Cyberpunk Lorecast: The Lore, News, &...

Each week Toastie and Jennasis bring you the foundations of the past, the state of Night City today, and news of the future for all things Cyberpunk. We talk about the TTRGP, 2077, and every hidden gem we can find.

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Neon Red: Instrumental Remix (Synthwave/Cyberpunk music) used with permission from Miracle of Sound or 


Video Games
TV & Film
125: Ghost in the Cyberpunk, Patreon Chat
Logun joins Toastie, Jenn, and Turbo to expand on the question, What event would you like to witness firsthand in the world of Cyberpunk? From space stations to rock concerts we have a wide range of ideas.
55 min
124: China Needs to Rethink Policy, in the worl...
Shocking missile ranges and child soldiers. Toastie and Jenn take a good long look at the culture and politics of China in the Cyberpunk setting.
64 min
123: From Soviet Something With Love, Russia in...
Jenn and Toastie learn about the MILLIONS of miles controlled by SovOil in Russia. We dive deep into the lore to see warring factions, a holy war, a squashed rebellion, and how one nation can have many name changes.
40 min
122: War, War Never Changes - The Middle East
Here's to haboobs! While Jenn and Toastie take a look at the devastation caused by nukes in the middle east. The fate of the world is forever changed by the radiation damage and changes to the landscape.
40 min
121: Phantom Liberty Theory w/Patrons
The Crew got together to chat about the small details we noticed and ideas about what the new expansion pack will be about. After the midbreak we switch gears and talk about where we would live in Night City.
71 min
120: Blessing the Space Down in Africa, New Afr...
Jenn and Toastie move south and explore Africa and the space stations above. We talk about wars and freeze-dried fruit! The Word and the benefits of bioware versus cyberware and heritage.
51 min
119: Eurotheatre, and We Don’t Mean Shakespeare
Toastie and Jenn take a hop skip and a jump across the pond to dive deep in the lore of Europe in the Cyberpunk setting. What changes have occurred, what is the current political landscape? How many representative can a hundred million eddies buy?
49 min
118: VGA Phantom Liberty Trailer #2 Breakdown
Is Idris Elba playing Morgan Blackhand undercover?? Jenn and Toastie breakdown what we saw at the Video Game Awards and hypothesize WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? We watch through it a few times and discuss what we see and what we think. Toastie notices something written on the wall and Jennasis tries to figure out the timeline.
58 min
117: The World of Cyberpunk
Jenn and Toastie are reunited and it is time for a world history lesson! We zoom out the focus all the way to talk about how the 90's changed everything in the Cyberpunk timeline. Learn about the space race and how many nukes had to go off before a fourth global war took place.
48 min
116: Phantom Liberty with the Patrons
Jennasis and the patrons discuss everything we know about the Phantom Liberty Expansion. What will the price point be? How will they integrate it into the game? Will Turbo get to fly in space or will we stay grounded in Pacifica? Listen now for all the news and fan theories.
49 min
115: Cyberware We Want
Toastie and Jenn had a lot of fun just riffing and talking about a lot of random things. We talk RED gear and 2077, and a lot more in between. It's a fun chat between two beasties who won't see each other for a while.
40 min
114: Psychotic Gangs: Maelstrom of Mayhem
Continue down the path to cyberpsychosis with Jenn and Toastie as they discuss the creation of the Maelstrom gang in the world of Cyberbunk. From The Legion to Patricia and everything in-between.
43 min
113: Smash or Pass, all about Adam Smasher
Jenn and Toastie take a good hard look at the scariest former human in Night City. Adam Smasher has been in the lore since the early 2000’s and we have a lot to learn. Come see how the baddest of the bad gets to the top of Arasaka tower. Subscribe for more Cyberpunk & Cyberpunk 2077 lore, news, and more! Patreon - NOW WITH T-SHIRTS!!! Get ad-free episodes early & support the show! Watch LIVE at Discord: Twitter: Email: Neon Red: Instrumental Remix (Synthwave/Cyberpunk music) used with permission from Miracle of Sound or #staysafeinnightcity
56 min
112: Twins are Reunited! Cyberpunk Lorecast Pat...
Sit around a trash can fire and let's have a chat with Turbo, Toastie, and Jenn while we reflect on the past, present, and future of Cyberpunk. We talk Edgerunners and 2077, and what Orion and Liberty could all be about.
59 min
111: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Review Episode 9 & ...
The last two episodes are here. There are tears and a few more swear words than usual. Jenn and Toastie share their thoughts and feelings, and are here for a shoulder to cry on. Join us for more lore, love, and loss in Night City, because no one makes it out with out a few scars.
76 min
110: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Review Episode 6-8
More tragedy strikes David Martinez, and Toastie and Jenn are here to share their thoughts and feelings. Did you notice all the little in-game references? Or were you too shocked to even notice? Join us for more lore, love, and loss in Night City.
59 min
109: News Drop and Edgerunners 4&5 Review
Jenn and Toastie talk about the stars and then the moon. And how they relate to the news from CDPR and the break down the next two episodes of the Netflix original series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.
68 min
108: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Review Episode 1-3
The lorecast is back and in full swing! Jenn and Toastie break down the first three episodes of the Netflix original series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.
59 min
107: The Future of This Show (We're Back!)
The show is back! We talk about the future and welcome our new hosts.
35 min
106: Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Predictions
What do you expect to see in the first major Cyberpunk 2077 DLC release? We gather our patrons for a discussion on what's most likely and what would be really freaking cool.
70 min
105: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT & Metropolis (1927), CP 2...
Don't miss the big announcement at the end of this episode! Our patrons join us to talk about the Metropolis, the movie from 1927 that influenced Blade Runner, their experiences with the Cyberpunk 2077 1.5 patch, and their thoughts on the big announcement.
59 min
104: Cyberpunk 2077 1.5 Secrets & Easter Eggs
The Cyberpunk 2077 1.5 patch brought with it a lot of secrets to uncover. Here's everything I was able to discover so far!
30 min
103: Patch 1.5 Details & What it means for CP 2...
The Cyberpunk 2077 1.5 patch has dropped! I go over all of the big (and small) details and, more importantly, what this means for the future of this game.
39 min
102: This Insane Mod Will Save Cyberpunk 2077
Remember the marketing for Cyberpunk 2077 and all the things they promised about the game? This insane mod might just provide everything we ever wanted for the game.
35 min
101: Blade Runner 2049 Patron Chat Jan, 2022
We come to the last of the original set of movies to discuss with our patrons, Blade Runner 2049, and find out their thoughts on the film. How Cyberpunk is it? Does it hold up to the other movies we've discussed? And do they agree with Tom that it's the better of the two Blade Runner movies?
63 min