Earn Your Happy

Where F*ck-Yes Dreams Come To Figure It Out. This is where your boldest dreams meet the raw, messy middle—the risks, the failures, and the “WTF am I even doing?” moments. 

It’s funny, vulnerable, and real as hell, because chasing big goals isn’t a straight line—it’s a rollercoaster. Top 25 in Entrepreneurship on Apple Podcasts | Forbes Top 11 Female-Led Business Podcasts Hosted by Lori Harder, entrepreneur, podcast host, author and founder of CPG wellness & beauty company Glōci, and your go-to business bestie matchmaker. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve got big dreams and a million ideas, but you’re missing some pieces—and maybe some key people—to bring it all together. We got you.

Follow along on Instagram too @loriharder for more inspiration just like this! This podcast is part of the YAP Media Network.

157: Why Relationships Will Never Make You Happ...
Are you looking to find more happiness in life – especially in the present moment? Well, you’re in luck because, in this episode, Rob Mack shares some serious knowledge on how you can add more happiness into not only your life, but your...
55 min
156: Do People Ever DISAPPOINT You
If you’re human (you all are, right?), you’ve likely had several dances with disappointment. And often those disappointments are because someone has let you down (or at least they’ve let your expectations down) at one time or another. I know...
10 min
154: Be A Gossip KILLER
Getting 100% real with you today as I discovered that I was the recent object of someone’s gossip. Doesn’t the word alone just give you an icky feeling? Ugh, me too. And it made me want to gossip right back (which would have made me feel worse),...
12 min
152: How to Know What Is Actually Making You Happy
Do you ever wake up and feel like you’ve just experienced spiritual amnesia? You know, when you take classes, listen to podcasts or do something else that lights your soul on fire only to wake up the next morning feeling…not so soulful, barely...
9 min
151: Why Community Helps You Through Life's Tra...
Subscribe to Earn Your Happy on iTunes. Time to get comfortable, take your pants off (be sure to tune in to get this reference) and get ready to listen as I talk with two best friends (and podcasters), Lindsey Simcik and Krista Williams, who you will...
76 min
150: Using the RIGHT Thoughts to FUEL Your Emot...
Penny for your thoughts? What have you been thinking in the last week or so? List the top three feelings you’ve felt, keeping in mind it could be a combination and vary by the hour! ;) That’s how I’ve felt lately anyway. “How you feel is how...
12 min
148: What Are You Relying On To Be HAPPY
Are you happy right NOW in this moment? Or do you have certain contingencies that it hinges on? Are you waiting or relying on someone or something to make you happy? Whether it’s a spouse, best friend, job or goal are you depending on something...
13 min
Just a couple days ago on the 4th of July, I was able to take a WHOLE day just for PLAY with friends – no writing, no meetings, no worries – celebrating America’s birthday. And while initially I felt as though it may stress me out more (I am on...
12 min
Subscribe to Earn Your Happy on iTunes. Do you feel supported by family, friends, co-workers etc.? If not, we must realize that this support will not magically appear on its own. In order to receive this support, we must first support ourselves –...
11 min
143: How to STAND OUT and MAKE AN IMPACT Doing ...
I’m always so excited to have today’s guest, Gabrielle Bernstein, on Earn Your Happy, but today is even more exciting because we’re talking about her Spirit Junkie Digital Master Class – the class that undeniably took my business (and life) to...
40 min
141: The ONE Variable That's Keeping YOU From A...
Do you feel like you’re living every day like it’s Groundhog’s Day? You know, same thoughts, same people, same problems… Sounds like it’s time to switch things up and add some excitement back into your life. But to do that we need to bust...
10 min
139: Causing An Effect
Subscribe to Earn Your Happy on iTunes. Quick…what are you thinking RIGHT now? Are they positive thoughts filled with love and gratitude? Or are they low-vibe, energy-sucking thoughts that make you want to eat a can of worms? If you’re the...
12 min
137: Why the TOUGH, BORING Stuff is IMPORTANT
Today’s message is all about the journey and what it all means. The “journey” doesn’t always have to be this HUGE goal or accomplishment. The beauty of it is that it’s unique to you and it can be ANYTHING that you’re looking to do. While...
14 min
135: How To Figure Out What's Next!
Earn Your Happy Quickie – ep. 135 – How to Figure Out What’s Next “There comes a time to stop looking back and trying to figure out why. At some point, we need to shift our attention to what’s next.” – Unknown Are your thoughts or fears...
9 min
Confession time. Not that long ago, there was a lot of negativity in my life. For some of you this may be hard to believe, but it’s true. I had a ton of toxic friends/relationships in my life and looking back now, I can’t believe I put up with...
11 min
132: Manifesting PR, Running Your Own Events an...
Sarah Pendrick is the Founder and Creator of the non-profit movement GirlTalk, and her mission is to empower women of all ages while serving as a resource for young women. Sarah is a self-love advocate, life coach, writer, empowerment speaker and...
53 min
131: Fear Is NORMAL - Here's How to Not Let It ...
“It’s all about stepping in, saying yes and all of the things that come along with saying yes.” Today I’m sharing with you where I’m at with both life and business ventures because chances are you’re going through (or have gone through)...
11 min
130: Achieve MORE While Doing LESS with Kate No...
As an entrepreneur, best-selling author, mother, and activist, Kate Northrup supports ambitious, motivated and successful women to light up the world without burning themselves out in the process. Committed to empowering women entrepreneurs to create...
55 min
129: COURAGE Comes Out Of THIS...
“We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging diversity.” – Barbara De’Angelis I feel that the tribe I have created and continue to grow is truly my life’s mission and work....
7 min
128: Broke Mindset to a Mulit-millionaire Minds...
This is from an episode of the For The Love Of Money podcast that I was on and I really wanted to share it with you guys! For those of you who may not my past or how it all began for her, I have the honor of sharing it with you today. Having a...
59 min
127: Gratification Won't Be Enough To Last, You...
“Life doesn’t get less busy.” If I’ve learned anything lately, it’s that if I don’t start doing the things that I enjoy, right here and right now, then I’m never going to do them. Quit using the “whens” as excuses. You know, the...
15 min
126: How to EXPLORE and DEEPEN Your SPIRITUAL S...
Suzanne Adams is a best-selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Life Purpose Consultant and contributor to The Huffington Post that is sharing her zest for life with audiences around the globe. She believes that having fun and following your passion are...
53 min
125: Why Loving Money Is A Good Thing - Juicy M...
I am honored to have my husband, Chris Harder, with me on today’s episode! For those of you who don’t know, or may not have tuned in yet, Chris’s very own podcast “For the Love of Money” is totally killing it on iTunes! He’s here today to...
19 min
124: Grocery Shopping and Food Secrets for YOUR...
Maria Marlowe helps busy women improve their health, lose weight, and/or clear up and age-proof their skin by guiding them to develop healthy eating and living habits that actually stick. Her approach uses humor to break down the latest nutritional...
40 min
123: How To FIND OUT What YOUR STRUGGLE is Tell...
“The actual journey is a lot different than what people think.” Let’s be honest here. We all want something better, or something we don’t have and that’s fine because contrary to what anyone says, it’s all eventually achievable! “It...
9 min