radical Islamic terror? The horrors ahead if the Democrats win the House back. Did Bob Mueller’s team already subpoena the president? Why is the FISA court so silent about abuses in the Spygate case? Rep. Mark Meadows is asking some hard questions about the FISA abuses. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 840 Exposing the Ringleaders
Summary: In this episode I address the media’s horrific coverage of the recent atrocities and its role in making the situation worse. I also address and debunk broken liberal talking points on immigration and birthright citizenship. Finally, I expose the ringleaders of the Russian collusion hoax.  News Picks:Trump’s treatment by these politicians is atrocious. Democrats used to agree with Trump on birthright citizenship. Trump’s critics are wrong about birthright citizenship. Facebook is doubling down on censorship. Justice may be coming for Michael Avenatti. Is Don Lemon serious with this? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
63 min
Ep. 839 Don’t Fall into the Trap Being Set for You
Summary:In this episode I address President Trump’s new plan to end a controversial component of our immigration policy. I also address the growing problem of social media and internet censorship and a new plot being hatched by liberals to attack free speech. Finally, I address the embarrassing lies being told about Obamacare in an effort to get liberals elected.  News Picks:Sarah Huckabee Sanders unloads on the hapless Jim Acosta. Shots were fired at this GOP office in Florida.  Is President Trump planning to end birthright citizenship? The radical Left is doubling down on speech suppression and de-platforming. This prominent Democrat believes a social media company should be charged as accomplices to murder.   This Christian news site is under attack by the radical Left.  Another liberal fraud exposed in the school choice debate. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
63 min
Ep. 838 Don’t Back Down from the Liberal Media
Summary:In this episode I address the increasingly desperate media attacks on Trump over his appeals to the black community. I address the horrific synagogue attack over the weekend. I also cover the re-emergence of a key player in the Spygate scandal.  News Picks:Here are the details about my Florida book signing this week. How the authorities found Cesar Sayoc. What is the U.S. attorney assigned to investigate the DOJ & FBI abuses doing? Pay special attention to Victoria Nuland’s role in the Spygate scandal. Is Hillary going to run again? More on the deplatforming issue. Is the housing market struggling in this booming economy? As the economy flourishes, the Left doubles down on anger and rage. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. 
62 min
Ep. 837 Troubling New Information Surfaces
Summary:In this episode I address the media’s theories about the suspicious packages delivered to Democrat officials and why their calls for “civility” are disingenuous. I also cover the troubling details of the interview with George Papadopoulos on Fox this morning.  News Picks:An arrest is made in the suspicious packages case. Michael Avenatti is having a really bad month.  Lee Smith’s new piece addresses the trouble with the Mueller probe. Who are the activists behind the immigrant caravan? Socialists are confused as to why people are leaving high-tax states. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 836 What Really Happened Yesterday?
Summary:In this episode I address the suspicious package threat and possible explanations for the methodology. I also address an interesting connection in the Russia case that has received almost no media coverage. Finally, I address some positive news about the midterm elections and the economy.  News Picks:Our latest piece covers the latest developments on the caravan. This Washington Examiner piece address the suspicious package scare.  The person responsible for these suspicious packages will likely be caught relatively quickly.   This Politico piece by Ali Watkins addresses a forgotten figure in the Spygate scheme.  The media coverage of the suspicious packages has been horrible.  Repealing the tax cuts could cost Americans tens of thousands of dollars.  Here’s a convenient chart to refute “fair share” talking points.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 835 Scandalous New Details Emerge
Summary:In this episode I address the explosive costs of socialism as documented by a new study. I also discuss the breaking new details about the plot to entrap the Trump team. Finally, I address the midterm elections.  News Picks:John Solomon’s new piece addresses a riveting new detail in the plot to entrap the Trump team.  We must stop apologizing for conservatism! This Daily Signal piece addresses the real costs of socialism.  Jeff Carlson’s latest piece addresses Mike Rogers’ role in uncovering FISA abuses.  Is the “Blue Wave” dead? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. 
