Tandia Talks Money

Do the words banking, finance, and money set off alarm bells when you hear them? Are you yawning just thinking about budgeting and investing? Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to make banking more relatable by breaking down the barriers and stigmas surrounding money. Start your week off strong with your new banking BFF, Carla Ricci, who is coming to you every Monday from the credit union world where major financial decisions are as unique as you are. Talking about money doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact — it can be fun, approachable, and empowering. "Boring" is not part of this podcast's vocabulary, with a variety of topics you'll be sure to relate to including payday routines, the power of saying no, and building a financial road map. Tandia is committed to fostering a community through offering financial wellness programs and treats its members as if they were a neighbour. Perhaps it’s time to pass on the overpriced avocado toast (well, sometimes at least) and start a new kind of banking journey with Tandia. 

Visit tandia.com for more information.

How To
Conquering the Canadian Housing Market
Get ready to channel your inner mountaineer because this week, Carla is tackling the mighty challenges of entering the Canadian housing market.
22 min
Dollars and Sense: Saving Big with Clever Finan...
Get ready to dance your way to financial success as we dive into the world of financial hacks and dupes.
20 min
Money Moves 101: The Art of Building Your Finan...
Guess who's back, back back....back again! Carla is back, and she’s here to help you achieve all of your financial goals!
19 min
Tandia Talks Money: Season 1 - Coming Soon!
1 min
One-Hit Wonders: How to Avoid Falling for Fraud...
April may be here, but we're not letting our guard down against fraudsters! While March was Fraud Awareness Month, protecting yourself against scams and cybercrime is a year-round endeavour.
22 min
Tips for Staying Proactive against Fraud in You...
With March being Fraud Awareness Month, Carla is here to make sure we don't fall for fraudsters and their sneaky tricks. In this episode, she discusses the creativity scammers will go to and shares a few of the most common scams out there to beware of. From the infamous Nigerian Prince scam to phishing scams or the newer "Can you hear me?" scam, fraudsters are always coming up with new ways to trick people out of their money and personal information. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is! Tune in to this episode to learn more about the minds of fraudsters and how you can protect yourself and others from these cold-hearted snakes.
7 min
Swiping Left on Romance Scammers: Protecting Yo...
News flash: it's still Fraud Awareness Month, so let's get real about romance scams and the dangers of falling for fake love. These scammers are like Cupid's evil twin, using fake profiles to target lovestruck individuals looking for companionship. They'll use all kinds of cheesy lines and emotionally manipulative tactics to gain your trust and eventually ask for money. But don't be fooled; Carla's got some hot tips to help you protect yourself and instruct you on what to do if you do get played by one of these romance scammers. So tune in, don’t fret, and just remember that you're in control of your heart and your wallet. Stay smart, stay safe, and swipe left on those scammers!
9 min
Thinking Twice: Proactive Practices for Fraud P...
Every year, millions of hard-working, respectable citizens fall victim to fraud. From investment scams to identity theft, it’s incredibly common for it to find its ugly way into so many of our lives, and this March, in honour of Fraud Awareness Month, Carla is addressing it! Sure, it isn’t the most thrilling topic in the world, but it’s beyond necessary to discuss, and let’s face it, we could all use some help when it comes to outsmarting the pesky fraudsters out there. With an in-depth breakdown of 10 proactive tips to consider and an accompanying song (of course), this episode will empower you to become more vigilant, take your power back, and help reduce your risk of becoming the next victim.
13 min
Female Financials: Let’s Go Girls
As women, our relationship with money can be incredibly complex. From wage gaps to being mothers, caretakers, and so much more, there are a variety of factors that can work against us as we attempt to financially flourish in our lives. Although the majority of these hinderances are beyond our control, there are steps we can take to improve our financial situations, and today, Carla is saying "let’s go girls" and bestowing some of that Shania energy on all the ladies listening out there. So go ahead, dust off that notepad, and prepare to turn the beat around with the top 10 essential tricks of the trade for women looking to level up their money game.
12 min
Tell Me (Money) Lies: Distinguishing Fact from ...
