Earn Your Happy

Where F*ck-Yes Dreams Come To Figure It Out. This is where your boldest dreams meet the raw, messy middle—the risks, the failures, and the “WTF am I even doing?” moments. 

It’s funny, vulnerable, and real as hell, because chasing big goals isn’t a straight line—it’s a rollercoaster. Top 25 in Entrepreneurship on Apple Podcasts | Forbes Top 11 Female-Led Business Podcasts Hosted by Lori Harder, entrepreneur, podcast host, author and founder of CPG wellness & beauty company Glōci, and your go-to business bestie matchmaker. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve got big dreams and a million ideas, but you’re missing some pieces—and maybe some key people—to bring it all together. We got you.

Follow along on Instagram too @loriharder for more inspiration just like this! This podcast is part of the YAP Media Network.

193: How Pleasure Helps You SHOW UP BIGGER in Y...
  There are so many interesting things to know about today’s guest, Arielle Loren, I don’t even know where to begin! A former sex columnist and founder of an erotic magazine, this now marketing agency owner encourages all female entrepreneurs...
58 min
192: How to Avoid Trashing Your MINDSET and Env...
The other day I was talking with a friend about my recent trip to Nosara, Costa Rica. And one of the things we were talking about was their relationship with Mother Earth. The people there are so conscious of what they are putting out and also...
13 min
  New Year’s is just around the corner and I know that several of you are already working on your resolutions. Or maybe you’re a goal-getter all year round – and I applaud that! However, are you just interested in your goals or are you...
17 min
189: BUSTING STEREOTYPES with Plus-Size Model, ...
Any WWE fans out there? Regardless if you are or not, you’re going to love the conversation I had with WWE and Total Divas star, Nia Jax. As a plus-size model and TV star, she is busting body stereotypes left and right and wants other women to...
43 min
188: Relationships Are Our Biggest Teachers
  This is the time of year where little bursts of inspiration or positivity are most needed, am I right? With the hustle, bustle and stress of visitors and visiting family, it’s hard not to let it get to you at some point.   So this year...
12 min
186: Finding Space Amid the Chaos
  I just returned a few days ago from my third trip to the Costa Rican jungles and it was such an awesome trip – even though every time I go, I feel a ton of resistance around it. And that’s because it throws me out of my routine (and it’s...
19 min
185: Release Your Victim and Wake Up Your HERO ...
  I came across my guest, Wes Chapman, as I was preparing for my TedX Talk and couldn’t stop thinking about his story. With a tumultuous childhood from day one including abuse in numerous forms and being told that he was too broken to fix, Wes...
61 min
184: Why EVERYONE Needs To Shake Up Their Lives
For the past month, I’ve been feeling a lack of inspiration, and when that feeling comes up, shortly after the feelings of unworthiness and not being good enough pop their heads back in the picture. It brings back glimpses of the crushing anxiety...
15 min
182: Getting SO Vulnerable I Could Barf, Seriously
  Warning: As I recorded this episode, my palms were sweating – I can’t make this up. And that’s because as the episode title suggests, I am getting super vulnerable and super transparent. Ever since I started writing my book, I’ve been...
20 min
181: Learn Your Body Type, How To Eat For It, a...
  If you’re a knowledge junkie like me or looking to figure out why you can’t seem to find balance in your life, my conversation with author and Ayurvedic expert, Sahara Rose will likely set off a lightbulb or two for you – at least it did...
56 min
178: Become The REAL You
  “The most powerful way to raise the vibration of our world is to fully honor who we came here to be.” – Kristin Ace   Today I want to talk about you becoming YOU. Not the “you” you think you should be, but the you that honors...
17 min
176: How To Be Your OWN GURU
  Have you ever caught yourself making a decision that you didn’t whole-heartedly want to commit to? Perhaps someone gave you advice or maybe there was an expectation set months before about something.   Today’s episode is all about...
14 min
175: Why Balance is a Myth with Lori Kennedy
I know you will relate to today’s guest, Lori Kennedy, as she is as real as they come. As a successful entrepreneur and a single mother of two, she is the first to admit that her success didn’t happen overnight.   Starting out as a registered...
57 min
174: Allowing Yourself to Process is the First ...
With all of the recent events happening in the world between natural disasters, attacks and the loss of many lives, I’ve been asked how one should feel about these events. I’ve held back on responding because honestly, I didn’t know how I felt....
10 min
172: How to START Doing What You WANT To Be Doing
Many don’t know this, but when I start selling my first eCourse, The Bliss Habit, I hadn’t even created it. Shocking, right? But it supports exactly what I want to talk with you all about today. You don’t have to know everything that you are...
10 min
171: How 5 Women Transformed Their Lives In Jus...
  As many of you know, my upcoming Bliss Project event is only months away and hundreds of you have already registered to join us. But I know that for some, you’re still on the fence for various reasons… Perhaps this would be your first...
108 min
  Up until very recently, I felt like I had a handle on facing my fears and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, but I’ve come to realize that I haven’t even scratched the surface!   This weekend, I’m speaking at an event...
9 min
168: How to Select the RIGHT People for a Tribe...
  This past week, I’ve been feeling the importance of my tribe on a whole new level. If you listened to my podcast with Mastin Kipp last week, you’ll understand what I mean when I say, “With every new level there’s a new devil.” This...
15 min
166: Give Life to More POSSIBILITIES by Making ...
  Today’s quickie is all about the word (and thing) justification. I once was a pro at justifying why I was the way I was (fearful, anxious etc.). I spent SO much time, energy and efforts on the excuses as to why I couldn’t do x-y-z when I...
10 min
How many of you scroll through social media more often than you’d like to admit? Hand raised here! But check this out… My friend, Michael Zeller, just informed me the other day that when you’re distracted from a task, it takes 13 minutes for...
16 min
163: How to be a Highly Successful COUPLE with ...
I am so excited to have my husband, Chris, on again! We’ve been asked a lot of questions such as: how do we work together day in and day out? How do we live our lives and what makes us happy? These conversations are so much fun for us and we love...
75 min
162: You CAN'T or You WON'T...Tools to Help You...
In light of the devastation that’s happening in Texas right now with Hurricane Harvey, I wanted to help in the best way I know how – and that’s through the reach of my amazing communities. As some of you may know, I’ve launched my FREE 14-Day...
12 min
160: Make Friends With Your FEAR
  Fear. Yes, it’s one of my favorite topics and I often feel like I should talk about it more because it’s seriously something that’s there every day. Heck, it’s with us is most moments, am I right? But it’s in these moments where some...
9 min
159: Why You’re Not Where You Want to Be and th...
I am so excited to have my soul sister, Angelike Norrie, back on my podcast! Having gone through so many challenging life events in the last couple of years, she’s here to share how her Six Guiding Principles helped carry her through them all....
76 min
158: Gain Your POWER By LETTING GO
As many of you know, I’m in the final days of writing my book (due this week) and the act of even doing this quickie podcast was painful. It’s not that I didn’t want to record a message for all of you, it’s just that I kept thinking about all...
10 min