61 min
Ep. 834 The Real Reason Liberals Are Panicking ...
Summary: In this episode I address the latest attack on internet freedom and why you should be concerned. I also cover the increasingly suspicious circumstances surrounding a key player in the Russia probe. Finally, I address the liberal panic over their mob behavior.  News Picks: This key player in the Spygate scandal has a history of “disappearing.”  Are federal government workers “underpaid”?  Are we entering a new era of internet censorship?  Beto O’Rourke is trying to sell Texans a bunch of BS. They aren’t buying. New documents shed light on the Carter Page FISA warrant. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
58 min
Ep. 833 Liberalism Is Eating Itself Alive
Summary:In this episode I address the liberal implosion in this critical pre-election period. The liberal obsession with political correctness is destroying their message from within. I also discuss troubling new information released by the FBI about the operation to take down the Trump team. Finally, I address the caravan approaching our southern border.  News Picks:Why is the DOJ hiding potentially explosive information about George Papadopoulos? How many spies were working on the Trump team?  Glenn Simpson is invoking both the Fifth and the First Amendments to avoid testifying about his role in Spygate.  Identity politics is destroying liberalism from within. Jobless claims fall to new lows in the Trump economy.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep. 832 A Preview of the Horrors Ahead if the D...
Summary:In this episode I address the significant damage the Democrats will do if they win back the House. I also discuss the booming economy and the next revolution in production and growth.  News Picks:Here’s a summary of all the damage the Democrats will do if they win back the House. Why are the DOJ and FBI hiding potentially exculpatory information on George Papadopoulos? The list of attacks on Republicans is, sadly, growing.  Nancy Pelosi says she’s fine with “collateral damage” for her political opponents.  Why did Glenn Simpson plead the Fifth? What is he hiding?  President Trump is on a historic media blitz.  Politifact is a garbage propaganda site. Here’s the proof. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 831 More Explosive Deep-State Hijinks
Summary:In this episode I address the explosive new revelations about government insiders sabotaging the Trump team. I also discuss the media’s role in the efforts to take down the Trump administration. Finally, I address the liberal’s new line of attack against the Trump economy. News Picks:The RNC smashes fundraising records. Another government insider has been arrested for damaging information leaks.  This BuzzFeed piece is alleged to be one of the stories using the leaked financial information.  Were FBI employees taking free junkets from groups seeking influence?  This federal judge is furious about the handling of the Clinton probe.  Trump’s planning to cut the discretionary budget by 5 percent. The U.S. is back to being the world’s most competitive economy. Here’s the Democrats' not-so-secret plan to win the midterms. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. 
61 min
Ep. 830 Dear Swamp Rats, Get with the Program!
Summary:In this episode I address the outrageous attacks by GOP insiders on the Trump team and on conservative commentators. I also discuss the explosive Facebook scandal and what it means for you. News Picks:Ben Sasse picked the wrong fight, again. The economy is booming. Job openings are at record highs.  The federal government is raking in record income tax revenue. Did Facebook inflate its video views? What is going on in Puerto Rico? Did the FBI find something? Did Elizabeth Warren plagiarize her recipes for “Pow Wow Chow”? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
58 min
Ep. 829 There’s Something Suspicious Going On
Summary: In this episode I address the awful week the Democrats and the anti-Trump crowd are having. I also discuss the suspicious guilty plea of a key player in the Russian collusion hoax. Finally, I address the growing budget deficit and the liberal misinformation operation designed to blame it on tax policy.  News Picks:When the libs lose state power, they have nothing left.  Two times the Clinton campaign faked Russian collusion.  The federal government’s budget deficit is growing again. The federal government collected record income tax revenue in 2018. This Democrat senator was caught on tape deceiving voters.  President Trump completely dismantled the "60 Minutes" team in his interview.   James Wolfe’s guilty plea is very suspicious. What is going on in this case?  Chuck Grassley is using the “new rules” and pushing ahead on the confirmation of judges.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
57 min
Ep. 828 New Information Threatens the Anti-Trum...