As February comes to a close, it’s the perfect opportunity for some self-reflection and personal growth, and what better way to do that than with a fun little game? If you grew up in the 90s, you A. remember what a magazine actually is and B. remember the personality quizzes found in the most popular magazines like Cosmo or Seventeen (IYKYK). In this episode, we’re shaking things up, travelling back in time to a world before cell phone scrolling existed, and playing a good old-fashioned game of "two truths and a lie." Focusing on our relationships with money, you’ll find out where you stand and have the opportunity to reflect on what is true for both yourself as an independent or for your partnership as it pertains to finances. Have fun, don't be afraid to laugh, and good luck!
10 min
Financial Independence: Single & Slaying 
Let’s face it, being single in February can be a tough gig at times. You’re constantly being bombarded by all things centered around Valentine’s Day, and it can bring out a full range of emotions. On one hand, you might be feeling lonely, but on the other, you might be relieved that you don’t have to share your candy. So many sides to the coin! Another major benefit of being single is the ability to pursue your very own financial independence, and today, Carla is back on the mic to hype you up and lay the groundwork for how to approach this luxury. In this episode, she’ll be sharing the top 10 essentials to know when becoming financially independent to help you work towards living the kind of life you ultimately want to live! From budgeting, investing, debt repayment, estate planning, and everything in between, by the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with the necessary tools, knowledge, and appropriate hype-song to financially invest in yourself for the long haul, regardless of your relationship status.
16 min
V-Day Essentials: 10 Financial Questions to Ask...
For some, Valentine’s Day is an elaborate date night out on the town, a trip to the spa, or going to see a movie; for others, it’s a total afterthought. If you’re stuck on what to do this year, no sweat. Carla’s got your back and is hopping on the mic this week to give you the ultimate, risqué conversation starter this V-day: money. After being in a long-term relationship herself, Carla knows better than anyone how crucial an open dialogue about money is to the health and success of any partnership. So whip out that notepad, crack that bottle of vino, and dive into the ten most juicy and essential financial questions you should be addressing with your partner. It’s time to "talk about money, baby; let’s talk about you and me!".
15 min
Mixing Love & Money: A Complex Recipe
From self-love, to romantic love, it’s a many-splendored thing that we have the pleasure of experiencing in our lives. But, as a financial institution, Carla and the Tandia team have quite literally seen it all, and know that when it comes to mixing love and finances, it isn’t all sunshine and roses. Let’s be honest, no matter what kind of relationship you’re in, dealing with finances between two confident individuals comes with its fair share of challenges, and today, Carla is offering solutions on how to ease these financial bumps on the road of love, so you can be your best self both as an individual and in a partnership. Think of her as your financial love guru or therapist. From tips on communication to setting expectations and navigating personality traits, you’ll gain insight on what it takes to maintain a healthy dynamic between money and your love life so you can feel confident enough to buy yourself flowers, just because.
19 min
Taking Financial Control: It’s Your Life and It...
As the great Jon Bon Jovi once said, "It’s my life, and it’s now or never" and as a closeted fan, Carla is back on the mic to help spread this powerful message and influence you to take action. She knows it can feel overwhelming to know where to start when you’re caught up in making habitual financial decisions, but much like a Peloton ride, the hardest part is just clipping in. Tune in for the gentle reminders and advice you didn’t even know you needed to get you on the right track when it comes to your finances. And remember, you can do hard things (as well as your own Bon Jovi tours)! 
11 min
Let’s Talk: Financial & Mental Wellness
No matter how you slice it, the direct correlation between your financial well-being and your mental health is hard to ignore. On today’s episode, Carla is addressing the "domino effect" of our financial health on our overall well-being, with a spotlight on mental health in honour of BellLetsTalk Day. Her mission this week is to provide solutions to aid in your financial health journey so you can feel your absolute best in all areas of your life. Tune in for some premium financial and music therapy (obviously), and just know that you’re doing a good job.
12 min
Blue Monday Madness: Surviving and Thriving
Every year around this time, the warm fuzziness of the holidays has faded, the resolutions have more than likely been broken, and the bills are piling up like nobody’s business. Let’s face it, January is kind of the worst. But have no fear; Carla is here to guide you through these blues and help you realistically achieve any financial and even personal goals you might have this new year. From finally breaking that debt cycle to working towards that dream vacation, this episode is all about setting you up for success. So, grab your notepad, tune in, and prepare to hop back on the financial goal wagon stronger than ever!
