Are you studying to become a personal trainer or just started your training career? NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey takes listeners on an informative and engaging journey to help establish a solid foundation in your fitness path.
The Difference Between Medical and Corrective E...
<p>NASM Master Instructor and NASM-CPT Podcast host Rick Richey is joined by medical exercise specialist Brian Richey for a show recorded from a live event. </p>
<p>The two breakdown the differences between medical and corrective exercise and what it means for fitness professionals.</p>
<p>Want to master the art of Corrective Exercise? Become an NASM-CES today. <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>
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48 min
Can you actually slow the aging process?
<p>NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey talks with guest Pete McCall about high-intensity exercises and their impact on the aging process.<br>
The two discuss McCall's book on the subject, how the research from exercisers in their 70’s have seen similar muscle enzyme activity of those in their 20’s. The discussion will also include hormone production, muscle fiber recruitment, and the safety concerns of age-related HIIT programming.</p>
<p>Want to learn even more? Become NASM Elite today and get unlimited access to our most popular programs.</p>
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44 min
Everything You Need to Know About Hypertrophy
<p>Host and NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey is joined this episode by a very special guest, Dr. Brad Schoenfeld.<br>
Dr. Shoenfield's research is mostly focused on body composition and hypertrophy. He is an associate professor at Lehman College and has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed research studies.<br>
The two will discuss everything you need to know about hypertrophy.</p>
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41 min
Exercises and their Prime Movers
<p>In this episode, host Rick Richey focuses on a topic from an email request asking details about exercises and their prime movers. This is by no means an exhaustive list of exercises, but it is to detail joint actions, planes of motion, prime movers, and synergists. It can get a bit heavy with the terminology, but stick with it and practice learning the language of human movement science. The exercises reviewed are:</p>
<p>- Squat</p>
<p>- Dead Lift</p>
<p>- Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)</p>
<p>- Chest Press</p>
<p>- Lat Pull Down</p>
<p>- Bicep Curl</p>
<p>- Situp</p>
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25 min
Everything You Need to Know About Metabolism
<p>Host and NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey is joined by Fabio Comana, Senior Fitness Educator with NASM. The two provide a deep dive on Metabolism and everything you need to know. </p>
<p>Want to learn everything about nutrition? Become an NASM Certified Nutrition Coach. #Metabolism #Nutrition #NASM</p>
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67 min
Technology and Training
<p>Host and NASM Master Instructor Rich Richey is joined by NASM Master Instructor Marty Miller to talk about the role of technology in training, breakdown some of the newest trends and share who it can play a pivotal part in training remotely. </p>
<p>Get our free online training mini-course: </p>
<p>#FitnessTechnology #PersonalTraining #OnlinePersonalTraining </p>
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44 min
What is Corrective Exercise and How is it Used?
<p>In this episode of the NASM-CPT Podcast, Rick talks about the four-step NASM Corrective Exercise Continuum (CEx) as well as the new NASM Correcitve Exercise Specialization that launched in Q1 2020. The text has been retooled and the research is has been updated to reflect the current scientific data. </p>
<p>This episode discusses the implementation of corrective exercise and speaks to the newly emerging “Regional Interdependence Model” that empirically shows that dysfunction in one area does not mean that is the source of the problem. This is why it is so important to correctly identify the problem, correctly solve the problem, and effectively implement a solution based on the previous tenants. Here’s your introduction to the NEW NASM Corrective Exercise Specialization.</p>
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21 min
How Mindfulness is Training for the Brain
<p>Dr. Kaman Hung, DHSc., is a physical education teacher, coach, and an NASM certified personal trainer. His area of expertise in health science is mindfulness. He joins Rick today to discuss mindfulness and acknowledges that the best time to start a mindfulness practice is always right now. Now just happens to during a worldwide pandemic, so join us as he explores and explains mindfulness, the benefits, the truths and myths, and how to start implementing it into your daily life.</p>
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40 min
The Mental Side of Health
<p>Dr. Rachel Goldman joins Rick today as a special guest discussing mental health during the times of COVID-19 and how CPTs can support themselves and their clients. What is within our scope of practice and when we should direct someone to a mental health professional. Also discussed are ways to bring up seeing a mental health professional in a way it can be best received. Dr. Rachel is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor at the NYU School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry. She specializes in health, wellness, weight management, eating behaviors, stress reduction, behavior change.</p>
<p>(<a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a>)</p>
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32 min
Defining Your Core Values as Your Guiding Princ...