Summary: In this episode I address Trump’s terrific performance during the "60 Minutes" interview this weekend. I also discuss revealing new details about the Spygate scandal that point in a troubling direction. Finally, I debunk liberal talking points about “fair share” economics.  New Picks:New details emerge about the Anti-Trump dossier.  Chuck Ross’s new piece addresses potential legal trouble for Glenn Simpson.  This Chuck Ross piece unravels the Papadopoulos/Downer meeting.  Why CNN must destroy Kanye West. Big news: Hillary Clinton’s security clearance is no more.  More ANTIFA chaos this past week.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
58 min
Ep. 827 Trump’s Strategy Is Working
Summary:In this episode I address the real reason Trump is delaying the declassification of the FISA documents. I also discuss the panicked response within the circle of people responsible for the Spygate scandal. Finally, I address the disastrous “Medicare for all” bill and the problems it’s causing for the Democrats.  News Picks:Did Glenn Simpson lie to Congress? Matt Palumbo’s new piece paints a troubling picture of dishonesty.  This American Thinker piece addresses the likely reasons for Trump’s delay in the declassification of the FISA documents.  Chuck Ross’ new piece covers Glenn Simpson’s refusal to testify again to Congress.  “Medicare for all” is an economic hoax. This piece clearly covers its shortcomings.  Mitch McConnell strikes again on federal judge confirmations.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep. 826 The Left Is Obsessed with Aggressive Co...
Summary:In this episode I address the increasingly aggressive and confrontational Left. I cover a CNN panel that degenerated into chaos, along with recent comments by Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton that should trouble all of us. Finally, I address the media’s latest efforts to cover up the suspicious activities of the FBI in the Trump investigation.  News Picks:In defense of “owning the Libs.” Why is President Trump holding back on declassification of the FISA documents? When they go low, Democrats go lower. This piece addresses Eric Holder’s troubling comments.  The stock market slides over interest rate concerns. The latest, ridiculous “Republicans Pounce” narrative.  The Kavanaugh attacks have energized Republican voters. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
57 min
Ep. 825 Can This Scandal Get Any Worse ?
Summary:In this episode I address the real origin of the operation to take down Trump. The origin story is so outrageous that you'll be astonished that it was taken seriously by the FBI and DOJ.  News Picks:In defense of “owning the Libs.”  Jeff Carlson’s latest piece addresses the astonishing origin story of the FBI and DOJ operation against Trump.  This September piece addresses the efforts to push the FBI to investigate Trump.  Here’s the latest ridiculous “conservatives pounce” narrative.  Who’s going to replace Nikki Haley?  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
62 min
Ep. 824 Was There a Soft Coup Attempt?
Summary:In this episode I address the troubling new revelations by John Solomon about a soft coup effort by senior law enforcement officials to remove President Trump from office. I also address a suspicious redacted footnote in a House report that is getting renewed attention in the FISA abuse investigation. Finally, I address the new liberal narrative being used to attack our republic.  News Picks:My new book, which exposes the players in the Spygate scandal, is available today. Pick up your copy here. John Solomon’s explosive new piece addresses an alleged soft coup attempt against President Trump. This suspicious redaction in a footnote in a House report on FISA abuses is getting renewed attention.   Mitch McConnell strikes again. Mitch is using the “new rules” to fight back.  Why is the Left abandoning due process? This piece gives some examples.  The Kavanaugh win is a big one for the GOP.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
63 min
Ep. 823 Own the Libs!
Summary:  In this episode I address the importance of owning the libs! I address the powerful Trump victory in the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I also address the troubling new revelations by Devin Nunes about the deep state efforts to take down Trump. News Picks: We must own the libs today. We must own the libs every day. My latest piece covers the importance of owning the libs.  Here are some key takeaways from the Kavanaugh win.  Trump’s instincts won the day for Kavanaugh.  The Democrats have exposed themselves. It’s ugly.  That “unpaid intern” accused of doxxing senators on Capitol Hill wasn’t unpaid after all.  Devin Nunes gave an important interview this weekend about the Spygate scandal.  Are Democrats doomed in the midterms? This piece from June is still valid.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.      
