The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

News Commentary
Ep. 866 Bob Mueller’s Best Friend is the Media
In this episode I address the media’s central role in advancing the set up of Mike Flynn, and the spying operation on the Trump team. This episode will disturb and trouble you.  News Picks: This NY Times piece from March, 2017 lays out in detail how the media got played by Obama Administration officials trying to advance the collusion hoax.   Is this it? Is any evidence of collusion ever going to surface?   Is this FBI email chain going to sink the Spygate conspirators?   The Russians have a new weapon.   Secret Facebook documents have been leaked.   President Trump is prepping for all out political war.   Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.
62 min
Ep. 865 Mike Flynn Was Set Up!
In this episode I address the scheme to set up, and take down, Lt. General Mike Flynn. The details are both shocking and disturbing.  News Picks:What happened to Lt. General Mike Flynn is an abomination. The Republicans on the NRCC hired this controversial cybersecurity firm, tied to the collusion hoax, to investigate a hack? There’s still no evidence of collusion. 10 reasons to fire Rod Rosenstein. Is Biden 2020 going to happen? The liberal media attacks George H.W. Bush’s service dog? These unions are defying the Supreme Court and, as a result, are being sued. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
63 min
Ep. 864 The Epic Race Against Time to Expose th...
Summary: In this episode I address the race against time to expose the schemers who tried to take down the Trump team. I also debunk the latest liberal narrative about tax cuts and economic growth.  News Picks:Analysis of my podcast yesterday with a different angle. The riots in Paris are being mischaracterized by the liberal media.  The Trump team fires back against Bob Mueller’s witch hunt. Wait, 63 percent of non-citizen households are on government welfare? A tax cut on the horizon that President Trump doesn’t need Congress to enact. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
62 min
Ep. 863 It’s About to Hit the Fan
Summary: In this episode I address the scandalous connections between the players in the Uranium One scandal and the recent actions by the Mueller witch-hunt team. This show ties it all together. Don’t miss it.  News Picks:Is the DOJ finally closing in on the Clinton Foundation network? This Jeff Carlson piece is more evidence that something big is going down. This older piece from John Solomon sums up the Uranium One scandal. Why isn’t the DOJ focusing on Clinton collusion?  Geraldo and I had a fiery debate over immigration where I asked this one simple question. Here’s another accomplishment Barack Obama is disingenuously taking credit for.  Why was Rod Rosenstein informed of the Michael Cohen plea deal before the acting attorney general? John Solomon’s piece points out the odd circumstances surrounding the entire probe into the Trump team.  Is our government spending problem going to become your problem soon? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
62 min
Ep. 862 Is the Raid on the Clinton Foundation W...
Summary: In this episode I address the recent raid on the home of a Clinton Foundation whistleblower and the reasons I think this is another scam. I also address an explosive story regarding potential bias at Google against conservative websites. Finally, I address a Wall Street Journal editorial that destroys the myth that Obama handed Trump a healthy economy.   News Picks:My fiery immigration debate last night with Geraldo Rivera. Is Trump going to declassify documents devastating to the Democrats? Is Mueller’s team finally acknowledging that the dossier is a hoax? Is the FBI finally zeroing in on the Clinton Foundation? Rudy Giuliani blasts the Mueller probe. Shady Jim Comey is getting desperate. An excellent Andy McCarthy piece about the collusion hoax. Was Google manipulating search results to hurt conservative websites? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep. 861 Don't Believe the Michael Cohen Media Hype
Summary: In this episode I address the Michael Cohen plea deal. The deal is clearly a desperation move by Bob Mueller’s political witch hunt team. I also discuss the interconnected web of players working to hide the scandal of the century.  News Picks:What is Donald Trump’s former lawyer up to with the Mueller team? In this viral speech, I succinctly address the scheme to pull off the spying scandal of the century.   Who is leaking this critical information from the special counsel probe? This Lee Smith piece from March describes the Mueller witch hunt perfectly. The Obama administration used pepper spray and tear gas liberally at the border.  The Trump economy is performing significantly better than the Obama economy. These numbers don’t lie.  Jeff Flake is a disgrace to the Republican Party.  Florida Democrats are trying to change gun laws. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
58 min
Ep. 860 President Trump Is Holding All the Cards
Summary: In this episode I address the growing levels of panic among the international players in the scheme to take down the Trump team. I also address the unbelievable costs of illegal immigration and the back-door efforts of the anti-Second Amendment crowd to take away your gun rights.  News Picks:Here’s an interesting piece covering my viral speech about the Spygate debacle. The deep state panic is real. They’re terrified of declassification and exposure of their schemes. Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $100 billion annually.  Make no mistake, the Manafort stories were strategically leaked. Democrats plot to destroy President Trump’s 2020 re-election chances. Beto O’Rourke is probably going to run for president. The Obama world loves him. As I told you in a previous podcast, the Florida anti-Second Amendment crowd is using the midterm election as a means to impact your Second Amendment Rights.  The high cost of “free” college. About those middle-class tax cuts. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. 
