Jillian on Love

Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself. 

Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you.

Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has guided others on journeys toward fulfilling relationships.


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Mental Health
Ghosted: The Dark Side of Dating
In this powerful episode, Jillian discusses ghosting and online dating. She clarifies what ghosting is (and isn't) why she believes it's on the rise, why people do it, and what to do to protect yourself from it as well as what to do IF it happens.
37 min
The Myth of The Conscious Relationship
"Conscious Relationship" and "Conscious Partner" seem to be what everyone is looking for these days. People are sick and tired of being ghosted, toxic relationships, and feeling under valued by love interests. But what exactly is a conscious relationship? What does it mean to be a conscious partner? Is it just another fairtytale ideal we have projected onto the complicated reality of love and partnership? In this detailed episode, Jillian explores this phenomenon, busts myths, and explains what a Conscious Relationship really means.
43 min
The Silent Destroyer of A Relationship
43 min
Surviving Infidelity and How to Grow as a Coupl...
Many of us do not have examples of enduring love. Kerrilynn and John and been married for almost 30 years, having met when they were young, wild, and immature. They did everything that we're not "supposed" to do in the beginning, and yet, they were able to get through the toughest of circumstances and heal their trauma, together. In this powerful episode, Jillian goes deep with couple who truly represent what it means to love and grow.
52 min
The Truth about Love-Bombing
Love-bombing is a popular term in the current zeitgeist, but what does it actually mean, and what do you need to do and NOT do, to prevent it ftrom happenig to you? What Jillian shares about this dating phenomenon will surprise you.
24 min
Ending the cycle of toxic and abusive relations...
In this powerful episode, Jillian outlines the differences between unhealthy relationships and abuse, and how BOTH present similar patterns. She shares some of the signs of relationship toxicity and what it means to value honor and respect in a relationship. Jillian also shares her personal story with an abusive partner, and the hard truths one must face within themselves to heal from an abusive or unhealthy relationship.
56 min
Lewis Howes on Transforming your Self-Doubt and...
Jillian welcomes Lewis Howes, New York Times best-selling author, keynote speaker, industry-leading show host, and former pro-athlete, to the podcast. Their conversation will guaranteed inspire you! Lewis vulnerably shares his journey from feeling stuck, insecure and filled with-doubt to the freedom of self-acceptance and internal peace that is his emotional center of gravity today.The relationship we have with ourselves has tremedous influence over the relationship we have with others, and Lewis details how he was able to heal his most important relationship - the one with self.
77 min
When Your Partner is Depressed: What to do to h...
One of the most frequently asked questions Jillian receives is: "How do I help my depressed partner?" Although every situation is different and each circumstance is unique and nuanced, Jillian explains what are some of the things you can do AND stop doing if your siginificant other is struggling with a bout of depression. What you'll learn in this episode will likely suprise you.
17 min
From Single and Lost to Marriage with Anna Gold...
"Anna Goldstein is an OG coach, having been in the business long before it was trendy. She was also Jillian's first coach, and without Anna, Jillian wouldn't be where she is today. In this riveting episode, Jillian and Anna discuss how Anna went from being completely lost in life and love to finding purpose and a life partner. They get real about the ups and downs of long term relationship, and how we can bring more self-awareness and minfulness to partnership. Whether you're single or have been married for decades, this episode is a must listen. Find Anna's Book: Be Bold: A Guid to Unbreakable Confidence"
73 min
Surviving Valentine’s Day Heartbroken: How to l...
It’s unfortunate that Valentine's Day triggers loneliness in so many people, and it can be particularly difficult for those who are trying to get over a relationship that ended. Jillian dedicates this episode to helping all the people who feel rejected, who are stuck obsessing over someone, and who are struggling to let go and move on.
30 min
The Art Of Choosing The Right Partner
In this powerful episode, Jillian shares the 10 most critical steps to choosing the right match for you that when followed, is guaranteed to help you. If you're single and tired of always dating, loving and attracting the "wrong" people, this episode could change your life.
26 min
Relationship Anxiety: How to Overcome it
Relationship anxiety is at an all time high, and it's not just related to attachment styles. Sometimes, the anxiety is so intense, we get trapped in obsessing, rumination and doubt. Fear of abandonment, commitment, rejection and intimacy are all part of relationship anxiety as is "anxious attachment" and "avoidant attachment" styles. In this profound episode, Jillian breaks down what relationship anxiety is and how to start to heal it.
47 min
Relationship Trouble: How to restore connection...