13 min
Emotional Investing: Should Old Acquaintances B...
When it comes to emotional investing, that’s a big fat yes. As the year officially comes to a close, it’s an ideal time to reflect and decide what financial behaviours we want to bring into the New Year and what we ultimately need to leave behind. On today’s episode, Carla is joined by Kush, a fellow Tandia employee and wealth management extraordinaire, to tackle the complexities of emotional investing. In an economy where the market is in a constant state of flux with little clarity of what the future holds, attaching emotions to it can be a risky game and leave you in a state of financial distress. Tune in as Carla and Kush guide you with the tools necessary to navigate these emotions and keep you on track in 2023 and beyond!
31 min
Combating Cyber Criminals: Stop, Look, and Think
On today’s episode, Carla is providing the ultimate crash course in cyber safety, just in time for the holidays! We are living in a world of convenience, and shopping online has become the norm. Well, with all good things, there must be one inconvenient truth, and that truth is... cyber criminals. Yes, they do exist, they are smooth as can be, and they’ll "getcha" if you’re not careful. So tune in and get ready to own the holiday season and beyond with the tips and tools you need to combat the slimy cyber scammers out there trying to steal your joy. And most importantly, don’t forget to "stop, look, and think.".
10 min
‘Tis The Season: Tips to Avoid Getting Wrapped ...
This week, Carla is kicking off the season to help guide you and your bank account towards a more cheerful experience, so you can enjoy every moment to the fullest without getting wrapped up in overspending. From budgeting to shopping tips, there are nuggets of wisdom within this episode that will serve you for life, no matter what your financial reality may be. ‘Tis the season, friends!
14 min
Basic Banking Rights: Sparking Joy & Living You...
As November comes to a close and we wrap financial literacy month up in a beautiful bow, Carla is back on the mic to ensure you’re the sharpest tool in the tool shed when it comes to understanding your financial rights as a consumer. Remember that little welcome package your financial institution provided when you first opened your account? The one you probably never opened? No shame in that game! This week, Carla is simplifying the fine print, breaking down our financial rights and key responsibilities when it comes to our roles as consumers so that we can become the finance rockstars we were born to be
16 min
Dynamic Duos & Credit Card Woes with Jay Rodriguez
Tune in as the two continue the financial literacy month festivities by sharing what you should consider before borrowing money, responsible borrowing, and how to land where you belong with your credit score. With no shortage of musical talent, the Batman and Robin of podcasting will leave you with the wisdom, insight, and entertainment needed to get you through the darker days ahead.
18 min
Frenemy Faceoff: The Debt Dilemma
Carla is taking on the ultimate frenemy we are all familiar with in some capacity—DEBT. We understand that it’s all fun and games initially, until you actually have to deal with it and you think to yourself, "Will this be around forever?" (Spice Girls reference—IYKYK). Fear not, Carla is here to arm you with the tips and tricks you need to help combat your slimy little friend and set you up to successfully co-exist amicably for a more stable financial future.
12 min
Giving It To You Straight: Small Changes, Big I...
In honour of November being financial literacy month, Carla is giving it to you straight this week, providing a bit of relief and empowerment to help carry you through the uncertainty of our changing world. She’s your financial BFF after all and is here to share a few pointers, keep things relatable, take a trip down CD memory lane (remember those?!), and of course, sing her heart out.
16 min
Ask Us Anything: Monster Mashing Your Financial...
Welcome to the Halloween edition of Ask Us Anything, where we answer the questions submitted by you (anonymously, of course!) and put a spell on all the things that financially scare you. On this episode, Carla is laying your nocturnal worry cycle to rest—providing the tools and advice necessary to keep those haunting thoughts at bay. Because we all know the second "Monster Mash" comes on, it’s party time and we’re gonna need to leave those worries at the door. Happy Halloween!
14 min
Confessions Of A Millennial: Outsmarting HomeSe...
We can all relate to being personally victimized by an impulse purchase (or 4) at the HomeSense checkout, feeling ridiculous for leaning on your parents as an adult, and drowning in credit card debt without a clear roadmap. Whatever it may be, you’re probably doing a lot better than you think. So tune in as Carla lends a non-judgmental hand to steer you towards a more empowered financial future.
11 min