61 min
Ep. 859 What Are They Hiding ?
Summary: In this episode I address the scheming going on to protect players connected to WikiLeaks from being exposed by the Trump administration. I also discuss the tactics being used by the backers of the migrant caravan to turn public opinion against the United States. Finally, I address Twitter’s shameful censorship tactics and how to fight back.  News Picks:Another strategic leak by the Mueller team about WikiLeaks? Is the Deep State panicking? Are they about to be exposed?  Bob Mueller is now claiming that Paul Manafort lied to investigators. The backlash against Twitter is growing. Border official states that the caravan pushed women and kids to the front of the groups before attacking agents.  Four problems with the new “climate change” report. Is Obamacare about to lose in court? The caravan is losing the battle of public opinion. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
Ep. 858 The Scandal You're Not Hearing About
Summary: In this episode I address the Hillary Clinton team's role in the scandal surrounding the Trump Tower meeting. I also address the broken immigration system and the complete lack of policy solutions on the Democrat side.   News Picks:Pick up some Dan Bongino Show merchandise here for 15% off. All of our proceeds go to charity. No, the Trump tax cuts did not all go to “the rich.” Twitter is out of control. They banned an Iraq War veteran. The chaos at the border continues.  “Free” college is getting really expensive. Here are the numbers. If the globe is warming, then why have temperatures been cooling? The GOP is making serious inroads with the Hispanic community in Florida. This piece by Chuck Ross details the Trump Tower scandal.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
61 min
Ep. 857 Questions We All Need Answers To
Summary:In this episode I address the subpoena issued to Jim Comey and the critical questions he must answer to clear the air. I also address an outrageous New York firearms law proposal that will make your civil rights evaporate. Finally, I address the increasingly troubling Left-leaning lurch of the social media companies.  News Picks:Why are the British intelligence services so concerned about the declassification of the Spygate documents? The Trump administration takes a stand and declares that the migrant caravans will not be allowed to enter the U.S.  Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch are subpoenaed to testify on Capitol Hill. An interesting piece about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the future of the Supreme Court. Did false accusations of racism blow up in the Democrats’ face in Florida? New York liberals want you to turn over years of your social media history before you purchase a firearm. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 856 Another Headfake
Summary:In this episode I address the real scandal that the media is hiding. I also cover the Trump administration’s rule change that is driving liberals mad.  News Picks:This Jeff Carlson piece makes a compelling case regarding the real Russian colluders.  Rudy Giuliani says Hillary Clinton should be investigated. He’s right. Are Clinton Foundation whistleblowers about to speak out?  White House says troops can use lethal force to protect Border Patrol agents.  The Trump administration reapproves Kentucky’s work requirements for Medicaid.  The new anti-Trump NYT “bombshell” is complete garbage.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
45 min
Ep. 855 The Real Story About Clinton Corruption
Summary: In this episode I address the deeply disturbing connections in the Clinton Foundation scandal and the Russian influence operation targeted against the Clintons. This may be the most important episode yet.  News Picks:President Trump has submitted his answers to Bob Mueller’s team. Is this the end of the witch hunt? John Solomon’s piece from October of last year describes the troubles ahead for the Clinton Foundation. Congress schedules a critical hearing about the Clinton Foundation investigation.  Another fake controversy being spread by The NY Times about Trump and the DOJ. Liberal groups are fighting commonsense Medicaid reform. Is Mia Love’s congressional loss evidence of liberal racism? Nancy Pelosi strikes back. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 854 The Democrats Are Inventing Scandals