Nothing is more stressful than relationship trouble. Nothing keeps us up at night filled with anxiety than being in a relationship that is struggling. In this episode, Jillian explains in detail the 3 biggest reasons why most relationships end and how to prevent it from happening to yours. This episode is a free couples session - but even if it's just you listening to it, it will help immensely. Ps - If you're single, this will give you temendous leverage for your next relationship!
42 min
Dating with a chronic illness with Jillian Tuchman
In this episode, Jillian speaks to Jillian Tuchman, a brilliant functional medicine dietitian and trauma coach who helps those with chronic conditions heal and reclaim their lives. Her work focuses on the nervous system and the role of emotions -specifically shame, on our physical states. Both Jillians discuss the impact of shame on dating and our love lives and how to date with more confidence.
52 min
How To Actually Love Yourself and Raise Your Se...
How we feel about ourselves determines the quality of of our lives. And, how we feel about ourselves is reflected in our romantic relationships. Jillian discusses how we all fear that we are not enough in some way, and a large part of our life's work is to learn to feel more secure in who we are and in what we want. She defines self-love as the ability to accept ourselves in spite of not always liking ourselves, the ability to forgive ourselves when we have done something we are not proud of, and the absence of self-hatred. Jillian also touches on the reasons why we struggle to love ourselves, including conditioning and past traumas, and offers very practical and key tips for cultivating more self-love, increasing our self-worth and building our confidence.
53 min
10 steps to a better relationship with yourself...
After 20 years of working with people, Jillian shares her top 10 most necessary changes and cotemplations most people need to consider to strengthen their relationship with themsleves and with their current (or future) partner in 2023.
35 min
JOL + Unlocked - Listener Questions: Am I maki...
Happy Holidays from Jillian. In the spirit of giving we are unlocking a taste of Jillian On Love for all listeners to enjoy. Sign up today for even more content of Jillian via the links below.
17 min
The Chaser and the Runner: The Pattern that Des...
The chaser and the runner, the pursurer and the distancer, the anxious and the avoidant. The push and the pull. This pattern is one of the most common patterns in a relationship and it causes an immense amount of suffering. Jillian teaches that this cycle goes beyond attachement theory and describes how our needs for both connection AND autonomy are the reason behind everyone will struggle with this cycle many times throughout their love lives.
47 min
Over-coming childhood trauma, mindfulness, and ...
In this episiode, Jillian speaks with Cory Allen, meditation teacher, podcaster, audio engineer and author of "Now Is The Way". Cory overcame some pretty heavy childhood trauma through educating himself on psychology and neuroscience and teaching himself to meditate. Through years of rigorous self-examination and a determination to thrive, he worked hard to unlearn patterns that were a result of the trauma he endured. We talk about his journey, which includes his relationship with his wife -which of course Jillian asked a lot of questions about!
57 min
The Uncomfortable Truth about Family and Being ...
In this episode about family dynamics and relationships, Jillian goes super deep into healing parental wounds, and why so many people get triggered when they go home for the holidays. Jillian then shares a very personal story about overcoming triggers and rage a well as a story from when she was 19 and not listening to her mother's advice on a toxic boyfriend. This is a must listen for everyone, regardless if you're a parent or not and regardless if you are home for the holidays or not.
34 min
Situationships: Stop tolerating less than what ...
In this fiery and educational episode, Jillian discusses "situationships","breadcrumbing", tolerating nonsense, self-abandonent and standing up for what you need. She then gives specific, and literal scripts of how to ask for what you need. Plus, she shares a very personal story of a red flag she ignored before she marrried who would become her ex husband. You don't want to miss this!
38 min
The Truth About Emotional Unavailability
Are you emotionally available? Are they? “Emotionally unavailable” gets tossed around a lot but what does it actually mean? In this episode, Jillian breaks it down and teaches what true emotional unavailability is, how to communicate with someone who isn’t opening to you, as well as how if we want to become better partners ourselves, we have to explore our personal barriers to intimacy.
39 min
On Grief and Grieving with Nico Barraza
In this episode, Jillian sits down with Nico Barraza - a coach and counselor who is passionate about helping his clients through the grieving process. Both Nico and Jillian are no strangers to grief so get ready to listen to a super DEEP conversation about death, the grieving process, moving on and forgiveness
31 min
Anxious Attachment
49 min
How To Survive Heartbreak and Move On
If you're hurting, expect to feel seen, validated and inspired after listening to this episode. Jillian goes deep and teaches things she has never taught before on this subject.
57 min