Mass Effect Lorecast: Video Game Lore...

This show is in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally! Explore the universe of lore behind the Mass Effect games plus updates on news about new game releases and more. Brought to you by Robots Radio, home of the Fallout Lorecast, Elder Scrolls Lorecast, Cyberpunk Lorecast, and many other high-quality and informative shows.

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Video Games
07: The Asari Lore
The Asari are the blue skinned ancient alien race who are mono-gendered yet "female" in appearance and are full of mystery. Why were they so much more advanced than other intelligent races? How do they reproduce? Are they hiding a secret?
68 min
06: The Protheans
The Protheans were here before any of the current space-faring races of Mass Effect, but they too stood on the shoulders of giants...
78 min
05: The Creation of the Geth & The Geth War
Here's how the Geth were created by the Quarians, plus the amazing details about the Geth War that happened 300 years before the beginning of Mass Effect 1.
61 min
04: The Krogan Problem & The Genophage "Solution"
The Rachni "solution" created a new Krogan problem... and that required another "solution" - the genophage. Here's what we know.
58 min
03: The Rachni War & The Krogan "Solution"
How dangerous were the Rachni and was the "solution" worth it?
64 min
02: The First Contact War
The First Contact War paved the way for humans in the universe, but we didn't make the best first impression...
71 min
01: Is Shepard Alive? + Teaser Trailer Hidden D...
Welcome to the Mass Effect Lorecast. We kick off the first episode with a discussion of the evidence for and against if Shepard is still alive or not. We discuss which ending might be canon and reveal some of the hidden details in the teaser trailer for the next Mass Effect game to support our points.
74 min