60 min
Ep. 822 We Win, They Lose
Summary:In this episode I address the troubling connections uncovered between the players in the Spygate scandal and the legal team involved with Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers. I also address the up-vote for Brett Kavanaugh taken today. Finally, I address the suspicious withholding of congressional testimonies by Comey, Brennan, and Mike Rogers.  News Picks:Why is the testimony of Brennan, Comey, and Rogers being withheld? Larry O’Connor’s piece addresses the severe backlash likely to develop as a result of the Democrats’ attacks on Kavanaugh.  Hollywood liberals are sniping at each other over Kavanaugh.  Were witnesses in the Kavanaugh case pressured to change their stories?  A suspicious death in the Spygate case.  Is China hacking our sensitive technology?  The jobless rate is at historic lows.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
58 min
Ep. 821 Explosive New Details about the Anti-Tr...
Summary:In this episode I address astonishing new details about the surveillance operation on the Trump team. I also discuss the disturbing details surrounding the arrest of a Capitol Hill insider for a doxxing incident. Finally, I address the remaining options for the Democrats in the Kavanaugh confirmation.  News Picks:Please join us on October 9 for a live, online signing session of my new book, “Spygate,” by using the link below.  Explosive new allegations by John Solomon regarding the FBI’s connections to a Clinton-connected law firm.  A lead FBI lawyer revealed troubling new details about the operation to take down Donald Trump.  This piece recaps the worst anti-Kavanaugh lies.  This Yahoo piece lays out the potential scenarios going forward in the Kavanaugh hearings.  The arrest of this Capitol Hill staffer is extremely suspicious.  This Mark Meadows interview, regarding the spying operation on the Trump team, is remarkable.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 820 The Panic on the Left Is Palpable
Summary:In this episode I address the stunning turn of events in the Kavanaugh case. The credibility of one of Kavanaugh’s accusers is in question as a new letter surfaces. I also address the growing calls to release Uranium One information that could expose deep corruption.   News Picks:This piece covers the troubling series of anti-Kavanaugh lies we’ve witnessed.  Christine Blasey Ford’s ex-boyfriend has come forward with some troubling new information.  Salena Zito’s new piece throws some water on the “Blue Wave” narrative.  Dennis Prager’s piece addresses the disturbing violent streak on the radical Left.  There’s a dispute among Senate Democrats about what should be done with the FBI report. This piece addresses a series of hoax studies used to address the corruption of the sciences.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
62 min
Ep. 819 This Is War
Summary:In this episode I address the strategic battle plan going forward to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I also address the devastating choices red-state Democrats have to make in the Kavanaugh case. News Picks:This Gavin Wax piece addresses the lessons learned from the Kavanaugh fight.  Red-state Democrats are facing a nightmare scenario right now. Heidi Heitkamp will lose her Senate seat if she votes no on Kavanaugh.  President Trump’s new trade proposal is a big win for his agenda. What happened to the Uranium One case?  The Keith Ellison case is a disgrace.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
64 min
Ep. 818 Did You Catch the New Liberal Strategy ...
Summary: In this episode I address the disgusting treatment of Brett Kavanaugh by Jeff Flake and the Democrats. I also address their next line of attack as they move away from sexual abuse allegations. Finally, I address the importance of Kanye West speaking out on Saturday Night Live.  News Picks:I debated liberal Chris Hahn this weekend on Judge Jeanine’s Fox show. It got heated quickly.  Byron York’s latest piece addresses the Democrats' new narrative to attack Kavanaugh.  Kanye West stood up against liberal bullying this week on Saturday Night Live. This was an important moment.  Lee Smith’s new piece addresses the deep water Rod Rosenstein is really in.  One of Kavanaugh’s accusers may have a credibility problem.  House Democrats double down on the police state by threatening a new investigation into Kavanaugh.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
62 min