The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

News Commentary
The Real Joe Biden Story isnt Pretty # 966 (Ep ...
In this episode I address the Joe Biden campaign announcement for President and the many scandals he’ll have to deal with. I also address the key question being left out of the debate about Spygate scandal.  News Picks:Joe Biden jumps in the Presidential race. Disgraced former FBI Director Jim Comey donated thousands to this Democrat presidential candidate.  Bernie Sanders’ insane new plan would allow 183,000 convicted murderers to vote from prison.  Unsurprisingly, it looks like the “Trump tapes” rumor was nonsense the entire time. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.     
59 min
Is She Serious? # 965 (Ep 965)
In this episode I address the troubling new revelations about Obama’s role in the Hillary email scandal. I also address the ridiculous comments by Hillary Clinton at a recent event. Finally, I address the quickest u-turn in political history and the bizarre decision by Maryland’s Republican Governor to attack Donald Trump.  News Picks:Crooked Hillary says Trump should’ve been indicted. Liberal NJ Governor proposes a 2000% increase on gun permits and licenses to carry.  A new AP history text book claims Trump is a racist and questions his mental stability.  Former FBI official claims Hillary’s emails were found in the Obama White House. Social Security is going broke. Here’s what it means for you.  RINO Maryland Governor Larry Hogan says he might challenge President Trump in the Republican Primary. Here are the two April, 2017 articles showing the UK was involved in spying on the Trump team.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. 
57 min
The Democrats Hit a New Low Yesterday # 964 (Ep...
In this episode I address the astonishing comments by the liberal candidates running for President at a CNN townhall last night. I also cover a major revelation by Senator Lindsey Graham on the Sean Hannity show. Finally I address a bizarre decision by the Dallas Attorney General which will ruin the city.  News Picks:This is disgraceful. Bernie Sanders wants the Boston Bombing terrorist to be able to vote. Here are four key dossier points debunked in the Mueller Report. The disastrous Washington Post focuses on “far right anger” in wake of Sri Lanka attack on Christians.  Victor David Hanson’s piece address collusion’s biggest fraudsters. The citizenship question on the census heads to the Supreme Court.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
59 min
Yes, You Built That # 963 (Ep 963)
In this episode I address the real reasons behind the Trump revolution, and why media elites still can’t process what’s going on. I also address the troubling revelation this weekend by a prominent reporter about John Brennan’s role in the spying scandal. Finally, I address the failings of the Mueller Report.  News Picks:President Trump tweeted out my appearance on Watter’s World this weekend, here’s the clip. Watch Jay Sekulow destroy Brian Williams in this video clip about the Mueller Report.  Joe DiGenova absolutely shreds liberal Krystal Ball over her offensive comments about the Attorney General.  Adam Schiff humiliated himself again on the Sunday talk shows.  Here’s another meeting with a Russian connected to the Hillary team that’s being ignored. John Brennan’s role in the spying scandal is surfacing, and it’s not pretty. Did the Russians use the Obama administration as a tool in a “discoverable influence operation”? The Dallas District Attorney takes a major step backwards in law enforcement.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.   
55 min
Vindication # 962 (Ep 962)
In this episode I address the vindication of Donald Trump and the ridiculous Mueller report, which goes out of its way to harm Donald Trump.  News Picks:The Mueller report has been released.  Devin Nunes slams the Mueller report for ignoring the real scandal.  The Trump team warns the Obama era DOJ that Justice will be served.  The Trump legal team responds saying this is a total victory for the President.  Are US intelligence agencies dominated by liberals? Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.   
57 min
No Collusion. No Obstruction. # 961 (Ep 961)
In this episode I address the latest information from the morning release of the Mueller report. News Picks:Here are ten post-Mueller probe questions that could turn the table on the Russian “collusion” hoax.  The media is humiliating themselves again on the “collusion” case. The DOJ is going to allow some lawmakers to see the Mueller report without redactions. Watch Beto stumble trying to defend his charity giving. Devin Nunes is looking at these three potential setups of the Trump team. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
53 min
The Mueller Report Cheat Sheet # 960 (Ep 960)
In this episode I address the astonishing hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders and his unworkable ideas. I also address the pending release of the Mueller report and what to look for in the report.  News Picks:Liberals are lying about the Trump tax cuts and many Americans are buying the lies. Here are the numbers on who is really paying taxes in America.  The Mueller report will be used as ammunition by anti-Trump conspiracy theorists. Paul Sperry sums up the Mueller strategy. This Andy McCarthy piece is so good President Trump tweeted about it. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.  
