The Outdoor Drive Podcast

The Outdoor Drive is a raw and real podcast from the tailgate of the pick up truck right to your ears. We strive to bring you a unique perspective into hunting, fishing and outdoor community. Just two good ole boys enjoying the outdoors here in the Northeast of New England sharing our trial and tribulations to make you a better outdoorsman or outdoorswomen. Come and take the ride Right Here, on the Outdoor Drive.

170: Nevins Hunting Friends
Changing a kids life one at a time
74 min
169: Tracy Breen| A life in the Outdoor Industry
A life in the outdoor industry
94 min
168: Sarah Martic
Mrs. Mad Man
80 min
167: PA PUBLIC LAND BUCKS | Lane Housner
In The Presence
70 min
166: Chasing Bucks on Public Land
Ohio 2022
112 min
165: Moose Hunting with Beyond the Boundaries
2022 Moose Hunt
99 min
164: Outdoor Drive Season Update
The boys Trev and Madman Martic sit down in studio and recap the season. They dive into Trevs trip to eastern shore for Sika and how physically and mentally draining it is. Also go in to this weeks doe patrol hunt together and Trevs great...
90 min
Tyler Forbes | 163
The story of Daggers
111 min
162: Jake Bennett and Maurice Loeffel
Diy Elk Hunting Colorado
95 min
161: Ty Forbes | Anchor Point Productions
We spent the weekend of Huntstock hanging out with Ty Forbes, Co Founder of Anchor Point and we knew right away we needed to have him on to share his story.  Ty is a new hunter that has accomplished just as much as many seasoned veterans of the...
94 min
160: Deer, Bear, and Timber Stand Improvements ...
Trev, Steve, and Martic
127 min
159: Jake Bennett | Huntstock 2022 Live
Jake, the Outdoor Murse
49 min
158: New England Adventures | Huntstock 2022 Live
Healing Veterans through the Outdoors
39 min
Manchild Outdoors | Mick Alfonso | Huntstock 20...
Mick Alfonso joins us on the Mainstage at Huntstock 2022 to tell us about the origins and background of Manchild Outdoors. We had a great time camping with Mick, and the more we got to know him, the more we wanted to help get his story out there....
48 min
The Whole Crew Live at Huntstock 2022
For the first time ever, the entire crew records a bs session live on stage. Including a live interactive segment of "The News for your Cruise" as well as plenty of mishaps with adapting to a live stage show.  We talk about our plans for the...
44 min
Fishing the Fifty
David Howard
94 min
Real World Talk with Smackdown Outdoors
We get down to the nitty gritty of being a podcaster and talking real world nonsense with Doug from Smackdown Outdoors. Deep in the tunnels of a dark rabbit burrow, we may have just solved the world's problems!  From the Outdoors to Podcasting,...
110 min
Mani "The Bangalor Torpedo" | Hunting the the U...
If you have ever wondered what it is like hunting in the U.K. or Africa with a little bit on an English spin in the storytelling, then you will want to dive into this episode! Our food friend Mannish is joining us from across the pond, and he came...
115 min
Fly Fishing for Musky | Fish of 100,000 casts
Scott Grassi
82 min
Red Dot Sight on a Bow? | ARD
We sit down with Tim and Megan from Adjustable Red Dot to talk about shooting archery with a red dot sight. From the challenges of switching from pins to how it works, we get the full rundown from where these sights came from and what they are doing...
64 min
A Preview of The Huntstock Outdoors Festival
This week we sit down with Patrick Guyette from the Hunt Suburbia Podcast to talk about the Huntstock Outdoor festival and what its all about. As this is a new show in the outdoor industry, it has taken on a music festival spin and encompassing the...
100 min
Latitude Outdoors
Were catching up with the crew from Latitude outdoors on this show, as we dive into the last year of success and expansion of the company. Let me tell you, these guys are on the grind doing everything they can to innovate the mobile hunting industry!...
85 min
John Skinner Talks Flutterspoons and Bucktails
John Skinner joins us to talk Atlantic Striped bass, and the experience he had with a new technique that lead to bigger fish when it wasn’t quite going off. As a die hard bucktail fisherman, it was interesting to hear the excitement in Johns voice...
65 min
Mock Scrape Tactics with Brian Kightlinger
Episode 147, Mock Scrapes, Deer Glands, and techniques for creating year-round scrape locations. Brian walks us through the methods he has developed through trial and error over the years, and he has certainly taken scrapes to a new level. There are...
68 min
Beginner's Steps to Saddle Hunting | Saddle Hun...
The Basics of Saddle Hunting. In this episode we discuss how to start in the saddle hunting realm with Matt Cotoia, Owner of Vital Ground Outdoors. Matt has been saddle hunting for 17 years, and we cover a brief history of the method, the pro’s and...
88 min