Women of Impact

Welcome to your Bolden Age. Enter with Attitude, not apologies! This is where you leave the embarrassment and shame at the door. Age ain't nothing but a number my homie and you should NEVER hold yourself back! You CAN do anything! You are NEVER too old.

Mental Health
Why Your Partner's Low Self-Esteem is Infectiou...
Tom Bilyeu and Lisa Bilyeu (@lisabilyeu) dive into topics such as: *Unconventional activities to reconnect with your partner *Being in a relationship with someone with a fixed mindset *Dealing with a negative partner *Why being with someone with low self-esteem is killing your relationship *And more...
59 min
Don’t Get Caught in a Narcissist’s Web of Manip...
Welcome back for part 2 of this mind-blowing episode about narcissists with the Queen of identifying and helping women like you escape narcissistic behaviors, Dr Ramani.
53 min
Don’t Get Caught in a Narcissist’s Web of Manip...
up homie! Let me tell you how excited I am to share the incredibly powerful two-part episode that exposes even more of the narcissistic tricks and emotionally abusive behavior so that you’ll never question if you’re crazy again!
48 min
The Best Advice You’ll Ever Get On Having Kids ...
In this week’s episode of Relationship Theory, Tom and Lisa share how and why they decided to not have kids.
38 min
The 3 Red Flags of Manipulation You Can’t Ignor...
Najwa Zebian isn’t just a bestselling author, poet, and advocate for women finding their voice, she’s a woman with such power behind her words that she’s made an impact on millions of women around the world.
63 min
The 3 Red Flags of Manipulation You Can’t Ignor...
This episode is an urgent reminder to put yourself first, get control of your life and stop selling yourself short. This time Najwa is exposing the tricky and manipulative nature of toxic unhealthy relationships many of us unfortunately find ourselves in. Najwa is a bestselling author, activist, and an absolute wordsmith when it comes to putting words to the pain and experiences we share in being women.
58 min
BONUS: Broken Trust, Bad Habits, and Superficia...
Every week I go live on Instagram at 9 AM PST on Thursdays to connect with women like you and answer questions that sprinkle in a little dose of badassery into your day. This week we took a dive into the secret sauce of self-confidence and straight up girl talk that we can all relate to.
33 min
Big Goals and Bad Bitch Energy | Codie Sanchez ...
When it comes to relationships and marriage, having kids together, unhealthy cycles of love and abuse, and financial or lifestyle dependency can make it really difficult to walk away from the wrong partner. But homie, I’ve got you covered with the second half of this epic conversation with the woman investing and earning millions of dollars after walking out on the so-called “perfect life.”
48 min
Big Goals and Bad Bitch Energy | Codie Sanchez ...
Homie, if you’ve been on the fence about what your next move is to get OUT of your current situation, this is it! Today’s episode is dedicated to the women who’ve quietly accepted a life you never dreamed of, who settled for a life of comfort and safety over a life lived with radical passion, and those who learned to keep it all to themselves because it's better for everyone else.
49 min
Can You Actually Balance Entrepreneurship & You...
Lisa and Tom discuss how you can build a business and improve your relationship at the same time.
61 min
How to Spot a Cheater: Red Flags, Character Fla...
Alright ladies, welcome back for part two of this epic conversation about cheating men, red flags and deal breakers that leave us hurt and guarded in ways that makes future relationships difficult to entertain without trust issues and trauma bonding becoming the new norm.
51 min
How to Spot a Cheater: Red Flags, Character Fla...
I have to warn you, this episode may be very triggering for some of us today as we talk about some hard truths for women to hear about cheating with relationship expert and psychologist, Sadia Khan.
45 min
BONUS: Confidence Building, Teenage Empowerment...
This episode today is from a Live Q&A where I had a chance to share advice on exactly how you build up confidence when you’ve never done the thing before, the key to helping teenage girls increase their confidence (which happens to be a huge part of my personal mission statement and why I do what I do), and the absolute best part of being 40 that every woman show know about!
32 min
How To Spot & Stop Manipulation & Gaslighting |...
When it comes to love and relationships, being love-bombed only to be manipulated and gaslighted by your partner is a trap even professional psychologist have found themselves in. When you don’t have words to put to the experience and you’re not even sure what is happening at the time it’s confusing and scary. I want you to have the knowledge and the tools you need to spot the bullsh*t early and act accordingly knowing your value and your self-worth.
47 min
How To Spot & Stop Manipulation & Gaslighting |...
When it comes to love and relationships, being love-bombed only to be manipulated and gaslighted by your partner is an easy trap to fall into. When you don’t have words to put to the experience and you’re not even sure what is happening at the time it’s confusing and scary.
38 min
Never Lower Your Expectations | Tom & Lisa Bily...
On this week’s episode of Relationship Theory, Tom and Lisa Bilyeu discuss why having high expectations in your relationship is essential.
54 min
Trust Your Gut! If He Isn’t Right, Don’t Settle...
What up homie! We’re continuing with the second half of this incredible two-part episode with the powerhouse international speaker, CEO of Motivating the Masses and a very good friend of mine, Lisa Nichols!
55 min
Trust Your Gut! If He Isn’t Right, Don’t Settle...
What up homie! I have another exciting episode for you today with powerhouse international speaker, CEO of Motivating the Masses and a very good friend of mine, Lisa Nichols! Get ready for a super engaging conversation about finding the perfect relationship (yes, that still exists), breaking up with everyone else’s expectations, and boundaries that support self-love and creates the safe space you’ve been looking for!
45 min
BONUS: 21 Years Together?! Tom and Lisa's 9 Sec...
What’s up homies! Lisa Bilyeu here, and I am over the moon excited to share this special Instagram Live recorded with my hubby, Tom Bilyeu, celebrating 21 years of marriage!
30 min
103 Year Old Dr. Gladys McGarey’s 6 Life Lesson...
I have a special treat for you today! It's an incredible conversation with the Mother of Holistic Medicine, Dr Gladys McGarey, the 103-year-old woman that changed the world of medicine at a time when women weren’t even allowed to vote..
49 min
Don't Let Social Media Kill Your Relationship |...
Tom and Lisa answer relationship questions from the community. From how to deal with your significant other using social media, to helping a sibling in an unhealthy relationship. This episode deals with the values necessary to navigate the toughest situations in any relationship.
57 min
Enter Your Bad B*tch Era! | Leila Hormozi PT 2
What up homies! I hope you’re ready to be flooded with inspiration from Lelia Hormozi who is joining me for a super badass conversation.
51 min
Enter Your Bad B*tch Era! | Leila Hormozi PT 1
In the first part of this 2 part episode, Leila shares the secret sauce that allows her to take massive action forward with all the fears and all negative emotions that paralyze many of us. This woman is about taking action, owning your sh*t, and not allowing her current situation define her future situation.
50 min
BONUS: Kimberly Shannon Murphy & Her Biggest St...
What’s up homies! Lisa Bilyeu here, and boy, do I have a treat for you today with this uplifting Instagram Live conversation with my girl, Kimberly Shannon Murphy. In this special episode, we're diving into an incredibly inspiring and powerful journey of resilience and transformation.
30 min
"Nice Girl" Habits All Women Must Break! - Set ...
Does the mom life, wife duties, and career obligations have you feeling lost in a whirlwind? Are you ready to reclaim your identity and reignite that spark of joy? Then buckle up because today's guest, Andrea Navedo, is about to change your life!
41 min