The Outdoor Drive Podcast

The Outdoor Drive is a raw and real podcast from the tailgate of the pick up truck right to your ears. We strive to bring you a unique perspective into hunting, fishing and outdoor community. Just two good ole boys enjoying the outdoors here in the Northeast of New England sharing our trial and tribulations to make you a better outdoorsman or outdoorswomen. Come and take the ride Right Here, on the Outdoor Drive.

210: Tracking Big Woods Bucks | Austin Scheeren
This week we sit down with big woods bucks team member, Austin Scheeren. We got the chance to sit down at huntstock and really dive into the world of tracking in the big woods. Austin is from the Adirondack area witch you will find is very different...
55 min
209: Being a Women in the Outdoor Industry| Str...
This week we sit down with Shiloh from Strut'n Her Stuff at the Huntstock festival. Shiloh has really come along way in her career her story is truly something special. She is also very involved with so many outlets in the outdoor community to get...
74 min
208: Dissecting the Outdoor Industry with Primi...
On this weeks podcast Josh of The Primitive Patriot joins us while we are in Westminister Ma at the Wildwood Farm for Huntstock. We got to sit down and really get to know josh and what he is all about. The Primitive Patriot dose an aray of things...
59 min
Communicating With Whitetails | Backyard Scents
Have you wanted to really understand scrapes and communicating with whitetails? Well this is the podcast for you Backyard Scents joined us this week from huntstock. We really breakdown the use of the scents and how to use them and how they should be...
47 min
Chasing Public Land Whitetails with a Kayak | J...
The week on The Outdoor Drive we are joined by Jacob Emery. Jacob is the man behind DO3 Outdoors a very established Youtuber! He has killed some amazing deer what we really tear apart is his sucess chasing these deer with the kayak. This was a great...
62 min
205: Big Public Land Whitetails | Greg Staggs
This week we drop the tailgate with our good friend Greg Staggs. Greg is a very well rounded outdoorsman youtuber mobile hunter and outdoor writer. We pick gregs brain this week on his tactics and stragies on chasing big bucks on public land. If you...
74 min
204: Deer Hunting Contest with Bowhunting League
This week we sit down on the tailgate with DA and Wayne from the Bowhunting League to talk about the yearly Deer Hunting Compeition. This is a 100 percent free compeition is over $50K in prizes. The boys lay it all down from all the categories to...
87 min
203: Saltwater Kayak Fishing with Adam Lurch
This week on The Drive we are joined by Adam Lurch a kayak fishing guide in CT. Adam has been an avid fisherman for many many years and decided to take it to the next step but opening a kayak guide service and sharing his experiences with clients on...
67 min
202: Living the Rez life with Nakai Clearwater ...
This week we have a very special guest Nakai Clearwater Northup! Nakai is a Mashantucket Pequot who is very in touch with his heritage and one that takes it very serious. This podcast is a very good one telling the history and the ways of the tribe....
65 min
201: The Hired Killer Drew Walter
This week on The Drive we are joined by a close friend of the the outdoor drive family Drew Walter! Drew is a very well rounded outdoorsman in New England from chasing big whitetails to trapping even Bowfishing. In this weeks episode we talk about...
88 min
Hunting and Fishing our way to 200
Here at the outdoor drive we have made it to episode 200 we truly cant thank every single one of you that has supported us to make it this far. In this podcast east coast trev and madman just hang out and talk hunting and fishing no rhyme or...
69 min
199: Chasing Big Bucks in the Northeast with Ju...
This week on the outdoor drive we have one of our own Justin Barnes on! We sit down for a good chat on chasing big bucks in the northeast! Justin is very well rouned in the outdoor world and spits alot of knowleage in this podcast with some great...
62 min
198: Hunting with Hawks | Casey Everett
This week on The Drive we take flight with Casey Everett talking Falconry. We talk start to finish hunting with Hawks from capturing the bird to taking down game and filling the freezer. Casey is a very well rounded in the world falconry starting at a...
84 min
197: Cartoons and Rat Hunting with Tim Spike Davis
This week on the drive Tim Spike Davis Joins us! Tim is known for his cartoons in the hunting community but dose alot of other amazing things too like building custom fishing lures and having a scavanger hunt through out the city of Chicago. But the...
89 min
196: Returning from Turkey Hunting in Maine
We join you this week from the drive home from Maine turkey camp! What a great time that we had the hunting was hard but the food was great and laughs were plentiful! We tell the stories as the unveil through out the long weekend come and take the...
63 min
195: Talking Guiding In Maine with 207 Outfitters
This week on The Drive we have Tim and Seth of 207 Outfitters join us to talk about the life of guiding in the great state of Maine! We are on the road to go meet them and chace turkeys this weekend! We learn what its like to live in Maine and being a...
73 min
10: Mark Buzzell | Tales From the Tailgate
This weeks Tales we drop the Tailgate with Mark Buzzell from Nor'Easter Game Calls. Mark came and spent a long weekend here in CT. He knocks down an amazing bird on the second morning right off the stick and being able to sit back and relax on the...
37 min
194: Connecticut Turkey Camp Weekend with Mark ...
This week we take the ride with Mark Buzzell in turkey camp in CT. Mark joins us for a long weekend to chase a long beard in CT. This episode is a great BS session in the camp on the river some great talks on guns calls and upcoming plans. Always...
91 min
193: Poor Man Turkey Public Land Slam
This weeks podcast we have our great buddy Lane Housner from In the Presence on the podcast about doing the pour man slam in one season. Killing 4 turkeys in 3 states in 4 days. He is a run and run public land animal. We dive deep into his stories of...
82 min
9: Tallia and Seth | Tales from the Tailgate
This week we drop the tailgate with some outdoor drive family Seth and Tallia join us to talk about there double on opening day in RI. To add it is Tallias first ever turkey taken. Come and join us on this fun ride.     Sponsors: Huntworth...
27 min
192: CT Turkey Season Update
This week on the Drive Trev and Mad Man recap the trials and tribulations of the season thus far! It has been a very eventful turkey season so far and the boys are grinding out to make it better. So far Madman, Trev, Seth and Lou have all knocked down...
66 min
8: Beau Sampson | Tales from the tailgate
This week on the tailgate we have Beau Sampson! Always good catching up with him he is a young gun with a ton of drive. Beau is multipy record holder in the bowfishing world and always doing something new. He is the most well rounded 12 year old...
40 min
191: Connecticut Turkey Opener Recap Day 1
This week we you guys are stuck with Trev and Madman! We recap the Connecticut opener. Martic put down a great bird and has a great story to tell. As always we are out working the neighbors so we are in the truck driving home from roosting birds at...
49 min
190: Turkey 101 With Matt Wettish
This weeks episode is a very special one for all of you turkey hunters that are just starting or have killed alot of birds. Matt Wettish joins us to take you through how to find birds all the way to killing them. We talk roosting, calling, locating...
119 min
7: Cason Carpenter | Tales from the Tailgate
This week we drop the tailgate for Cason Carpenter a youth hunter from Connecticut. Cason shot his first ever turkey on youth weekend and is it a story to tell. He is a very hard working and dedicated outdoorsman. He wasnt able to pull the trigger off...
28 min