59 min
The Curious Case of Julian Assange # 959 (Ep 959)
In this episode I address the puzzling connection between the Julian Assange arrest and players in the Russia-gate scandal. I also address some the more bizarre moments from the Bernie Sanders townhall on Fox yesterday. News Picks:Outrage after CBS shows an image with the words assassinate and Trump.  The Julian Assange affidavit has been unsealed.  The 2020 Trump presidential campaign is destroying the Democrats in fundraising. More profound hypocrisy from socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Critical Unanswered Questions # 958 (Ep 958)
In this episode I address the critical revelations by a GOP congressman this weekend about the status of investigations into media and liberal misdeeds. I also address some key questions still unanswered which will blow the lid off of this scandal. Finally, I address the upsides and the downsides to Trump’s new immigration proposal and the key decision Trump could make to ensure his re-election.  News Picks:Three big things the collusion hoaxers got wrong. Congressman Mark Meadows says justice is coming. Is President Trump preparing congress for major budget cuts? The Democrats aren’t “lifting a finger” to help the President on immigration. Democrats are panicking as Devin Nunes closes in on the Spygate scandal. Paul Sperry’s piece addresses some of tricks the Mueller team used to confuse the public.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Incredible Must See Video # 957 (Ep 957)
In this episode I address the latest revelations by a key GOP congressman about the biggest scandal of our time. I also address a shocking provision of Bernie Sanders’ healthcare plan which will ensure that you wait in long lines for care. Finally, I discuss a Trump immigration proposal causing a meltdown on the Left.  News Picks:Breaking: Devin Nunes sends criminal referrals to the Attorney General. Clueless Jim Comey embarrasses himself again. The arrest of Julian Assange could create a big problem for the collusion hoaxers. NY Democrats block a bill expanding tuition benefits for Gold Star Families after approving tuition benefits for illegal immigrants.  Why are the Democrats objecting to illegal immigrants being moved to sanctuary cities? Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. 
58 min
The Game is Over # 956 (Ep 956)
In this episode I address the stunning revelations by Attorney General Bill Barr yesterday about government spying. I also destroy the liberal talking points about “Medicare for all.”  News Picks:Maxine Waters gets humiliated while questioning bank executives about student loans. Of course the Obama administration spied on the Trump team. Don’t listen to the media nonsense. The spy sent to report on the Trump team courted at least 3 Trump officials.  New poll: Americans love the Trump economy. Here’s a list of the huge tax hikes in Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for all” plan. This 2011 piece debunks the myth that government-run healthcare will be more efficient.   This Washington Examiner piece destroys Bernie Sanders “Medicare for all” plan.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
59 min
The Attorney General Lets it Rip # 955 (Ep 955)
In this episode I address the stunning new revelations from the Capitol Hill testimony of Attorney General Barr. I explain the critical takeaways and provide context for what’s to come next.  News Picks:Radical leftist Ilhan Omar describes 9-11 as “some people did something.”  Here’s the biggest bombshell from yesterday’s Bill Barr hearing on Capitol Hill.  Breaking: The Inspector General is investigating the spy used to gather intelligence on the Trump team. New evidence emerges of a “cover up” in the Hillary email scandal.  Attorney General Barr has assembled a “team” to investigate the corrupt FBI probe into the Trump team.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.  
