Earn Your Happy

Where F*ck-Yes Dreams Come To Figure It Out. This is where your boldest dreams meet the raw, messy middle—the risks, the failures, and the “WTF am I even doing?” moments. 

It’s funny, vulnerable, and real as hell, because chasing big goals isn’t a straight line—it’s a rollercoaster. Top 25 in Entrepreneurship on Apple Podcasts | Forbes Top 11 Female-Led Business Podcasts Hosted by Lori Harder, entrepreneur, podcast host, author and founder of CPG wellness & beauty company Glōci, and your go-to business bestie matchmaker. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve got big dreams and a million ideas, but you’re missing some pieces—and maybe some key people—to bring it all together. We got you.

Follow along on Instagram too @loriharder for more inspiration just like this! This podcast is part of the YAP Media Network.

901. Ask Yourself These Questions For A Regret-...
Our trip to Italy was the exact shake up to my routine that I needed. Being immersed in this beautiful culture that's all about connection, friendship, long dinners, and great conversation brought me back to my North Star. It was a reminder that I'm...
9 min
900. It’s OK Not To Reach Your Dreams, Somethin...
Lauren and I are talking about times in our lives when we were really manifesting something and it didn’t turn out the way we imagined it, but we’re so glad it happened that way because there was something even better on the other side. Lauren...
27 min
899. The Difference Between “Wanting” And “Deci...
Our recent trip to Italy is the perfect metaphor for wanting something versus deciding to do something. Chris and I break down the layers of decision that it took for us to actually follow through and take this vacation, plus something really valuable...
10 min
898. Get What You Want: Julie Solomon On How To...
I’m joined by brand expert, educator, podcaster, and now author Julie Solomon. Julie’s book is all about stepping into your power and cracking open so you can shine and fulfill your ultimate purpose. Julie and I discuss how to show up...
55 min
897. How To Stop Being Boring And Become An Ene...
No matter what industry you’re in, you’re an energy dealer. And at the end of the day, everyone wants to feel energized. How are you making sure that you’re transferring those vibes out into the world? I don’t know about you, but I feel some...
9 min
896. Why You Should Lean Into The Ebbs Of Life ...
You know those seasons where you’re not seeing alot of results, not feeling super motivated, and everything just feels kind of monotonous? Even just reading that might make you want to run in the other direction, but those ebb periods of life are...
20 min
895. What To Do If You're Afraid Of A Recession...
I wanted to have a conversation with Chris about what’s really going on in this uncertain economy, what he thinks is coming in the future, and how we can prepare ourselves so that we don’t experience a repeat of 2008/2009 when we had to start over...
29 min
894. How To Determine Which Fundraising Option ...
I’m joined by VC-backed startup operator, angel investor, author, and podcast host Stef Caldwell. She’s a champion for not just getting women a seat at the table, but actually helping female-owned businesses build their own tables. We talk about...
50 min
893. What You Need To Start EXECUTING On Your G...
My friend and incredible entrepreneur Kim Perell coined the term ‘the execution factor' and it’s a concept that I’ve been coming back to a lot lately. I’ve realized that the reason why so many of us don’t execute on our desires and purpose...
15 min
892. The Power Of Social Media & Why We Chose T...
One of the biggest questions that I get asked is why we chose the direct-to-consumer (DTC) route instead of getting on the shelves of major retailers. In today’s episode, Lauren and I talk about the benefits of being DTC, how we collect data and...
26 min
891. Comfort Has Consequences, Here’s Why
There’s a balance between coasting and enjoying life, but also doing things that stretch you and get you out of your comfort zone. Chris and I talk about some ways that we’ve been switching up our energy, doing things that make us grow, and...
19 min
890. Skrewball Whiskey Co-Founder, Brittany Mer...
Connecting with other women in the alcoholic beverage space is so exciting for me, and I can’t wait for you to hear today’s conversation with Brittany Merrill Yeng, the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey. We talk...
49 min
889. How To Take Quantum Leaps By Full Immersion
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to audiobook, but something new really sticks out to me each time I go back to it. I’ve been thinking a lot about Gay Hendricks’ concept of ‘Upper Limiting’ when you are about to step a...
15 min
888. Listener Q&A: Navigating Imposter Syndrome...
We’re answering two listener questions today about navigating imposter syndrome and figuring out where to focus your energy. Lauren and I agree that imposter syndrome isn’t necessarily a bad thing一it’s actually a sign of growth and proof that...
15 min
887. Do Your Standards Match Your Goals?
Does your current routine match the standards that it takes to hit your life goals? What about your environment and the people that you surround yourself with? Chris and I have been noticing that there are gaps between where we want to be and where we...
13 min
886. Lisa Bilyeu On Radical Confidence: How To ...
Lisa Bilyeu is one of the co-founders of the billion-dollar Quest Nutrition company, as well as the co-founder and president of Impact Theory Studios. In her new book , she describes how she broke through her insecurities and self-doubt, pursued her...
49 min
885. Are You Too Comfortable In Your Rut?
I can really trick myself into being okay with being cozy and in a rut. It’s so easy to let your work blend into your entire day and give up some of your boundaries. Sweatpants and working in bed? We’ve all been there. I’ve recently switched up...
13 min
884. Why You Need To Play Bigger And How To Sto...
One of the consistent themes that I notice with the amazing entrepreneurs that I have on this show is their ability to confront their fears and believe that they’re truly meant for more than the status quo. Lauren and I are reflecting on that, plus...
26 min
883. One Expansive Time Where Everything Change...
We’re joined by our good friend Lindsey Schwartz of Powerhouse Women for today’s He Said, She Said! We each share one moment or event of expansiveness when we did something that felt either scary or irresponsible or unreasonable, but it became...
20 min
882. The Basics Of NFTs And How To Get Started ...
If you’ve listened to any of our recent He Said, She Said episodes, then you know that Chris and I are super into NFTs and investing in the Web3 space. There’s so much buzz around this next stage of the internet that I wanted to invite one of the...
42 min
881. Listener Q&A: How To Prepare For The Unkno...
We’re answering listener questions today about how to prepare for the unknown, what it’s like to go from concept to launch, and simple ways to get noticed by the people that inspire you. I explain how I do my ‘if this, then that’ exercise to...
30 min
879. Stop Being Responsible For Others’ Emotion...
When you’re at an event and you notice that someone is clearly not having a good time, what’s your reaction? If you’re anything like I used to be, you would take yourself out of the fun and try and shift that person’s energy, solve their...
16 min
878. Why Less Is More When It Comes To Systems ...
We’ve been getting alot of DMs about how we keep track of and organize our ideas, plans, and projects. Lauren and I are diving in on the tech systems that we use, how we prioritize tasks, and why we keep things as simple and user-friendly as...
29 min
877. 3 Ways We Have Created Our Dream Life (Tha...
Chris and I had this moment on our walk through our new neighborhood in Newport where we realized that we’re building the life that we always dreamed of. We want to share the formula that we’ve used to get here, and even though it’ll look...
17 min
876. Neuroscientist Dr. Ethan Kross On How To C...
Learning how to regulate my inner voice and shift into positive self-talk has been one of the greatest tools that I’ve learned in my entrepreneurial journey. I’m joined by Dr. Ethan Kross, who is a leading expert on training the voice inside your...
45 min