Survival and Basic Badass Podcast

Welcome to the Survival and Basic Badass Podcast, where we dive into the world of off-grid living, guns, prepping, survival, and a touch of intriguing conspiracy theories. Join us as we explore the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to navigate an unpredictable world.

Each week we delve into a wide range of topics designed to empower you with practical tips and insights. From mastering self-sufficiency in off-grid living to honing your firearm skills, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to preparing for any situation life throws your way.

Our discussions on off-grid living encompass everything from building sustainable shelters, harvesting natural resources, and harnessing alternative energy sources. Whether you're a seasoned homesteader or a curious beginner, we'll equip you with the know-how to thrive independently in harmony with nature.

Guns are a crucial aspect of self-defense and personal security, and we explore various firearm types, their uses, and proper handling techniques. Our aim is to educate listeners on responsible gun ownership while debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding firearms.

Prepping is a lifestyle we embrace, and we share invaluable tips on creating emergency kits, stocking up on essentials, and developing survival plans. From natural disasters to societal disruptions, we arm you with the knowledge needed to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.

And of course, we can't resist delving into the intriguing world of conspiracy theories. We navigate the labyrinth of enigmatic ideas, examining claims that challenge mainstream narratives. While we encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness, we approach conspiracy theories with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Join us on the Survival and Basic Badass Podcast as we empower you to become self-reliant, resilient, and well-informed. Whether you're a wilderness enthusiast, a prepping aficionado, or simply curious about alternative perspectives, our show offers practical guidance and thought-provoking discussions to fuel your badass journey.

Disclaimer: The information we provide is based on our experience however should not be taken as legal, tactical, or medical advice because we do drink a lot.

Society & Culture
Personal Journals
9 Meals To Anarchy
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #113 9 Meals to Anarchy If the supply chain breaks down we are only 9 meals away from complete Anarchy. Are you prepared for what the world might bring? Find out in this episode. @preppingbadass...
42 min
Getting to Know Kevin and Chuck
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #112 Getting to Know Kevin and Chuck @preppingbadass
18 min
Perimeters and Good Fences
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #111 Perimeters and Fences Chuck and Kevin discuss security from the outside in. @preppingbadass "badass" PREPPER15"
43 min
Top 10 Essential Preps
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #110 The Top 10 Essential Preps It is important to ensure you covered the basics before you get in to deep. @preppingbadass
46 min
Chuck's Christmas Carol
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #109 Chuck's Christmas  Carrol @preppingbadass
33 min
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #108 Smuggling In this episode Kevin and Chuck talk about smuggling Pirates, Cartel's, and Revolution. They also expose some pretty crazy ideas. @preppingbadass prepping_badass on instagram "badass" ...
51 min
Building a Badass Army
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #107 Building a Badass Army  Find out how to find and choose the right people to build a real prepping network that doesn't leave you feeling incomplete. @preppingbadass
34 min
Guerrilla Warfare
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #106 Guerrilla Warfare Destroy the enemy from the inside.
30 min
Preparing for the Unknown
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #105 Preparing for the Unknown. As preppers we try and prepare for the unexpected. No matter what surprises the future holds there are some basic steps that will keep us ahead of what life bring's. Find...
38 min
Preparing for a Chemical and Biological Attack
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #104 Chemical and Biological Attack Kevin and Chuck discuss what possible threats exist, how they would effect us, ad how to avoid chemical and biological attacks. code "badass" code "PREPPER15"
47 min
Urban Survival "No Guns Allowed"
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #103 Urban Survival Find out how to protect yourself when there are no Guns Allowed.  Code "badass"  Code "PREPPER15" Instagram Prepping_Badass @preppingbadass
42 min
Traveling With Guns
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #102 Traveling with Guns Chuck and Kevin help sort through the crazy gun laws of the Wo Instagram prepping_badass @preppingbadass
35 min
Raising Backyard Chickens
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #101 Raising Backyard Chickens When it comes to long term survival chickens should be a part of your plan. @preppingbadass
52 min
Episode #100 Listener Questions
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #100 Listener Questions Chuck and Kevin have rambled on long enough. It's time we here what you really want to know? We gathered questions from all around the world. Let's get into it.
55 min
You Tube Survival
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #99 YouTube Survival Learn everything survival right at your fingertips. Pretty much all of the knowledge in the world is right there in your smart phone. Find out where to start.
47 min
The New York Times and Urban Prepping
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #98 The New York Times and Urban Prepping Find out what it will take to get out of the city alive. @preppingbadass
34 min
Women of the Badass
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #97 Women of the Badass What does it take to survive the apocalypse? Find out in tonights episode. @preppingbadass
39 min
The Day After
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #96 The Day After You shoot the bad guy's then what happens. Usually the Police come and you are never heard from again. Find out how to have a better outcome.
40 min
Survival Triage
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #95 Survival Triage How do you decide who to help and who to turn away? We get a little uncomfortable as we try to sort it out. @preppingbadass
36 min
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #94 Aquaponics Are aquaponics the future of off grid sustainability? We get to the bottom of it in todays episode. @preppingbadasss
43 min
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #93 Drones Find out about those pesky flying things. No not fairies, Drones.    
40 min
Civil War
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #92 Civil War Can we really let the media and a bunch of college kids who answered a add on craigslist set the hate level for America? Find out now. @preppingbadass  
39 min
Bomb Shelters
TheSurvival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #91 Bomb Shelters Chuck and Kevin discuss bomb/fallout Shelters. Find out about ventilation, structure, and how to keep your sanity in this amazing episode. @preppingbadass  
45 min
Fire and Water
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #90 Fire and Water  Kevin and Chuck discuss fire, air bending and tell you exactly what it takes to get warm when you are feeling cold. Could you survive the wild without matches a lighter not even...
43 min
Hardening Your Location
The Survival and Basic Badass Podcast Episode #89 Hardening Your Location Find out how to prepare your home and your family for whatever life brings. @preppingbadass  
29 min