58 min
They're Hiding Some Landmines # 954 (Ep 954)
In this episode I address the war brewing within the radical far-left which will, undoubtedly, cannibalize their movement. I also address the tools Trump has to fight back against the court’s awful immigration decisions. I also address the most important piece of information about to drop in the Russia-gate scandal.  News Picks:Breaking: A key congressman says more criminal referrals to come in the Russia-gate case. Will Mueller testify in front of Congress? Schiff and Nadler are disgraced conspiracy theorists not worthy of their seats in Congress. This older piece by Andy McCarthy describes the content of the devastating text messages between the Spygate colluders.  This piece by Margot Cleveland indicates the depths of the spying operation on Team Trump. Was Joseph Mifsud working as a US intelligence asset? Socialist Mayor Bill de Blasio steps in it regarding reparations. Government run healthcare is a disaster. Read this story about rationing in the United Kingdom. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
60 min
The Big Shakeup # 953 (Ep 953)
In this episode I address the big shakeup this weekend in the Trump administration. I also address the breaking news about the trouble ahead for Democrats and the Russia-gate conspirators from both John Solomon and Devin Nunes.  News Picks:President Trump should tell the Democrats to pound sand on seeing his tax returns. The Ukrainians have evidence damning to Democrats, yet no one in the Justice Department appears to want it. Is justice finally coming for the Spygate conspirators? The media is lying to you, again. President Trump did not call immigrants “animals.” This is another media myth.  Liberal lunatics are demanding a boycott of former Trump administration officials. This is what single-payer healthcare really looks like. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
55 min
How Many Times Have They Tried This? # 952 (Ep ...
In this episode I address stunning new information about the repeated efforts by the Obama administration to target their political opponents using weaponized intelligence assets.  News Picks:Here is the definitive list of all of shady Adam Schiff’s collusion lies. The scandal surrounding the targeting of Lt. General Mike Flynn is getting uglier.  Andy McCarthy’s terrific piece describes the folly of the Mueller probe.  The real collusion and obstruction story is the one involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter. A huge victory for conservatives in the critical state of Wisconsin. The border crisis is exploding. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. 
60 min
Another Disgraceful Attack on Trump with a Medi...
In this episode I address the disgusting attacks in The NY Times by “unnamed” officials in an attempt to keep the witch hunt against Trump alive. I also debunk the liberal “Medicare for all” plan using stunning new numbers. Finally, I address the real story behind the security breach at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. News Picks: Discredited hack Adam Schiff is still promoting collusion conspiracy theories. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit with another FEC complaint for subsidy scheme.  More unethical leaks from Mueller’s witch-hunters.  This John Solomon piece from late 2017 is worth revisiting. It covers the real collusion scandal between the Clintons and key Russians. There was a security incident at Mar-A-Lago with a Chinese national. Britain’s version of “Medicare for all” is a disaster. Is a gas tax hike coming? Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. 
58 min
There Should Be No Mercy For The Bad Guys # 950...
In this episode I address the grotesque hypocrisy of the liberals running for President in 2020. I also address troubling new revelations about George Soros money influencing the anti-Trump agenda. Finally, I address the real reason Obamacare will fail and the troubling allegations against Joe Biden.  News Picks:Preorder a copy of my new book about the dark secrets of the Mueller witch-hunt here. Victor Davis Hanson’s tremendous piece about turning the tables on the anti-Trump conspirators. Another great piece by Chuck Ross pointing out the involvement of George Soros in the scheme to attack Trump. Here’s the list of the limousine liberals running for president in 2020. Unbelievable video of a CNN “journalist” calling for speech suppression. Jim Comey is terrified of an investigation into his behavior during the Trump probe. Big government Democrats are folding again on government spending.  Weak Republicans continue to fold on Obamacare. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
60 min
This is the Real Joe Biden Scandal # 949 (Ep 949)
In this episode I address the exploding scandal surrounding Joe Biden and foreign collusion with Ukraine. Joe Biden must answer key questions I lay out in the show today. I also address another Hollywood actor’s attempt to enter the political fray. Finally, I address the worsening collapse of New York due to its liberal policies.   News Picks: The Ukraine story I’ve been warning you about finally blows up.   This Jeff Carlson piece addresses the many connections of Victor Pinchuk.   The FISA court must be reformed. Now is the time.   Captain America actor turns far-left.   Radical leftist congresswoman is now under investigation.   Pro-Life film doubles box office expectations despite social media censorship.    Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
57 min
Blowing this Hoax Wide Open # 948 (Ep 948)
In this episode I address some fascinating new information about the Mueller witch-hunt, along with the strong likelihood that Mueller knew he was investigating a hoax.  News Picks:Flashback! Here are the biggest dossier lies told by the media. It was the dossier, not Papadopoulos that started the Trump team Spygate investigation.  President Trump’s poll numbers are moving up.  AOC screws up, again. This time mangling basic history. President Trump is working on a transformative healthcare proposal. AG Bill Barr says the White House will not review the Mueller report first. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.  
60 min
Is this Really About Obama Meddling in Foreign ...
