True Vault Escapades: A Fallout Audio...

Silver Award Winner of the 2023 Hear Now Podcast Palooza.

Set during the events of 'Fallout: New Vegas', follow the story of a tough-as-nails wasteland detective, and a blonde-bombshell vault girl as they solve some of postwar America’s biggest mysteries. From the harsh lands of Texas to the war-torn deserts of the Mojave, Walter & Bunny risk it all to expose sensational murders, crime syndicates, and even cold cases from over 200 years ago. All of it draped in a 1940s noir blanket. The whole package includes Trans-Atlantic accents, vinyl grain, and even era-appropriate music.

Science Fiction
Video Games
The Case of Caesar's Ring
Walter & Bunny hunt for none other than Julius Caesar's ring to strike directly into the Legion's morale, but not without its share of dangers.
36 min
The Case of The Open Casket
Mr. Casket, the man who kidnapped Bunny, returns with a bloody vengeance.
48 min
The Case of The Gypsy's Curse
A devious fortune-teller places a curse on a woman and warns our detectives not to interfere.
46 min
The Case of The Cornered Godfather
A mob boss’s organized hit goes wrong, and Walter & Bunny are called to action!
44 min
Bunny, and The Mystery of Eladna (Ft. Lane Comp...
After a car crash, Bunny is marooned in an oddly friendly settlement that holds a dark secret.
38 min
The Case of The Cursed Cruise (Ft. Ryan Alosio)
After mysterious nighty murders on a wasteland cruise ship, Walter & Bunny uncover one of the most sinister coverups yet.
32 min
The Case of The Mannequin Soldier
A Brotherhood of Steel soldier survives a vertibird crash and blames himself for the tragedy. The question is, was he even there to begin with?
38 min
The Case of The Mutant's Bride
Walter & Bunny are called to the home of a crazed woman who demolishes the house - she and her husband included. With few clues, our detectives find themselves at the scene of a recent heist, and a heavily armed Powder Ganger camp. But what could this do with the original crime scene?
40 min
Dope Head Blues (Ft. MrMattyPlays)
When Bunny survives a shootout at a women's-only socialite club, Walter and Dusty do their darnedest to track her down.
61 min
The Case of The Great Bunny Kidnapping
A mysterious man in black kidnaps Bunny and Walter rips the Mojave apart to find her.
31 min
The Case of The Raided Ranch
A ranch void of life, a rich ghoul family and a marriage that could never happen. How do our detectives connect the dots?
48 min
The Case of The Great Bar Blowouts
Walter and Bunny plan to solve a string of exploding bars and saloons across the wasteland - possibly Legion connected. But not before meeting the team’s newest ally, Sergeant Humphreys: an NCR soldier who wants results. Who could behind this mess?
35 min
The Case of The Slot Machine Slayings
Now in New Vegas, Walter & Bunny attempt to solve the murder of a woman who knew too much about a slot machine.
46 min
True Vault Escapades Epilogue (Narrated by "The...
The Storyteller from ShoddyCast's popular series, "Fallout Lore", goes over a summary of the events taking place after the original True Vault Escapades series.
5 min
A Vault In Ruin (Ft. MrMattyPlays)
After the fall of Vault 54 (from Bunny's perspective), the detective works with a new overseer to secure her home's safety.
57 min
Walter Meets Draco! The Friendly Deathclaw
After Walter's exit from Vault 54, an inquisitive Deathclaw offers him a way back inside... with a cost.
84 min
True Vault Escapades Ep 5: War Never Changes
In this exciting finale, Walter & Bunny discover the true motive behind the Vault 54 murders.
60 min
True Vault Escapades Ep 4: A Cosmic Knife In Th...
Walter & Bunny desperately hunt for who or what is behind the vote-based killings in Vault 54.
28 min
True Vault Escapades Ep 3: A New Kind Of World
Detective Camry and Bunny have arrived at Vault 54, and the case can truly begin!
22 min
True Vault Escapades Ep 2: A Walk In The Wasteland
Walter follows Bunny to her mysterious community, but not without its share of problems.
8 min
True Vault Escapades Ep 1: You Can Call Me Bunny
Meet Walter Camry: A wasteland detective down on his luck, until a mysterious blonde in blue gives the P.I. a case he can't turn away from, nor forget.
12 min