<p>The spread of COVID-19 has lead to the closing of many gyms around the U.S. and we are all hurting. In this episode, I will relate my decision to close all three of my gyms in NYC back to the core values of the business and myself as a trainer. This pandemic is hitting us all personally, emotionally, and financially, and some smaller facilities like mine are trying to fly under the radar and stay open. </p>
<p>Learn the dangers that can happen to your long term business that comes from staying open. Also, take this time to develop CORE VALUES for your business whether you are brick and mortar business or a personal trainer. These will help guide your decision making during uncomfortable situations that it seems we are in at the moment.</p>
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21 min
How to Virtually Train Clients in a COVID-19 World
<p>With the state of our world and industry influx with the effort to limit the spread COVID-19, the NASM-CPT podcast and host Rick Richey wanted to help in the way we know how. By talking about it and offering advice. During this time an NASM trainer out of Houston named Keridon McMahon offered free counsel on how trainers can start to move toward online and virtual training. When we heard about this we asked her to share with us all how we can begin to transition to online training with our clients stuck at home. </p>
<p>Please check out the first NASM episode that has a guest! We're happy to say she’s an excellent trainer, small business owner, and entrepreneur, plus a good friend of the pod's and Rick's. We hope you find her guidance helpful and actionable.</p>
<p>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting <a href=""></a>, and using the code Podcast 20.</p>
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24 min
A Review of Functional Human Anatomy Part 3
<p>Functional anatomy helps us better understand produce, reduce, and stabilize forces along with their joint actions. In this episode Rick talks about the core musculature including the “inner unit” of the core that helps stabilize the spine.</p>
<p>The following muscles will be reviewed:</p>
<p>- transverse abdominus</p>
<p>- multifidus, rotatores, and transversospinalis</p>
<p>- internal and external obliques</p>
<p>- erector spinae (spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis)</p>
<p>- recutus abdominus</p>
<p>This is the third in a series that addresses muscles from the bottom up. Continue to listen as we make our way through the major muscles throughout the body.</p>
<p>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting <a href=""></a>, and using the code Podcast 20.</p>
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<p>There are several pathologies that get in the way of living our best and most active lifestyles. Serval orthopedic issues that hinder our activities of daily living (ADLs) are <strong>arthritis</strong> and <strong>osteoporosis</strong>. </p>
<p>There are two forms of arthritis that we discuss in the episode: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Additionally, osteoporosis and osteopenia are discussed. What are these pathologies? How do they affect ADLs? This episode is to help NASM Certified Personal Trainers better understand these pathologies and populations, allowing for informed discussions and training applications.</p>
<p>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting <a href=""></a>, and using the code Podcast 20. </p>
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24 min
Can Chickens Fly?
29 min
The Stabilization Endurance Training Episode
29 min
The Listener Question Episode
<p>In this episode, Rick doesn't just focus on one topic but covers several questions that listeners have submitted over the past few months. Here are a few questions that get addressed during this episode:</p><p>"Help me better understand the planes of motion?"</p><p>"If a client shows knee valgus, do I have them SMR the overactive muscles before heading into the workout and before the beginning of each session?"</p><p>"Do you think it is OK to have more than one niche?"</p><p>"Do you guys have a podcast geared toward your other certifications yet?"</p><p>"Can we get some episodes on breathing?"</p><p>I hope answering multiple questions in one episode is helpful and please let us know if you have any questions you would like us to answer.</p>--- Send in a voice message:
21 min
Keys to a Successful Personal Training Business
<p>Some personal trainers have an impressive list of credentials but a small client base, while others aren't as educated but are always booked. What’s the difference between them?</p><p>In this episode, Rick Richey discusses how to find the balance between these two types of trainers. Learn what it takes to run a successful personal training business, including:</p><ul> <li>How Rick built his own business</li> <li>Your attitude and interaction skills</li> <li>What your clients really want</li> <li>Asking for the sale</li> <li>Marketing your business</li> <li>Identifying your target market</li></ul><p>Listen to the episode to find out the keys to running a great training business.</p><p>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting <a href=""></a>, and using the code Podcast 20.</p>--- Send in a voice message:
26 min
The One Where We Talk HIIT and SIT