Summary:In this episode I address the explosive claims being made by Democrats regarding the midterm elections. I also address the fake scandal regarding Ivanka Trump’s email and the federal judge’s ruling on Trump’s asylum order. Finally, I discuss some positive news about the economy.  News Picks:An Obama-appointed federal judge has blocked President Trump’s immigration asylum order.  The Democrats are undermining our democracy by making false claims about election fraud in Georgia.  Yes, we can economically grow out of our fiscal problems. Here’s the evidence.  The Democrats, all of a sudden, are concerned about private email use because Ivanka Trump used private email.  It’s becoming clear that the FBI failed to appropriately vet Chris Steele’s information. Senior FBI personnel used unsecure devices for sensitive data. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
57 min
Ep. 853 I Warned You About This
Summary: In this episode I address the suspicious re-emergence of Barack Obama’s “fixer” in the scheme to take down Trump. I also address the election troubles in Broward County and how these troubles could impact conservatives in future elections. Finally, I debunk liberal economic myths being picked up by a new generation of liberals.  News Picks: Another batch of emails could shed light on the missing Spygate details.  Liberals say they want Scandinavian “socialism.” Here are some eye-opening facts about how it works. Another new caravan has formed. When will it stop? Putin’s “niece” keeps mysteriously appearing in press articles on Spygate. Obama’s “fixer” has a client who keeps showing up in the Mueller probe. As we predicted, the real election scandal in Florida is down-ballot.  Are Hill Democrats divorcing Facebook? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. 
59 min
Ep. 852 The Democrats Are Reading This All Wrong
Summary:In this episode I address the media's and the Democrats' continued attacks on Trump using “chaos,” and why these tactics are backfiring. I also address the Mueller probe and its failure to produce cooperating witnesses with evidence of “collusion.” Finally, I discuss the reasons that the Republican Party is losing in purple states like Arizona.  News Picks:Rick Scott lost votes in Florida because Broward County missed the deadline by two minutes. Palm Beach County missed another deadline.  An important piece about the revenge of the RINOs. If there’s evidence of Russian “collusion,” then why hasn’t a witness produced it? Is Democracy dying in a leftist soft coup? Governor Cuomo’s shameless war on the NRA. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. 
60 min
Ep. 851 Another Troubling Connection Surfaces
Summary:In this episode I address the growing backlash against the Amazon corporate welfare package. I also discuss new evidence of voter fraud surfacing in Florida. Finally, I address another deeply troubling connection in the spying operation against George Papadopoulos.  News Picks:Here’s the evidence that Barack Obama treated the press far worse than the Trump administration. The federal government collected record tax revenue and still ran an enormous deficit.  Was the Florida Democrat Party involved in an election scheme? Are younger black voters finding a home in the Republican Party?  The court has ruled that Hillary Clinton will have to answer questions about her email server under oath. Jeff Flake shafts conservatives, again. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.      
61 min
Ep. 850 The Secret Fight the Left Wants to Keep...
Summary:In this episode I address the suspicious reappearance of a key figure in the Spygate scandal. I also address the recount battle in Florida and the real reason the Democrats are fighting against transparency. Finally, I address the reappearance of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and a major break in the case.  News Picks:This key figure in the Spygate scandal may testify in front of Congress, and it could blow the scandal wide open. Is there a big White House shake-up coming? Is Hillary Clinton going to be forced to testify in the email investigation? The hidden gun control agenda in the Florida recount.  The Republicans must use the lame-duck session to move the ball down the field. President Trump must use his veto pen liberally. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
65 min
Ep. 849 Were Warning Signs Missed?