In this episode I address President Trump’s incredible speech last night and why the media continues to get everything wrong about Trump. I also address the explosive new revelations in the Nellie Ohr testimony about foreign collusion and Obama administration interference in foreign elections.  News Picks:Here it is: My new book about the collusion hoax, and the Mueller coverup, is available for preorder here: The emergency at the border is becoming a catastrophe. President Trump’s approval jumps a remarkable 5 points after the Mueller report. Nellie Ohr’s testimony is now public. Here are some of the important takeaways. Nellie Ohr finally admits she wanted Hillary Clinton to win. Here’s a transcript of Nellie Ohr’s testimony to Congress. Pay particular attention to page 20 where she discusses the “movie script” scenario. Here are some of the craziest proposals in the Green New Deal which our of touch academics disingenuously defend. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.  
60 min
Explosive New Revelations Surface About Brennan...
In this episode I address the explosive new revelations about John Brennan’s role in the plot to take down the Trump team. I also address the key question we should all be asking: “When did Bob Mueller find out he was investigating a hoax?” News Picks:Great News: My new book “Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp” is available now for preorder here.  Breaking: President Trump says he will declassify the FISA documents. Eric Swalwell doesn’t believe in justice for all.  How long has Bob Mueller known that the collusion story was a hoax? This piece by Andy McCarthy is terrific. Jim Comey is panicking now that his role in the hoax is being exposed. Here are some of the discredited hacks that peddled the collusion hoax. John Brennan’s role in the scheme to take down Trump is becoming clear. This Margot Cleveland piece, referenced in the podcast today, shows how the dossier played a key role in opening the FBI’s case. Democrats love the wealth taxes but Europeans are running from them.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Insane Video of a Democrat Doubling Down on Cra...
In this episode I address troubling new video of a prominent Democrat doubling down on crazy. I also address the emerging collusion scandal between the Democrats, the media, and Ukraine. Finally, I address CNN’s history of fake news and the disgraceful Jussie Smollett case.  News Picks: The Ukraine collusion scandal is heating up.   Here’s a list of fake news stories put out by the now disgraced CNN.   Chicago Police demand an investigation into the Jussie Smollett case.   President Trump takes action on the EMP threat.   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets humiliated in the US Senate.   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
60 min
Exonerated: Part 2 # 944 (Ep 944)
In this episode I address the complete, total evisceration of the entire collusion hoax and the complete vindication of the President of the United States. This is part two of a two part show.  News Picks:Devastating new FBI texts reveal that the Obama White House was involved in the Russiagate scandal.  This Rowan Scarborough piece debunks the dossier point by point. Jim Clapper has already implicated Barack Obama in the Russiagate scandal. Here’s the clip.  Lindsey Graham rips into a reporter for an absurdly biased question.  Desperate CNN reporters are still camped outside of Mueller’s office.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. 
55 min
Exonerated: Part 1 # 943 (Ep 943)
In this episode I address the complete, total evisceration of the entire collusion hoax and the complete vindication of the President of the United States. This is part one of a two part show.  News Picks:The counterstrike must begin now! Now that the collusion hoax has been completely, and totally discredited, we can get to the real scandal. Ten anti-Trump bombshells that were really fake news.  Obama knew the whole time.  Team Trump now turns to 2020 and will make the fake news media pay for its lies. We should ignore David Gergen and double down on calling out the Spygate schemers.  Zero percent of economists agree with AOC’s idea to fund the Green New Deal. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
63 min
The Most Disturbing Video I’ve Seen in Awhile #...
In this episode I address one of the most troubling videos I’ve seen in a long time regarding out-of-touch government bureaucracy. I also discuss the Democrats’ new strategy of attack now that the Mueller report appears ready to drop. Finally I discuss the New Zealand gun confiscation and the dossier’s absurd claims.  News Picks:The media loves to lie to you about Trump but they’re extreme lying about his Charlottesville comments are a new low. This video of government bureaucrats entirely ignoring a citizen at a public meeting is deeply troubling. Does President Trump deserve credit for defeating ISIS? Yes. There’s more evidence for Sasquatch than for some of the stuff CNN puts on the air. 41% of New Yorkers says they’ll be forced to leave the city because it’s too expensive. New Zealand takes a misguided, and dramatic step and bans some firearms. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.
56 min