A weekly show of constitutional debate hosted by National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen where listeners can hear the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life.
Historians Carol Berkin and H.W. Brands discuss partisanship in early America
61 min
Justice Stephen Breyer on Reading the Constitution
Why Justice Breyer chose pragmatism, not textualism
65 min
Can the Government Pressure Private Companies t...
The Supreme Court examines the limits of jawboning
53 min
Democracy, Populism, and the Tyranny of the Min...
Political scientists explore the threats facing democracy in America and around the globe.
62 min
The Supreme Court Says States Can’t Keep Trump ...
Breaking down the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling that individual states cannot bar insurrectionists from holding federal office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and the 5-4 ruling that only Congress can enforce Section 3.