<p>In this episode, Rick discusses the differences in Sprint Interval Training (SIT) and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and the benefits of both including:</p><p>- Time efficiency</p><p>- Health and fitness benefits</p><p>- Aerobic and anaerobic performance</p><p>- Better fat oxidation</p><p>- Lower blood pressure</p><p>- Increased insulin sensitivity</p><p>- Optimized hormonal responses</p><p>- Weight loss</p><p>- Decreased in abdominal weight</p><p>- Increased EPOC</p><p>That's an impressive list and by no means exhaustive.</p><p>HIIT work to rest ratio is often seen as 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3</p><p>Sprint interval training involves an all-out effort for shorter durations and longer rest. SIT work to rest ratio is often seen as 1:8 with some researchers indicated that rest is still too short! The following workout may be seen during SIT:</p><p>•(1)30:240 (4×30 s bouts, 240 s [4 mins] recovery);</p><p>•(2) 15:120 (8×15 s bouts, 120 s [2 mins] recovery);</p><p>•(3) 5:40 (24×5 s bouts, 40 s recovery)</p><p>(Islam et al, 2017)</p><p>This episode contains quite a bit of research (thank you Dr. Brian Oddi) and shows empirically that the calories expended in HIIT and Sprint versus moderate-intensity training can provide increased weight loss from abdominal and visceral fat stores. Tune in and see what all the buzz is about with HIIT and Sprint training.</p><p><br></p><p><em><strong>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting </strong></em><a href=""><em><strong></strong></em></a><em><strong>, and using the code Podcast 20.</strong></em></p>--- Send in a voice message:
23 min
Even More Periodization and Programming
<p>This is the final installation that overviews periodization, programming, and routines for optimizing exercise-induced outcomes and benefits. This was a high-level view of several different training programs with research discussing linear vs undulating periodization, isolated vs integrated training, and multiple different concepts of training including triphasic training, German volume training, escalated density training, split routines, and more. All provide value in their own ways and all can be added into the OPT Model to give direction to their application.</p><p><br></p><p><em><strong>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting </strong></em><a href=""><em><strong></strong></em></a><em><strong>, and using the code Podcast 20.</strong></em></p>--- Send in a voice message:
23 min
More on Periodization and Programming
<p>Periodization and programming are not necessarily the same thing. Periodization is the cycles of training that take place. Often, we talk about macro, meso, and micro cycles. In sports, the periodization may include those concepts, but change based on the season: off-season, pre-season, in-season, and hopefully … post-season. Off-season may have several different training cycles. Early on it will be focused on recovery! After a progressive lead-in (a long micro-cycle or a single mesocycle) the programs can focus more and more intense exercises depending on the sport, but most sports that come to mind will have intense training involved at some point … which is usually the offseason. This episode will focus, not on sports programming, but routines within every period of training that should take place. These routine components that comprise a program may include the following: warm-ups, flexibility, cardio and metabolic training, core, balance, reactive/plyometrics, SAQ, resistance training, and cool-downs.</p><p><em><strong>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting </strong></em><a href=""><em><strong></strong></em></a><em><strong>, and using the code Podcast 20.</strong></em></p>--- Send in a voice message:
22 min
Exercise Programming and Periodization
<p>This week we look at the differences between periodization, programming, and routines. These are often used interchangeably and should not be. There is a mean of delineating the three and refining not only how we speak to them, but also how we implement them. Briefly, the following are discussed:</p><p><strong>Periodization</strong> – division of a training program into smaller, progressive stages</p><p><em>Macrocycle</em><em><strong>:</strong></em> long-term training period, usually between six months and one year</p><p>My macrocycle might be my timeline to get someone through the OPT Model</p><p><em>Mesocycle</em><em><strong>:</strong></em> smaller phases within the macrocycle, usually several weeks to a few months</p><p>Maybe one phase of the OPT Model</p><p><em>Microcycle</em><em><strong>:</strong></em> each part of the mesocycle, usually one week</p><p>A one-to-two-week look at changes that need to be made to a program. This area is where true <u><em>programming</em></u> takes place.</p><p><strong>Programming</strong> is how the acute training variables change within that period of training to optimize training outcomes.</p><p>What is an exercise <strong>ROUTINE</strong> then?</p><p>- When you workout</p><p>- What days you workout</p><p>- What time you workout</p><p>- It can be what you do</p><p>o Cardio</p><p>o Strength</p><p>- It can be what isn’t changing that will eventually need periodization</p><p>o Split routines only</p><p>o Same sets / reps / exercises on repeat</p><p><br></p><p>Enjoy this episode, and as always please provide feedback and let us know what you would like to hear more about. It can be exercise, programming, industry, business, etc. regarding the needs, goals, and desires for the NASM certified personal trainer.</p><p><br></p><p><em><strong>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting </strong></em><a href=""><em><strong></strong></em></a><em><strong>, and using the code Podcast 20.</strong></em></p>--- Send in a voice message:
22 min
The Live Episode from Optima 2019
<p>Host Rick Richey takes the show on the road to answer listener questions live on tape from NASM Optima 2019. </p><p>Rick talks about:</p><ul> <li>Why the systematic approach NASM takes to learning is important</li> <li>The accreditation process</li> <li>How he got into presenting</li> <li>And much more</li></ul><p><em><strong>Get 20% off your order now by calling 800-460-6276 or visiting </strong></em><a href=""><em><strong></strong></em></a><em><strong>, and using the code Podcast 20.</strong></em></p>--- Send in a voice message: