The American Campfire Revival with Ki...

The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron is sparking a personal and national revival in the hearts of Americans. With a refreshing focus on Faith, History, Patriotism and the Bible, Kirk discusses everything from current cultural events, heroes of faith, and the Biblically-based, historically-proven strategy to bring life and liberty to individuals, families, and nations.

Door #1, #2, or #3? We Must Choose Now
There are very few ideas that can capture the hearts and minds of the world.
12 min
The Keys to a Ford Shelby GT 350
Jesus gave us the keys to something even greater!
13 min
Colonizing Great Ideas
We need to colonize these ideas!
9 min
America's Dual Form of Government
How do you have a form of government where you can have unity among the people, but not have everyone be the same?
9 min
America Has Separation of Powers
Early American founders understood that if you give one man too much power, they will abuse it.
14 min
America is a Virtuous REPUBLIC, Not a Democracy
What makes America a Christian nation?
14 min
The Genius of the American Republic
The Genius of the American Republic
10 min
Put Your Feet To Your Faith and Your Money Wher...
Love demands that we do!
11 min
Easter is NOT about a Bunny
It is about the ultimate victory of good over evil!
13 min
Silent Saturday and the Importance of the Eyes ...
We must not walk by sight, but by faith alone!
15 min
The Declaration of Independence
The founding document of the United States is one of the most important documents in all of history!
8 min
National Atheist’s Day
National Atheist's Day aka April Fools Day
13 min
“My Colonists Have Run Off with a Presbyterian ...
They got their courage from their pastor! Where do you get your courage?
11 min
The Shot Heard Around the World
The Shot Heard Around the World
9 min
The Revival is Gathering Momentum
Just as a lockdown forced a revival back with the colonists, a lockdown has forced a revival that is gathering momentum now!
12 min
We were made to WORSHIP God!
There is something special that happens spiritually when we allow ourselves to truly worship God.
9 min
God’s Thoughts are Always Toward You!
Do you ever wonder why God has not given you the things you have asked for?
13 min
Conscience is Your Most Sacred Property
Part of your God-given property is your conscience, and it is the one you must protect the most!
13 min
Three Little Pigs vs Two Men Built a House
We have a very dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education!
12 min
Who Keeps You Safe?
What is the biggest threat to America?
17 min
Lighting a Fire of TRUE Revival in America!
Revival Will Stop Division in America!
10 min
Man Wasn't Created to Serve 'Mother Earth'
We were created by the Father to know and love Him!
11 min
Loving Your Neighbor Can Be Awkward, Inconvenie...
What does it mean to love your neighbor?
11 min
Lack of Character in Early America
When the work got hard, Man got lazy!
14 min
Do You Know the REAL Saint Patrick? Part 3: The...
“They Found Patrick Combined the Terror of a Warrior with the Tenderness of a Woman: The Ferocity of a Tiger, with the Gentleness of a Lamb.”
18 min