Axe of the Blood God: An RPG Podcast

Kat Bailey, Nadia Oxford, and Eric Van Allen explore Final Fantasy, Skyrim, and all the best in the wonderful world of role-playing video games! Support us on Patreon:

Video Games
FF7's Golden Saucer, Slay the Spire Review, and...
Kat and Nadia didn't quite do the PC Engine's RPG legacy justice with their last episode, so they circle back to talk about one of its best franchises: Cosmic Fantasy! Plus, Kat shares her thoughts on the Golden Saucer, Dyne, the politics of North...
93 min
Console RPG Quest: TurboGrafx-16
The Console RPG Quest returns as Kat and Nadia examine the RPG legacy of a console that has been in the headlines lately: The TurboGrafx-16! They talk about the success of Far East of Eden, the outsized impact of Nihon Falcom on its RPG library, its...
82 min
E3 2019 Wrap-up: Kat Loses Her Mind Over Pokemo...
E3 2019 is over at last, and Caty is ready with her report from the field. She joins Nadia and Kat to talk about her impressions after playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake; share her thoughts on the Year of Keanu, and discuss all the rest of the RPGs at E3....
54 min
E3 2019 Reax: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Hype, Kean...
We got a deeper look at Final Fantasy 7 Remake at E3 2019, and Kat and Nadia are hyped. They react to the updated battle system and talk about all the ways that it successfully captures the spirit of the original. Plus, they talk about Microsoft's...
64 min
E3 2019 Preview: New Xbox, Final Fantasy 7 Rema...
E3 2019 is just a week away, and Axe of the Blood God is here with a full preview of all the major storylines and announcements from this years show. What can we expect from the new Xbox? Will Fable put in an appearance? What about that rumored George...
78 min
Console RPG Quest: Sega Master System and Game ...
The Console RPG Quest continues with a look at the Sega Master System and Game Gear: two consoles that were overshadowed by their competitors from Nintendo but nevertheless gave us some quality RPGs (mostly Phantasy Star). Kat and Nadia and explore...
66 min
Console RPG Quest: The Nintendo Entertainment S...
We covered the early days of Atari and Intellivision, but console RPGs were really born on the NES. Join Kat and Nadia for Part 2 of the Console RPG Quest as they remember the console that gave us some of our greatest RPG franchises: Dragon Quest,...
87 min
Detective Pikachu Review and Final Fantasy 7 Re...
Detective Pikachu is now out, and Nadia and Kat are here with their review! Listen as they talk about how well the Pokemon ultimately come out; Bill Nighy, and why it works as a video game movie. Plus, with Final Fantasy 7 Remake finally reemerging,...
76 min
Console RPG Quest: Exploring the RPG Legacy of ...
With the Top 25 RPG countdown now complete, it's time for Kat and Nadia to embark on a brand new quest. Enter the Console RPG Quest: a multi-part series that will take us through the history of RPGs large and small. We'll be talking about powerhouses...
75 min
Best RPG Animal Buddies, SteamWorld Quest Review
From Interceptor to Boo, animal buddies have a strong history in RPGs. Kat and Nadia trace their history from the days of Dragon Quest 5 to the present day, discussing their various usages, as well as ranking their five favorites (spoiler: Dogmeat is...
86 min
Mailbag! Joker in Smash, BioWare's Next-Gen Pla...
Kat and Nadia go through their extensive mailbag to talk about which popular games deserve RPG spinoffs; BioWare's next-gen plans, and how to introduce people to this wonder and crazy genre that we love. Plus, Joker's translation to Smash Bros., what...
85 min
Final Fantasy 7 On the Switch is the Best of Ti...
Kat abandoned USG to go run with the bulls in Spain, so it's up to Nadia and special guests Anthony John Agnello and John Learned to keep the show afloat (they are both recovering from the black plague; please excuse their coughs). This week, we have...