Summary:In this episode I address the electoral disaster in Arizona and the warning signs that were missed. I also address the continued Democratic Party attacks on Matt Whitaker and the reasons behind the attacks. Finally I address economic warning signs that could cost us everything in the 2020 election.  News Picks:Michelle Obama takes a cheap shot at President Trump. A troubling piece about vote stealing in Broward County. 5 reasons Kyrsten Sinema upset Martha McSally in Arizona. Did these “emergency voting centers” help Kyrsten Sinema win? Is Beto O’Rourke the presidential front-runner for the Democrats in 2020? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 848 Are They Stealing the Election?
Summary: In this episode I address the real reason behind the election shenanigans in Florida and suspicious circumstances surrounding the Democrats’ objections to the acting attorney general.  News Picks:Jim Comey used private email inappropriately too. This powerful app can change everything for the Democrats.  More “surprise ballots” in Georgia. Matt Whitaker’s selection for acting attorney general is legal. We are approaching a national debt apocalypse.  This piece address the Trump motorcade story in France.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
60 min
Ep. 847 The 2020 Presidential Election Has Alr...
Summary: In this episode I address some positive signs for the Trump 2020 re-election campaign. I discuss why Facebook and Twitter need conservatives more than conservatives need them. I also discuss the controversy behind a powerful new opioid on the market.  News Picks: Will President Trump declassify the Spygate documents? The Democrats are already crying foul over the acting attorney general. Liberals blew it in some competitive elections. Was this the Kavanaugh election? Could Papadopoulos blow the Russia hoax wide open? The Democrats are desperate to get their hands on social media companies. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.              
57 min
Ep. 846 An Interesting Plan Going Forward
Summary:In this episode I address the behind-the-scenes machinations after the firing of Jeff Sessions. I also address the Thousand Oaks attack. Finally, I discuss the shameful behavior of Jim Acosta at the White House yesterday.  News Picks:Jim Acosta is a disgrace to the media profession.  The midterms weren’t as bad as they could’ve been. Here are some positive signs for Trump 2020. The loony Democrats are ready to go all in on impeachment.  Is Jeff Sessions going to run for Senate in 2020? Now is the time for the Senate to get everyone confirmed.  Progressive candidates had a really bad election night. California’s dreadful politics are becoming a problem for the whole country.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
59 min
Ep. 845 What Really Happened Last Night
Summary:In this episode I address the historic midterm elections and the good, the bad, and the ugly takeaways from the results. News Picks:A huge win in Florida. A big win in Missouri. Four big takeaways from last night’s historic elections. If Republicans would’ve acted like Republicans, they could’ve done better in the House.  Last night was, most definitely, not a “blue wave.” Obama loses, again. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
59 min
Ep. 844 It’s On!
Summary:In this episode I address the biggest surprises in this critical Election Day period. I also address the ramifications of a divided government and the importance of gubernatorial races to you. Finally, I address some criticisms of my George Papadopoulos interview.  News Picks:Which Senate seats could flip? A host of reasons to vote for Republicans. The ten key races to watch. It all comes down to Florida.  More people died from drug overdoses than from car accidents in 2017. Here’s a detailed transcript of my interview with George Papadopoulos. Police unions and police officers often clash when it comes to politics. Socialists want to limit your ability to escape their high-tax dreams. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
59 min
Ep. 843 The Aftermath
Summary:In this episode I address the explosive interview with George Papadopoulos, where he reveals some troubling new information. I also address some positive signs for the GOP in the elections. Finally, I address the growing controversy over a Saturday Night Live piece.  News Picks:Here is the George Papadopoulos interview you’ve been waiting for. This piece summarizes the big revelations in the George Papadopoulos interview. George Papadopoulos wants congressional investigators to look at this. The caravan splits as the first group reaches Mexico City.  Is a silent red wave coming? Here’s the real cost of “Medicare for all.” The real differences between conservatives and progressives.  Another colossal failure of liberal economics in Flagstaff. A catastrophic breach of the CIA communications system. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
60 min
The George Papadopoulos Interview You’ve Been W...
Summary: In this special episode, I interview George Papadopoulos and his answers are explosive! Don't miss this! Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
66 min