Survival and Basic Badass Podcast

Welcome to the Survival and Basic Badass Podcast, where we dive into the world of off-grid living, guns, prepping, survival, and a touch of intriguing conspiracy theories. Join us as we explore the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to navigate an unpredictable world.

Each week we delve into a wide range of topics designed to empower you with practical tips and insights. From mastering self-sufficiency in off-grid living to honing your firearm skills, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to preparing for any situation life throws your way.

Our discussions on off-grid living encompass everything from building sustainable shelters, harvesting natural resources, and harnessing alternative energy sources. Whether you're a seasoned homesteader or a curious beginner, we'll equip you with the know-how to thrive independently in harmony with nature.

Guns are a crucial aspect of self-defense and personal security, and we explore various firearm types, their uses, and proper handling techniques. Our aim is to educate listeners on responsible gun ownership while debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding firearms.

Prepping is a lifestyle we embrace, and we share invaluable tips on creating emergency kits, stocking up on essentials, and developing survival plans. From natural disasters to societal disruptions, we arm you with the knowledge needed to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.

And of course, we can't resist delving into the intriguing world of conspiracy theories. We navigate the labyrinth of enigmatic ideas, examining claims that challenge mainstream narratives. While we encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness, we approach conspiracy theories with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Join us on the Survival and Basic Badass Podcast as we empower you to become self-reliant, resilient, and well-informed. Whether you're a wilderness enthusiast, a prepping aficionado, or simply curious about alternative perspectives, our show offers practical guidance and thought-provoking discussions to fuel your badass journey.

Disclaimer: The information we provide is based on our experience however should not be taken as legal, tactical, or medical advice because we do drink a lot.

Society & Culture
Personal Journals
Off Grid Income
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #37 Off Grid Income This episode is basically a part 2 of Barter and the new economy. We dig deep into new ideas for finding cash on your terms. @preppingbadass
33 min
Barter and The New Economy
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #36 Barter and The New Economy Find out what items you should be stockpiling that will be worth more than Gold in the SHTF economy.
50 min
Escaping Captivity
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #35 Escaping Captivity Learn how to survive avoid getting kidnaped and survive a hostage situation. @preppingbadass  
31 min
Surviving a Terror Attack
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #34 Surviving a Terror Attack Find out exactly what to to do when it all goes down. @preppingbadass  
34 min
What To Expect When You Join The Military
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #33 What To Expect When You Join The Military My wife suggested it would be better if Kevin and I discussed what to expect when your expecting. I however, thought that we can only prepare people so much....
33 min
Ghost Gun "80% Lower AR-15 Build"
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #32 Ghost Gun Building a 80% AR-15 What is a Ghost Gun? Why do I want one? Does Chuck have what it takes to machine and put together his own AR-15. @preppingbadass
38 min
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #31 Pandemic Find out if Kevin had the Black Death or just needs to clean the litter box? Also learn the basic steps you could take now to be ready when disaster strikes. @preppingbadass ...
37 min
Survival Shelter
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #30 Survival Shelter Chuck and Kevin go deep in the woods in search of a forest bride, or in search of werewolves, no deep in the woods to build the perfect shelter. Maybe all three. Find out now.   ...
37 min
Beers with Kevin and Chuck
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode # Beers with Kevin and Chuck Our first video podcast "Don't worry it is really dark" Hopefully we will be able to do more video podcasts we will see how you guy's respond. Watch live action podcast on...
62 min
The Warrior Mind
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #28 The Warrior Mind Did boot camp make Chuck a better man? Or was was it crocodile tears in the pillow. Find out this week. @preppingbadass
34 min
Basic Bushcraft
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #27 Basic Bushcraft Learn the skills required to be a Badass. Chuck talks longingly about the Boy Scouts and the knots from yesteryear. @preppingbadass
28 min
Bilderberg and Gold Foil Babies
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #26 Bilderberg and Gold Foil Babies Will Kevin succeed in infiltrating this illusive organization? Will he enjoy foil wrapped snacks? Find out on tonights episode. @preppingbadass ...
32 min
Disappear Off Grid
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #25 Disappear Off Grid How to lose your identity and find yourself. Completely vanish from google, your past, debtors and the rest of the social security card having world.   @preppingbadass...
35 min
Socialism, Communism, Nazis Bernie Sanders (and...
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #22 Socialism, Communism, Bernie Sanders (and $5 Percocet) Find out exactly who is Kevin's healthcare provider. @preppingbadass  
32 min
Chupacabra In The Garden
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #21 Chupacabra In The Garden Find out what Kevin really has growing in his garden. We also cover how to set up your victory/survival garden and what is Kevin composting and why does it smell like that....
39 min
Water Purification
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #19 Water Purification Do you have enough water. Is the water you have drinkable? Find out here. @preppingbadass
34 min
The Survival Library
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode # 17 The Survival Library We talk about the top 10 prepping books for the home library. Get the complete list below. Available tonight on iTunes. @preppingbadass
40 min
Building a Prepping Network
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #16 Building a pepper network. Find out why it may be helpful to work together. Also find out the skills needed for the apocalypse. @preppingbadass
41 min
Surviving Animal Attacks
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast episode #15 Surviving Animal Attacks Do you know what to do when the wolves attack? Find out in episode 15 @preppingbadass  
44 min
Hidden Cache
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode # 14 Hidden Cache Where is Kevin Hiding all his secrets? Is Chuck still keeping all his silver and gold coins in his sock drawer? All is revealed. @preppingbadass
43 min
Smokehouse : Survival Kitchen
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode # 13 Smokehouse and Survival kitchen Find out how to build your own smokehouse and the secrets to off the grid cooking.  @preppingbadass
27 min
Gun Control
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #11 Gun Control  Find out if Chuck has a stroke from frustration about the over simplified topic of gun control. Take a stand before it's too late. @preppingbadass  
32 min
Hiking (The Great Outdoors)
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #8 Hiking Find out about Kevin's annual man hike with camp Rapabehr. The real reason you need to test your manhood. @preppingbadass  
45 min
Faraday Cage
Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #6 Faraday Cage  We find out what a faraday cage is and why you need one. @preppingbadass
15 min
Personal Privacy
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #4. Personal Privacy. We discuss who's listening, how to keep it private and why it matters. Enjoy.   Support us on @preppingbadass #preppingbadass Facebook  
48 min