67 min
The Top 25 RPG Wrap-up and Honorable Mentions
The Top 25 RPG Countdown is officially finished! But there are a whole bunch of amazing RPGs we didn't get a chance to cover. From Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, to Final Fantasy Tactics, to Ultima Underworld, Nadia and Kat talk about the best of...
79 min
Axe of the Blood God 200: RPG Bests
It's Axe of the Blood God's 200th Episode, and also the end of the Top 25 RPG Countdown! To celebrate, Kat and Nadia pick some more bests from RPG history. What's the best RPG soundtrack? How about the best story? The pair go through multiple...
101 min
Bloodlines 2, Final Fantasy 6 vs. Final Fantasy...
Kat and Nadia wrap up GDC by talking Google Stadia and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, a sequel that they're already excited to play. Then it's on to number two on the Top 25 RPG Countdown: Planescape: Torment! Kat and Nadia talk about what...
63 min
Top 25 RPGs of All Time #3: Witcher 3
Caty joins Kat to discuss #3 on our Top 25 list of RPGs: Witcher 3! The pair talk its splendid open world, its fantastic writing, and the expert way it handles romances. Kat has even come around on the combat. Plus, Nadia drops by to talk Fire Emblem...
85 min
The Biggest RPG Plot Twists and Top 25 RPGs #4:...
Final Fantasy 6 is the latest entry in our Top 25 RPG countdown, and in honor of one of the greatest RPGs ever made, it's time to talk about the biggest RPG plot twists! Nadia and Kat talk Star Ocean, Mass Effect and more as they break down some of...
85 min
Talking Darkest Dungeon and Darkest Dungeon 2 W...
In a special interview episode of Axe of the Blood God, Kat sits down with Red Hook Studios developers Chris Bourassa and Tyler Sigman to talk about the making of Darkest Dungeon, the creation of its iconic characters, and its troubled ports to other...
61 min
Top 25 RPGs: Suikoden 2 With Special Guest Jaso...
Kotaku's Jason Schreier returns for number five on our Top 25 RPG countdown: Suikoden 2! He joins Kat and Nadia to talk about 108 Stars of Destiny, Iron Chef cooking challenges, Luca Blight vs. Kefka, and much more. Plus, Pokemon Sword and Shield have...
61 min
Anthem Review, BioWare's Decline, and Farewell ...
Kat bids farewell to Reggie Fils-Aime as he heads into a well-deserved retirement, then digs into Anthem alongside guest Mike Williams. And the question is: What the heck happened? The pair talk about its broken loot, mission structure, and other...
57 min
Final Fantasy 8 Was Good, Blizzard's Uncertain ...
Last week's Activision Blizzard layoffs cast a pall over Blizzard, developer of the most successful MMORPG ever made. Kat and Nadia discuss what it all means, why the layoffs were especially brutal, and more. After that, Kat celebrates Final Fantasy...
77 min
Top 25 RPG Countdown: Fallout, How Anthem Can A...
With Nadia away, Mike Williams returns for #7 on the Top 25 RPG Countdown list: Fallout! Mike and Kat talk about its amazing writing, the memorable world it created, and why the rest of the Fallout series is still trying to match it to this day. Plus,...
84 min
The Retro RPGs We Lost With the Wii Shop Closur...
The Wii Shop is officially gone, making high-quality versions of everything from Chrono Trigger to Faxanadu much harder to find. Nadia and Kat go through the list to highlight the various affected RPGs (Ogre Battle!), alternative sources for playing...
68 min
Kingdom Hearts 3 Review [No Spoilers], Anthem's...
Having looked back on the history of Kingdom Hearts, it's time to talk about the newest game in the series: Kingdom Hearts 3! Caty, Kat, and Nadia get together to talk about how well it wraps up the story; the updates to the battle system, and its...
86 min
Looking Back on Kingdom Hearts: How it Reflects...
Kat and Nadia are joined by Kingdom Hearts fan Caty McCarthy to look back on the history of the series up until now. How does it reflect animation history, and what the heck is up with that story? We answer these questions and more as we reflect on...
81 min